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Пособие LAND.doc
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I. Study the following words & word combinations:

Control, taxation, survey, soil classification, relate, register, assessment, evaluation, market value, land settlements, immediate, intensity, landscape, transaction, facility, perennial plantation, hay field, remoteness.

2. Give the equivalents of the following word combinations in your language:

Land use practice, level of living, cadastral survey, land conservation, land-title system, land settlement, land inventory, land capability, land user.

3. Write the following verbs in the Present, Past, Future Continuous Tenses, make up sentences with them:

To increase, to plan, to consult, to estimate, to supply, to make, to value, to carry out, to develop, to survey.

4. Give the antonyms of the following words with the help of prefixes:

Un- : known, developed, pleasant, limited, stable, reasonable, desirable, achieved, natural, successful

Non-: living, natural, aesthetic, resistance, permit , achieved.

5. Read the text and tell what problem they discuss in the text given below:


Assessment of the land, primarily depends on its location, the influence of external factors of supply and demand in the market and competitive nature of the sellers and buyers, and may not exceed the most probable cost of the acquisition of a plot of equivalent value.

Obviously, the market value of land and site changes over time, so the assessment of land has always held at a specific time period. Earth settlements (towns, villages and other settlements) are estimated on the basis of analysis of market data on transactions of sale, rents, prices of proposals for real estate (including vacant land); information about engineering and transport infrastructure, facilities and social amenities care, the environment, historical and architectural and aesthetic value of landscape, landscape and recreational value of the territory.

Assessment of agricultural land is determined based on the actual yields of major crops, hayfields, the productivity of grazing land, perennial plantations, the structure of sown areas, selling price of agricultural products in the region of Kazakhstan and the necessary cost of production of major crops. Determining the value of land in the summer garden cooperatives and associations based on the analysis of the price of transactions for the sale or offer price for the undeveloped areas, the presence and intensity of traffic, the availability of electricity, gas and water supply remoteness from major centers of infrastructure, ecological environment in the region, as well as other factors affecting the valuation of land.

Please note that in the case of buildings, as a rule, also assesses the land on which the building is measured - in the cost approach.

1. Give the equivalents of the following word combinations in your language:

Land use practice, level of living, cadastral survey, land conservation, land-title system, land inventory, land capability, land user, garden cooperative, ecological environment, water supply remoteness.

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