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3. Підставте в речення артикль the там, де потрібно.

1. Do you play­­­­------ guitar?

2. Have you ever been to----- Caribbean?

3. It was light at four o’clock in----- morning.

4. We spoke ------ English most of the time.

5. Did you go by ----- train?

6. Let’s go to ------ Plaza Cinema.

7. Do you ever watch ------ foreign films?

4. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Поясніть використання ступенів порівняння прикметника.

1.Cars are safer than motorbikes.

2. Money is less important than love.

3. Money isn’t as important as love.

4. The jaguar is the fastest animal in the world.

5. Motor racing is one of the most dangerous sports.

6. Kate is the best of the three sisters.

  1. Закресліть артикль там, де його не потрібно вживати.

1.When my father was at the University, he went to the Netherlands on the holiday.

2. He and a friend went by the ferry from Dover to a port.

3. Then they went to the Amsterdam.

4 They stayed in the centre at the Paradiso Hotel.

5. At $10 at night, it was the cheapest place to stay.

6. There were the two huge rooms.

7. The French they speak in Quebec is quite hard to understand.

8. Have you got the money you owe me?

6. Поєднайте два речення в одне.

1. He is a man. He is intelligent.

2. It is a village. It is crowded.

3. She is a soccer player. She is popular.

4. We are students. We are good.

5. This is an exercise. This is easy.

7. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи nompiбний ступінь порівняння прикметників.

1. Mr Brown is… (tall) than Mr Smith.

2. The weather is… (fine) today than it was yesterday.

3. Tom is… (clever) manager in the company.

4. Your skirt is … (long) than mine.

5. My secretary is… (good) than yours.

6. You look… ( good) in … (bright) clothes than darker clothes.

7. The staff will be much …(happy) in their new office.

8. Перекладіть речення на англійську мову.

1. Ця робота легша від тієї.

2. Цей роман більш захоплюючий, ніж той.

3. Андрій Миронов — талановитіший актор, ніж інші.

4. Ці люди приємнiші, ввічливіші, гостинніші, ніж ті.

5. Цей будинок вищий за той.

6. Сьогодні вода в річці холодніша, ніж учора.

7. Одяг з бавовни дешевший ніж з шовку.

9. Вставте дієслово to be у потрібному часі.

1. What …. your name? – My mane …. John Cartwright.

2. I …. from New York.

3. I …. at work yesterday.

4. My aunt …. very depressed last Sunday.

5. I think he …. a student next year.

6. We …. at school tomorrow.

7. Where … you yesterday?


10. Знайдіть до термінів, що ліворуч, визначення.

a) lecturer 1) A group of university departments.

b) hostel 2) A building where students, or other people living away from home, can eat and sleep cheaply.

c) faculty 3) A person who teaches at a university or college.


11. Прочитайте вислови та прислів’я. Перекладіть та напишіть погоджуєтесь ви з ними чи ні. Поясніть свою позицію, використовуючи наступні сталі фразеологічні вирази:

To my mind….. Мені здається.......

With regard to…. Що стосується......

I consider that…. Я вважаю, що......

It is evident that…. Очевидно, що....

Hence… Отже...

From my viewpoint…. З моєї точки зору...

“Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain”.

“The more you know, the more you know you don’t know”.

“The teacher has not taught, until the student has learned”.

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere”.

“An education obtained with money is worse than no education at all”.


Контрольна робота № 1

Варіант 2
