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Kluwer - Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis Vol

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Walter and Klein

The automatic threshold: The threshold can be seen as the minimal contrast a detail must have in order to be considered as a candidate.

If the threshold is chosen manually, we lose the main advantages of an entirely automatic analysis. If a fix threshold is applied, we have to deal with a lot of false positives or with poor sensitivity, because the contrast of microaneurysms may be very different from one image to another. If it depends exclusively on the histogram of the top-hat image, it is supposed that the image contains microaneurysms. Hence, we have to find a compromise between a fix a histogram-dependent threshold.

In order to find an automatic method for the determination of an automatic threshold, we have analyzed 10 retinal images. For all these images, we have chosen an “optimal” threshold using ROC-analysis, i.e., a threshold that gives the best compromise between sensitivity and number of false positives.

This optimal threshold has then been compared to statistical properties of the top-hat image (standard deviation, amount of noise, volume of the top-hat image, etc.). The most obvious relation has been found between the volume of the top-hat image and the optimal threshold. This relation is shown in Fig. 7.30.

This result is not really surprising. The volume of the top-hat image depends on two image properties: the contrast and the amount of noise. On the one hand,

optimal threshold

optimal threshold vs. volume of tophat image





















volume of tophat

Figure 7.30: Optimal threshold versus volume of top hat.


Analysis of Color Fundus Photos and Its Application to Diabetic Retinopathy


the better the contrast is, the higher the threshold can be chosen. On the other hand, the higher the amount of noise is, the higher the threshold must be chosen.

However, some “fix” information must be incorporated by using lower and

upper bounds for the threshold:












V < 80000
















tvol (V )



10−4 V



80000 V










V > 130000








The candidate regions are determined by a double threshold technique (see [6] for details). This technique allows one to apply a lower threshold without accepting a higher number of candidates:

C A2

= T 2



f )


C A1

T[tvol ,tmax ]

ϑφλ( f )



= RC A2 (C A1)





[ 3 · tvol ,tmax ]





This improvement in the determination of the candidate region is important, because the features that are calculated for the candidates depend a lot on this region, as we will see in the following paragraph.

Elimination of the candidates situated on the vessels: Before calculating the features, we can exclude all candidates situated on the vascular tree. As we have seen, a top-hat transformation associated to a morphological closing extracts all dark details that cannot contain the structuring element, i.e., all “holes” and all “ditches,” and as a consequence all microaneurysms and all vessels. Comparing the morphological top-hat transformation with the one associated to the diameter closing of the same size, we can identify the false candidates situated on vessels and hemorrhages: For candidates not situated on vessels, we can

assume that the values of the two top-hat images are approximately the same:

2 3 2 3

( p) (x) ≈ ϑφλ( p) (x) (7.39)

This is not the case for candidates situated on the vessels. We can write the modified candidate image C A as

C A = #x C A | 2ϑφ(sB) ( p)3 (x) ≤ 2 · 2ϑφλ( p)3 (x)$ (7.40)

Candidates situated on the optic disk can be easily removed using the segmentation result from section 7.5.2.


Walter and Klein

Feature extraction and classification: With the top-hat transformation and the automatic threshold, we have found candidates, i.e. possible microaneurysms, using just a size criterion and a contrast measure (threshold). However, there are still many false positives, and the result is not acceptable. But there are still other properties to be exploited. We used the following features in order to classify the candidates into true microaneurysms and false positives:

The surface: Fundus images are often corrupted by noise (high frequency gray level variations). Hence, there are many small “holes” and “peaks” in the image; therefore, the surface of the candidate regions is an important feature:

Surf(Ci) = #Ci


The circularity: We have used the maximal extension as a feature. That means that small linear features are also extracted. The circularity may help excluding them:

Circ(Ci) =




The maximal value of the top-hat image: In the threshold operation, we have already used this feature. On the other hand, it may be important to combine it with other features.

M Vϑ











x Ci












The dynamic: The dynamic is a measure of “deepness” of a minimum. If a minimum is very deep or in contrary very shallow, it is probably not a microaneurysm.

The outer mean value: It is also important to take into consideration the absolute gray level values on the outside of the candidate. The mean on the external gradient can help finding false positives due to exudates or hemorrhages (see Fig. 7.31):

Ex(Ci) = δ3BCi \ δ BCi


x i



µext =






Ex(C )


The contrast measure: The maximal value of the top-hat image is a contrast measure: It is the difference between the local minimum and the level for which the flooding stops. Another contrast measure is the difference

Analysis of Color Fundus Photos and Its Application to Diabetic Retinopathy


Figure 7.31: Two types of false positives that can be identified using the mean value of the prefiltered image on the external gradient of the candidate.

between the mean value on the external gradient of the candidate region

and the mean value on the candidate region itself:


µint( f ) =




f (x)



#Ci x Ci










µext( f ) =





f (x)















x i



contr f (Ci) = µext( f ) − µint( f )


The color: We have already seen in the section 5.2 that the green channel contains the most important information about blood-containing elements in the retina and this is why it is used for the detection of microaneurysms. However, there is also some information in the red, and sometimes in the blue channel. We have studied a lot of color features; the most efficient are the following two:

1.Color Contrast in the Luv color space: In the Luv color space, the euclidean distance can be seen as the “true” distance, i.e. the perceptible distance. We used, therefore, the euclidean distance between the color on the candidate region and the color on its external gradient:






µ (v))2




contrLuv (Ci) =

(µext(L) − µint(L))2


(µext(u) − µint(u))2
















2.Contrast of the principal components of the red and the blue channel: In order to find color information complementary to the


Walter and Klein

information in the green channel, we use the principal component cprb of the blue and the green channel as a feature:

contrcprb (Ci) = µext(cprb) − µint(cprb)


These two features do not depend strongly on each other. They help identifying some false positives, but their efficiency is limited.

For the classification, a KNN-classifier is used (K-nearest neighbors), for it has been shown to work well even if there are outliers [23, 24]. We do not detail this method, for it is a standard method of classification.

As training set, we used a set of 16 images. We asked two ophthalmologists to mark the microaneurysms independently and then to compare and discuss their results. They finally agreed on 201 microaneurysms; this has been taken as a golden standard. Our algorithm was then applied on these images; 924 candidates were found. Among them were 199 true positives. These candidates were used to train the classifier. Results

The algorithm has been tested on 57 images and the results have been compared to the ones obtained by two human graders: As for the training set, the specialists graded the images independently, then they compared and discussed the results. The result of this procedure was considered as golden standard.

The comparison with the automatic method gave a mean sensitivity of 88.1% and a predictive value of 83.8% (2.3 F P per image). In Fig. 7.32, an example is shown.

(a) Microaneurysms in a color image

(b) Detected microaneurysms

Figure 7.32: Result of microaneurysm detection in color images.

Analysis of Color Fundus Photos and Its Application to Diabetic Retinopathy


7.6.2 The Detection of Hard Exudates Motivation

Hard exudates are yellowish intraretinal deposits made up of serum lipoproteins. They are the result of leaking from the abnormally permeable blood vessels, especially microaneurysms.

Hard exudates may be observed in several retinal vascular pathologies, but are a main hallmark of diabetic macular edema. If macular edema is diagnosed in an early and still asymptomatic stage, laser treatment can be very efficient and prevent vision loss. In a screening context, the easiest way of detecting macular edema is to detect hard exudates and their distance to the macula. Properties

Exudates appear as bright patterns in color fundus images [1]. They are characterized by a strong contrast; their shape and size are completely variable, and their contours mostly irregular.

However, they are not the only bright features in retinal images; the optic disk and eventual over-exposed regions have similar gray levels. Regions surrounded by vessels may also be bright and well contrasted. State of the Art

In [25], the authors propose shade correction and image enhancement techniques. Then, a threshold is manually chosen in order to detect the exudates. We think that a full automation of exudate detection is possible and useful.

In [26], a method based on image enhancement, shade correction, and a combination of local and global thresholding is proposed and validated.

The method proposed in [28] is based on shade correction and advanced classification methods. The Algorithm

Our algorithm can be subdivided into two parts: First, we find candidate regions, i.e. regions that possibly contain exudates. In a second step, we determine the


Walter and Klein





Figure 7.33: (a) The luminance channel of a color image of the human retina.

(b) The closing of the luminance channel. (c) The local standard variation in a sliding window. (d) Candidate region.

contours of the exudates. This algorithm has been published and discussed in [18]; here in we give a sketch of it.

Finding the candidate regions: Regions containing exudates are characterized by a high contrast and a high gray-level. The problem that occurs, if we use the local contrast to determine regions that contain exudates, is that bright regions surrounded by dark vessels may also produce a high local contrast. As shown in the section 7.3, vessels can be removed by means of a morphological closing (see Fig. 7.33(b)):

e1 = φ(s1 B)( fg)


On this image we calculate the local variation for each pixel x within a

window W (x) (see Fig. 7.33(c)) centered in x:















e2(x) = N





(e1(ξ ) − µe1 (x))2






W (x)


Analysis of Color Fundus Photos and Its Application to Diabetic Retinopathy


In order to spare computational time, e2 is not calculated for every pixel; it is calculated for a subsampled version of e1. Then e2 is found by interpolation.

Applying a fix threshold on the image e2 at gray level α1, we obtain all regions with a standard variation larger than or equal to α1. However, bright objects larger than the window do produce only a high standard variation on its borders. In order to obtain the whole candidate regions, we fill the holes by reconstructing the image from its borders Bo f [6]. We also dilate the candidate region in order to ensure that there are background pixels next to exudates that are included in the candidate regions:


= δ(sB) T[α1 ,tmax ](e2) 0

if x

Bo f



= Re3 (b) with b = tmax

if x

Bo f






The threshold α1 is chosen favoring sensitivity to specificity: False positives can be identified later. Then, we remove a dilated version of the optic disk and we obtain the candidate regions:

ca = e4 e4 δ(sB)( p f in)


Finding the contours: In order to find the contours of the exudates, we set all the candidate regions to 0 in the original image (see Fig. 7.34(a)):

m(x) =


if ca(x) =





if ca(x)






Figure 7.34: (a) The candidate regions set to 0 in the original image. (b) The morphological reconstruction.


Walter and Klein

and then we calculate the morphological reconstruction by dilation of the resulting image under fg (see Fig. 7.34(b)). Exudates are now completely removed from the image, as they are completely comprised in the candidate regions. We can, therefore, calculate the difference to the original image and apply a fix threshold in order to obtain the final segmentation result:

efin = T[α2 ,tmax ]( fg R fg (m))


This algorithm has three parameters: The size of the window W and the two thresholds α1 and α2. The choice of the size of W is not crucial, and we have found good results for a window size of 10 × 10. If the window size is very large, small isolated exudates are not detected. From a medical point of view, this is not really problematic. The first threshold α1 determines the minimal variation value within the window that is suspected to be a result of the presence of exudates. If α1 is chosen too low, the number of false positives increases, if it is set too high, sensitivity decreases. The parameter α2 is a contrast parameter: It determines the minimal value a candidate must differ from its surrounding background to be classified as an exudate. Results

We have tested the algorithm on an image data base of 30 digital images 640 × 480 taken with a Sony color video 3CCD camera on a Topcon TRC 50 IA retinograph. These images have not been used for the development of the algorithm. Fifteen of these images did not contain exudates, and in 13 of these 15 no exudates were found by our algorithm. In two images, few false positives were found (less than 20 pixels).

We asked an ophthalmologist to mark the exudates in the 15 images and compared the results obtained by the algorithm to his. The comparison was done pixel-wise (with 1 pixel tolerance), and as for exudates, the number cannot be determined; it is the surface and the position rather than the number which can be used for diagnostic purposes.

We obtained a mean sensitivity of 92.8% and a predictive value of 92.4%. In Fig. 7.35, an example for the automatic detection of exudates is shown (see also Figs. 7.36 and 7.37).

Analysis of Color Fundus Photos and Its Application to Diabetic Retinopathy


(a) The top-hat image

(b) Algorithm result

Figure 7.35: The result of exudates detection.



Figure 7.36: (a) A detail of the green channel of a color image containing exudates. (b) The segmentation result.



Figure 7.37: (a) A detail of the green channel of a color image containing exudates. (b) The segmentation result.