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Пособие LAND.doc
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I. Study the following words:

Land use planning, broad, numerous, to consider, planners, economic returns, proper, response, land productivity, land parcels, economic assessment.

II. Make up sentences with the words & word combinations given


Numerous factors, land productivity, economic returns, land parcel, evaluation, modern science, farm production.

III. Insert prepositions if necessary:

1. They must know all the factors that influence … the proper, sound and

wise land uses.

2. They are to understand the response … land as the main factor … farm

production to varying input combinations … capital and labor.

3. Land use planning calls … a more broad understanding … numerous

factors that influence land uses.

4. The great differences which exist … land productivity result … incomes.

IV. Give the synonyms of the following words:

response, assessment, application, objective, consider, proper, income, reveal.

V. Render the text ‘Land resources and their economic evaluation’:


Soil assessment, land quality and productivity evaluation, economic evaluation of land and registration of land uses are the main concepts of land cadastre.

The comparative evaluation of soil, for example, as regards their natural productivity is known as soil assessment. The rating of the natural soil properties influencing yields is the aim of soil assessment. The land use planners consider the factors which determine both the potential and actual fertility. Land productivity evaluation embraces various factors such as soil, climate, geographic location, etc. These factors affect strongly the final economic results.

Soil assessment is the first stage in evaluating land. The next stage is land productivity evaluation which is, in fact, a correction of soil assessment by coefficients for climate, humidity, etc. The economic evaluation of land comes as a final, concluding stage of the complete evaluation of land as a means of production.

Soil assessment and land productivity evaluation are both characterized by a comparatively great stability as compared to the economic evaluation of land. Due to the fact that it is based on economic indices the economic land evaluation can vary from year to year to a considerable extent. The economic land evaluation is subject to considerable fluctuation.

The use of calculated yields of crops is rather common for all the methods of land evaluation. A common feature of the approach to land evaluation is the combining of land evaluation and land supply. A general concept, known as “land cadastre” gives expression to that relation which is, in fact, both qualitative and quantitative assessment of land used in agriculture.

Soil assessment and land productivity evaluation are actually valid only at a definite level of technology of crops. The change of crop rotation system and of fertilizer application, etc., results in a respective change in the evaluation values of soils and ecologic conditions. Therefore it is necessary to repeat economic evaluation of land or correct the existing one by suitable methods.

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