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I.Listen to the text of the lesson again and answer the following questions;

1. What is the duty of the second mate? 2. Who superintends all the work of stevedore gangs? 3. Whom does each gang usually consist of? 4. Who allots a definite gang for each hatch? 5. Whom does the cargo officer have to deal with in the course of loading and discharging? 6. What must he explain to the stevedores?

7.In what condition should the packing be when packed goods are taken aboard?

8.In what case may the second mate reject the goods? 9. What should be done with the packing of such goods to get them accepted for shipment? 10. On what condition may damaged goods be sometimes accepted for shipment? 11. On what document should this clause be endorsed? 12. Who is to take precautions against possible casualties and injuries to the crew and stevedores when handling the cargo?

II.Do this exercise together with your partner.

(a)Ask your partner to translate these sentences. (Revisegrammar on the "Objective with the Past Participle" first.)

1. We want to have the engine repaired. 2. They want to have the boat painted. 3. He wants to have his motor car repaired. 4. She wants to have her dress ironed. 5. I want to have my letter posted.

(b)Ask your partner to asnwer the following questions expressing a request, using the model.

Model: Do you want to have these boxes opened?

Yes, have them opened, please.

1. Do you want to have these labels secured? 2. Do you wish to have these bags sewn up? 3. Do you want to have these letters posted? 4. Do you want to have the rails stowed here? 5 Do you want to have these packages reconditioned?


III. Listen to the short dialogues, repeat each sentence during the pauses and learn the dialogues by heart:

"These cases contain fragile goods. Please handle them with care." "They mustn't be turned over, may they?"

"By no means! Only top uppermost."


"How many boxes shall we sling for each draft?"

"Exactly 20 boxes for each draft. Mind you check their number before you send them up."


"Wait a moment. Put aside those five packages." "Why, what's wrong with them?"

"The packing has been tampered with. I can't accept them."

IV. Listen to each of the long dialogues again and retell briefly their contents from the point of view of: (a) one speaker, (b) the other speaker, (c) an onlooker.

Make your partner ask you about some details which you missed.

V.Write the dictation:

The second mate's duty is to see to the loading, stowing and discharging of the cargo. The stevedoring company details several stevedore gangs to do the job. Each gang consists of a foreman, a hatchman, two or three winchmen and some ordinary stevedores. The foreman supervises the work of his gang. The chief or boss stevedore is detailed by the stevedoring company to superintend the work being done by all the stevedore gangs working aboard the ship.

In the course of loading the second mate has to deal with all the above


people. He must explain to them how he wants to have the cargo stowed. He must instruct them how he intends to have the heavy crates lashed and secured. It is his duty also to check how the work has been done.

VI. Practise in pairs enacting the following situations. You act as the second mate, your partner — as the foreman. Then you change your parts.

(a)You are instructing the foreman of a stevedore gang how to discharge the goods, he is asking you questions to make your instructions more concrete. As an example, take such goods which you had to deal with and which you know better irom your own experience.

(b)You are checking the goods which the shippers are going to load aboard your vessel. You find some defects in the packing of goods and you either reject the goods or make the shippers substitute new ones for them or recondition the packing.

(c)In one of the holds you are instructing the foreman how you want to have the barrels stowed. You reject some of these barrels because they are leaky. The foreman promises you to have them rehooped and puts them aside. Further, you blame the stevedore for inefficient securing the rails with ropes and explain to him how to secure them properly with chain lashings.

VII. Translate into English:

Сколько человек в вашей бригаде? Вы говорите, двенадцать человек? Хорошо, тогда вся бригада будет работать в третьем трюме. Кто у вас старший? Вы? Очень приятно. Нам нужно договориться, как укладывать груз. Прежде всего будем укладывать рельсы. Я хочу, чтобы на дно трюма уложили деревянную сепарацию. Там в твиндеке есть толстые доски. Пусть грузчики положат их поперек. Рельсы должны укладываться рядами в замок. Конечно, рельсы должны укладываться вдоль трюма. Пусть ваши люди проложат старые концы между рядами. Я хочу, чтобы по краям рядов проложили толстые доски. Их нужно укрепить распорками к переборкам.


Верхний ряд рельс нужно покрыть досками. Поверх этих досок пусть грузчики уложат бочки с цементом. Бочки нужно ставить стоймя. Я хочу, чтобы сверху бочек уложили несколько рядов кип с джутом. Вы спрашиваете, нужно ли оставлять проходы между штабелями джута? Нет, не нужно. Укладывайте без проходов. В твиндеках нам придется уложить большие клети с машинным оборудованием. Только их нужно хорошо занайтовить стальным тросом. Трос нужно будет крепить к рымам на твиндечной палубе. Может быть, вам придется их укрепить также распорками или заклинить бревнами.


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