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Пособие LAND.doc
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I. Study the following words & word combinations:

antiquarian booksellers, lucrative, collectibles, contemporary changes, accessible, predominantly, layout, navigational chart, aerial, disregard, superficially, intriguing, reminisce, relive, customarily, supplementing, benefactor, predispose, to sift, pending.

II. Answer the following tasks to the text:

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

  1. Why hobbyists always flaunt their map collections

  2. How maps can be collected by professionals and enthusiasts

  3. How to assure an interrupted flow of collectibles

  4. What cartographers advocate as a worthy undertaking

  1. The word “lucrative” is closest in meaning to

  1. instructive

  2. insensitive

  3. profitable

  4. profuse

  1. According to the passage, map collecting as a hobby is

  1. not deserving of the time and resources

  2. not as conventional as collecting stamps

  3. as eccentric as collecting dolls

  4. conformist in the best sense of the word

  1. It can be inferred from the passage that, at a time when maps were accessible

to the upper socioeconomic classes, they appealed also to a fair number of

  1. professional copiers

  2. ardent devotees

  3. buried-treasure hunters

  4. obscure amateur dealers

  1. The phrase “economic means” is closest in meaning to

  1. economic maps

  2. fiscal responsibility

  3. available funds

  4. capital investment

  1. The author of the passage mentions all of the following as sources of procuring maps EXCEPT

  1. fellow collectors

  2. map vendors

  3. personal archives

  4. publishers

  1. The author uses the phrase “superficially prosaic” to mean

described in informal prose

seemingly boring and unimaginative

useful for travelers who enjoy a change

potentially uncovered

  1. The word “ predisposed” is closest in meaning to

  1. pressured

  2. provoked

  3. condemned

  4. inclined

  1. A paragraph following the passage would most likely discuss

  1. specific organizations to contact about map acquisition

  2. specific mapping techniques used to enlarge the scale

  3. trimming and framing valuable acquisitions

  4. volunteering time and work to maintain obsolete maps.

Grammar reference Passive Voice 1

We make passive verbs with be( am, is, are etc)+ past participle( Ved/ V3).

Passive verbs have the same tenses (Simple present, present progressive , present perfect) as active verbs.

When A does something to B there are two ways to talk about it active and passive .

We use active verbs if we want A to be the subject.

We use passive verbs if we want B to be the subject.


My mother cooks the meals. The meals are cooked by my mother.

Somebody saw her in Astana. She was seen in Astana.

They will build the hospital . The hospital will be built.

Simple present passive

We use the simple present passive for things that are always true and things that happen all the time.

The room is cleaned every week.

Stamps are not sold here.

Future passive

We use the simple future passive to say things that we think, guess, know about the future.

The match will be played in London.

Past passive

We use the simple past passive for complete finished actions and events.

We were not met at the door.

The letter was written yesterday.

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