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Neutron Scattering in Biology - Fitter Gutberlet and Katsaras

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16 Quasielastic Neutron Scattering: Applications


such observations, it has been concluded, that the degree of “softness” of the membrane modulates the function of bacteriorhodopsin by allowing or not allowing large-amplitude molecular motions in the protein [36]. Of course the parameter < u2 > as defined in [36] represents some kind of an average over three orders of magnitude on the frequency scale. But not all modes of diffusive molecular motions behave exactly in the same way. A more detailed phenomenological analysis of QINS data in terms of quasielastic linewidths and quasielastic incoherent structure factors (QISFs), corresponding to an interpretation by orientational jump-di usion of molecular subunits, suggests that slower di usive motions with jump rates of about 109 s1 start to be seen already near 190 K, whereas faster motions with rates from about 1010 to 1012 s1 appear to be “turned on” in the temperature region from 200 K to about 220 K [101,102]. It should therefore be emphasized, that the “dynamical transition” does not have a unique transition temperature.

Already previously we have pointed out [100], that the dehydration/rehydration behavior of PM is strongly correlated with the temperature-dependent behavior of the dynamic structure factor. Above the “dynamical transition” of PM, reported earlier [36], a second dynamical transition is caused by the temperature-induced rehydration upon heating the PM, which starts near 255 K. Figure 16.16 shows both e ects as derived from QINS spectra of the same purple membrane sample [143]. The parameters directly obtained from the measurements are the amount of quasielastic scattering (i.e., the value of the QISF) and its energy width, both as a function of Q. These quantities stand for the macromolecular flexibility. The QISF is related to the spatial extension of the volume required for the confined di usive motions of H-atoms in the sample, (see also Sect. 15.2.2 in Part I, this volume, and Sects. 16.4.2 and 16.4.3 of this article). It permits a weighted average of the amplitudes of stochastic (localized di usive) motions of the hydrogen atoms to be calculated, which are bound in the macromolecules. For a qualitative analysis the simplest model was used. It allows to estimate this volume by calculating the QISF for orientationally averaged two-site jumps (see Eqs. 15.27 and 15.28, Table 15.1 and Fig. 15.1 in Part I, this volume), with a jump distance d2S (see for instance [2], p. 193–196) as parameter of the fit. The value of d2S which would yield the measured QISF, was determined as a function of temperature in a heating cycle (Fig. 16.16). The sample had been equilibrated at room temperature in an atmosphere of 98% r.h. (D2O vapor). The experimental values of d2S (triangles) are shown together with a phenomenological model curve. The vertical arrows indicate the limiting temperatures, near which – in the course of the photocycle – BR does no longer return to the ground state, but stops at the intermediates K, L, M1, and M2, respectively [143].

The comparison of Figs. 16.15 and 16.16 suggests the following interesting observations: In the temperature region below T 255 K, the value of dl is practically constant, i.e., the water layer thickness on the membrane surface essentially does not vary. Above T 255 K, the layer thickness increases drastically, but in a continuous fashion, until the final value is reached at the melting discontinuity point Tmh of membrane water. The temperature

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PM 98% r.h. at 295K






































































































































































T (K)






Fig. 16.16. Two-site jump distance d2S of the purple membrane sample H1 as a function of temperature in a heating cycle, as determined from the experimental QISF. This phenomenological parameter, derived from QINS spectra measured with the direct-geometry TOF spectrometer IN6 (see Sect. 15.3.1 in Part I, this volume) at ILL, stands for the molecular flexibility. It measures a weighted average of the amplitudes of stochastic (localized di usive) motions of the hydrogen atoms bound in the macromolecules (see Eqs. 15.27 and 15.28, Table 15.1 and Fig. 15.1 in Part I, this volume). The sample had been equilibrated at room temperature in an atmosphere of 98% r.h. (D2O vapor). The experimental values (triangles) are shown together with a phenomenological model curve. The vertical arrows indicate the limiting temperatures, near which the photocycle does not reach its end, i.e., BR does not return to the ground state, but stops at the intermediates K, L, M1, and M2, respectively [141]. Figure taken from [143]

variation of the jump distance d2S (Fig. 16.16) below T 255 K, is fundamentally di erent from that of the lamellar lattice constant. The jump distance stays close to zero below 200 K, but starts to grow continuously and significantly beyond this point. Up to T 255 K, this is clearly a pure e ect of thermal activation, since the amount of water present in the membrane multilayer is constant in this temperature region. Therefore, this phenomenon must be attributed to the intrinsic dynamical transition of the purple membrane complex including a monomolecular water layer bound to the membrane surface. Above T 255 K, however, the addition of liquid interbilayer water visibly accelerates the increase in flexibility, as demonstrated by a drastic increase of the jump distance. A separation of the pure e ect of temperature on the purple membrane, from that of the plasticizing action of water has been achieved here. At the same time, these observations suggest the following interpretation of the results of [138–141]: When T 230 K, because of a lack

16 Quasielastic Neutron Scattering: Applications


of intrinsic flexibility of the purple-membrane hydration-shell complex at this and lower temperatures, the photocycle stops at the M1-intermediate state; at somewhat higher temperatures, near T 255 K, the photocycle proceeds further, but stops just after the M2-intermediate state has been reached, because at this and lower temperatures, the required additional flexibility is missing, which is only provided, when water is present at the membrane surface, not exclusively within the first hydration shell, but also beyond it.

16.6 Conclusions

Quasielastic scattering including low-energy-transfer inelastic scattering of neutrons, is an excellent tool to evaluate the elementary steps of di usive motions and the character of vibrational densities of state of the complex stucture of biological matter, on scales from atomic to mesoscopic dimensions and times. We have reviewed a number of examples of application in this article.

First, we have presented results concerning translational long-range di u- sive motions of myoglobin in aqueous solution under “crowded” conditions. This oxygen storage molecule is located in muscles and is believed to assist oxygen transport by di usion from the cell membrane to the low partial pressure regions in the mitochondria. Neutron scattering is so far the only technique which allows to study both protein interactions and protein motions over intermolecular distances at physiological concentration. Of particular interest is the fact, that QENS allows to probe protein dynamics directly inside cells.

The second topic treated is antenna complexes. One of their important functions during the primary steps of photosynthesis, is to perform an e - cient excitation energy transfer. In this, the coupling of the purely electronic transitions of pigments to low-frequency vibrational modes of the protein matrix play an essential role. Apart from optical spectroscopy, IINS has become a technique of choice as an independent experimental approach to study the e ective vibrational density of states g(ω) of photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes. Here, we have discussed results of IINS experiments on the photosynthetic antenna complex LHC II from spinach, leading to the determination of this function.

Because of the strong correlation between functionality, dynamics, and environment, it is of great interest, to study the dynamics of biological systems as a function of environmental parameters. We have discussed quasielastic neutron scattering experiments dealing with the molecular mobility of lysozyme solvated in glycerol, with various water contents, as a function of temperature. These studies have revealed the alteration of the protein’s internal mobility, when the character of its environment changes from a stabilizer-like to a plasticizer-like nature. This is the signature of a progressive onset of new relaxational degrees of freedom of internal protein motions, probably related

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to groups located at the protein surface. Apparently, also in the presence of glycerol, water molecules are able to gradually activate the whole lysozyme dynamics by progressively hydrating the protein surface groups. This may be interpreted as a hydration-driven onset of confined di usive internal protein motions.

Another interesting subject concerns the modification of protein dynamics due to ligand binding. A pertinent experimental neutron scattering investigation on the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, an important target for anticancer and antibacterial drugs, was presented. The ligand used is methotrexate (MTX), a folate antagonist of DHFR employed e ectively as a cytotoxic agent in the treatment of cancers. The results suggest, that the complexation may lead to an increased importance of relaxational modes (at low frequencies) in this whole system, and to complexation-caused damping of the vibrations (in an intermediate frequency region) and thus to an increased flexibility of the macromolecular ensemble, as compared to the uncomplexed case. Complexation of DHFR apparently softens the enzyme and makes this macromolecule more flexible, an e ect which could be relevant for its biochemical activity. From the methodical and application points of view, such results may be considered as promising for the development of medical diagnostics.

Hydration water, its interaction with the surface of biological macromolecules and macromolecular complexes, and its di usion generally are relevant for structure, dynamics, and function of biological systems. Low-dimensional di usion plays an important role for certain biological objects, such as ion transport channels and membrane surfaces. Two-dimensional proton di usion and conduction assisted by water molecules provide an important mechanism of energy transduction in living organisms. The QENS experiments we have discussed here, concern the transport of water molecules on the surface of the purple membrane (PM) of Halobacterium salinarum. PM contains the protein bacteriorhodopsin (BR) which becomes a one-dimensional stochastically pulsed proton conductor, when activated by light. This is a light-driven proton pump generating an electrochemical gradient across the membrane, which is employed by the bacterium as an energy source, for instance to furnish the driving force for ATP synthesis. The water molecules were found to serve as vehicles of two-dimensional long-range translational proton di usion parallel to the membrane plane. Self-di usion and reorientation of water molecules are about five to six times slower, and the translational jump distance is three times larger than the corresponding quantities of bulk water at room temperature. These facts are related to the presence of protonable sites on the membrane surface, which have distances of this order of magnitude from each-other and slow down the di usion process.

The amount of water associated with any specific biological system, and the temperature are two of the most important factors controlling the kinetics of the biological function of the macromolecules involved. We have

16 Quasielastic Neutron Scattering: Applications


discussed the question, how these environmental conditions are correlated with the macromolecular dynamics, and what this correlation can tell us about the role of dynamics for function. It is a known fact, that the photocycle slows down with decreasing temperature and is “frozen in” at specific intermediate states, when the growing time constant of the latter has become practically infinite. This phenomenon has been related with the dynamical transition of PM, announcing the onset (upon heating) of localized di usive molecular motions at temperatures in the neighborhood of 200 K, and with the temperature-induced rehydration of PM upon heating, which starts near 255 K. A strong correlation between the temperature-dependent behavior of the dynamic structure factor observed with neutron scattering and the course of the photocycle was discovered. Both the temperature and the T -dependent level of hydration are important parameters of this correlation. A separation of the pure e ect of temperature from that of the plasticizing action of water on the purple membrane with its integral protein, the proton pump BR, and its ability to function, has been achieved. This clearly demonstrates that the photocycle, in order to be complete (and thus the proton pumping function of bacteriorhodopsin to be operational), requires molecular dynamics in the picosecond to nanosecond range and is turned o when the corresponding molecular motions are frozen or dried out.

Some of the dynamical features which are specific for the complex molecular systems encountered in biology, are connected with the fact that hydrogen bonding plays an important role. In particular, it is the process of formation and breaking of H-bonds, which represents an important ingredient of related di usive mechanisms. The observability by neutron scattering of the chemical reaction equilibrium underlying the H-bond formation and breaking process has already been established in other fields [74], but not yet extensively exploited for biological problems.

In general, the synthesis between the results of quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering, M¨oßbauer spectroscopy, nuclear resonance scattering of synchrotron radiation, nuclear magnetic resonance studies, frequencyde- pendent conductivity spectroscopy using electromagnetic waves from the microwave to the (far) infrared region, and ultrasonic measurements, computer simulation and the development of new analytical approaches, is fruitful and necessary for the further development of the field. Future e orts in this sense will contribute to a more comprehensive and sophisticated understanding of the low-frequency and di usive dynamics in biological matter.


We would like to thank our colleagues, J. Pieper, A. Paciaroni, J.C. Smith, M. Tehei, W. Doster, J. Fitter, and N. A. Dencher for a number of clarifying discussions concerning the experimental results presented.

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