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Пособие LAND.doc
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I. Study the following words & word combinations:

Land quality, concept, comparative evaluation, soil property, embrace, affect, correction, humidity, complete evaluation, great stability, extent, land supply, crop rotation, respective.

II. Define the part of speech of the following words:

Productivity, definite, assessment, combining, strongly, final, respective, ecologic, qualitative, considerable, coefficients, calculated.

III. Translate the following sentences into your language:

  1. Due to the fact it is based on economic indices the economic land

evaluation can vary from year to year to a considerable extent.

  1. The use of calculated yields of crops is rather common for all the methods

of land evaluation.

  1. The change of crop rotation system and of fertilizer application, etc.,

results in a respective change in the evaluation values of soils and

ecologic conditions.

  1. Soil assessment is the first stage in evaluating land.

  2. The factors affect strongly the final economic results.

IV. Insert necessary prepositions:

  1. Soil assessment is the first stage … evaluating land.

  2. The rating … the natural soil properties influencing yields is the aim

… soil assessment.

  1. The economic evaluation … land comes as a final stage … the complete

evaluation … land.

  1. The change … crop rotation system and … fertilizer application, results

… a respective change … the evaluation values … soil.

V. Retell the text ‘Soil assessment and Land evaluation’.


Read the dialogue and tell what problem they are discussing:

  • What is land evaluation concerned with?

  • Land evaluation deals with the assessment of land performance when used for specified purposes.

  • What does it involve?

  • It involves the execution and interpretation of basic surveys of soils, climate, vegetation and other aspects of land. The comparisons must incorporate economic considerations within the physical, economic and social context of the area considered.

  • What questions does land evaluation answer?

  • Land evaluation should answer the following questions:

- How is the land currently managed and what will happen if present practices remain unchanged?

- What improvements in management practices within the present use are possible?

- What other uses of land are physically possible and economically and socially relevant?

- Which of these uses offer possibilities of sustained production or other benefits?

-What adverse effects, physical, economic or social, are associated with each use?

- What inputs are necessary to bring about the desired production and minimize the adverse effects?

- What are the benefits of each form of use?

  • Are there any additional questions that should be answered?

  • If the introduction of a new use involves significant change in the land itself, as for example, in irrigation schemes, then the following additional questions should be answered:

- What changes in the condition of the land are feasible and necessary and how can they be brought about?

- What non-recurrent inputs are necessary to implement these changes?

  • Does evaluation determine the land use changes?

  • The land evaluation does not determine the land use changes that are to be carried out; but evaluation provides data on the basis of which such decisions can be taken. The output from land evaluation normally gives information of each area of land including the beneficial and adverse consequences of land use planning.

I. Study the following words:

Evaluation, specified, purpose, vegetation, currently, improvements, management, sustain, benefit, involve, significant, implement, consequences, adverse, output.

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