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Kluwer - Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis Vol

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Walter and Klein

it must be connected to a dilated version of the main branches of the vascular tree:

v(x) =



x V














l1 = R fl δsBv fl

with s = 5


It is recommended not to use the complete vascular tree V , but only the main branches that can be extracted easily by applying a stronger contrast criterion in the algorithm presented in section 7.5.1.

The effect of this filtering is shown in Fig. 7.21: The atrophy present in the image (a) is removed in (b), the optic disk stays nearly entirely unchanged by the reconstruction. Using the methods presented in [14, 17, 18], the localization algorithm would have failed in this case.

Now, we can assume that the optic disk belongs to the brightest elements of the image, and the application of an area threshold should give a part of the optic disk:

L1 = T[α,tmax ](l1) with α such that #L1 K


L1 normally contains more than one connected component: A part of the optic disk, some noise, and eventually other bright features connected to the vascular tree. The latter ones are normally exudates of small size. Hence, it is sufficient to choose the connected component with the largest surface to obtain a part of the optic disk:

L C(L1) with A C(L1) : #L ≥ # A


The center of the (only) connected component of L can be seen as the approximative center c of the optic disk and is used for the detection of the contours described in the following paragraph.

Detection of the contours: The contours of the optic disk appear under the best contrast in the red channel fr of the color image. Unfortunately, the red channel is sometimes saturated and cannot be used. In this case, we propose to work on the luminance channel fl. The first step is to determine if the red channel is saturated or not. Let c be the approximative center determined in the localization step of the algorithm, fr a subimage of the red channel centered in c, and tmax( fr) the maximal gray-level value within this subimage. We define the

Analysis of Color Fundus Photos and Its Application to Diabetic Retinopathy


(a) The luminance chan-

(b) The biggest particle

(c) The distance func-


of the threshed image

tion of the particle

(d) The gradient image with the superposed marker

(e) The result of the

(f) The segmentation

watershed algorithm


Figure 7.22: The steps of the algorithm for the detection of the contours.

gray-level saturation Sα 3:

Sα =

#T[tmax ( fr )−α,tmax ( fr )]( fr)


#T[0,tmax ( fr )]( fr)

This measure determines the percentage of pixels in the subimage whose gray level is larger than tmax( fr) − α. If this percentage is too high, the channel is saturated and does not contain any exploitable information. We use the red channel, if for α = 30, Sα < 0.5 (this has been found experimentally), if not, the luminance channel is used. We call the used channel fc in the following.

For finding the contours of the optic disk, we shall make use of the watershed transformation applied to the gradient image of a filtered version of the channel fc (see also Fig. 7.22).

3 The gray-level saturation Sα should not be confounded with the color saturation.


Walter and Klein

First, we attenuate the noise in the image using a Gaussian filter G (type and parameters of the filter are not crucial, we used a 9 × 9 filter with σ = 4). Then, the vessels interrupting the circular shape of the optic disk are filled using a morphological closing:

p1 = φ(s1 B)(G fc)


with s1 such that the largest vessels are filled (as explained in the previous section). In order to remove irregularities within the papillary regions that may also produce a high-gradient value, we apply an opening by reconstruction:

p2 = Rp1 (ε(s2 B)( p1))



= 15 has been found to be

a good value for 640 × 480 images. This is


big opening, but thanks to the reconstruction, the contours of p1 are





Then, the morphological gradient is calculated:




= δ(B) p2 ε(B) p2


Calculating the watershed transformation of this gradient would lead to a strongly oversegmented result. Once again, we have to find a marker and impose it (see section 7.3). With only one source within the optic disk, the algorithm gives exactly one catchment basin which—if the filtering process has been efficient— coincides exactly with the optic disk. We use the approximated center c as “inner marker.” As external marker, we use a circle centered in c with a diameter larger than two times the largest possible diameter of the papilla (factor 2 for the case that the approximation was bad and the approximation of the center c lies on the border of the optic disk).





x {c} Cercle(c)





x {c} Cercle(c)





With this marker, we can now calculate the watershed transformation:

Pf in = C Vi

2Rρp2 (m)3

with c C Vi

(7.29) Results

The algorithm has been tested on 60 color fundus photographs (640 × 480) taken with a Sony color video 3CCD camera on a Topcon TRC 50 IA

Analysis of Color Fundus Photos and Its Application to Diabetic Retinopathy


(a) The optic disk in a color

(b) Segmentation result


Figure 7.23: Detection of the optic disk.

retinograph. These images have not been used for the development of the algorithm.

The optic disk has been localized correctly in 57 of these 60 images. In 3 of these 60 images, there were very large accumulations of exudates which inhibited a correct localization of the optic disk. The accuracy of the detection of the contours has been assessed qualitatively by a human grader; there were 48 images, for which the segmentation result was satisfying, with no or few pixels missed or falsely detected (e.g. see Fig. 7.23). In eight images, there were some parts missing due to very poor contrast of the original images, but the result contained still more than 75% of the optic disk. In one image, the result was not satisfying, once again due to low contrast: Indeed the contour was hardly visible, even for a human.

7.6The Detection of Pathologies in Color Fundus Images

Pathology detection is certainly the most important part of analysis of retinal images. In diabetic retinopathy, there are three types of lesions indicating different stages of the disease that can be detected using color fundus images: microaneurysms, exudates, and hemorrhages. In this section, we present automatic algorithms for the detection of microaneurysms and exudates. An algorithm for the detection of hemorrhages can be found in [9].


Walter and Klein

7.6.1 The Detection of Microaneurysms Motivation

Microaneurysms are the first ophthalmoscopic sign of diabetic retinopathy [1]. Over and above that, their number is an indication of the progression of the disease. Their detection is therefore crucial for the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy, for the mass screening, and for the monitoring of the disease. Properties

Microaneurysms are tiny dilations of the capillaries. They appear as small reddish isolated patterns of circular shape in color fundus images of the human retina [1]. Their diameter normally lies between 10 and 100 m, but it is always smaller than 125 m. As they come from capillaries, and as capillaries are not visible in color fundus images, they appear as isolated patterns, i.e. disconnected from the vascular tree.

Microaneurysms are sometimes hard to detect: Their contrast is often very low and sometimes, they are hardly visible and difficult to distinguish from noise. Their reddish color can hardly be used for their detection, because it is far from being constant in different images (see Fig. 7.24). State of the Art

The first algorithm for the detection of microaneurysms has been presented Lay¨ [19]. The author introduced the radial opening γ sup = 0 γ Li , i.e. the supremum



(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7.24: Microaneurysms in color images. (a) Sure microaneurysms;

(b) doubtful cases.

Analysis of Color Fundus Photos and Its Application to Diabetic Retinopathy















Detection of





































Figure 7.25: The principle of the algorithm for microaneurysm detection.

of openings with linear structuring elements Li in different directions in order to remove the microaneurysms but to preserve the piecewise linear vessels. This technique has been used by nearly all the authors working on the automatic detection of microaneurysms; important improvements have been proposed in [20, 21]. The Algorithm

The algorithm presented in this section is based on the strategy shown in Fig. 7.25. First, the shade correction method described in section 7.4 is applied, and then candidates are detected by means of the diameter closing and an automatic threshold; features calculated for these candidates allow their classification into real microaneurysms and false positives. A first version of this algorithm has been presented in [22].

Prefiltering and shade correction: The objective of this step is to attenuate the noise, to enhance the contrast, and to correct the nonuniform illumination.

As it has been stated in section 7.2, microaneurysms—like all blood containing elements—appear best contrasted in the green channel. First, the shade correction operator described in section 7.4 is applied to the green channel. It is crucial that this algorithm does not introduce new dark regions which would cause a lot of false positives.

Besides the shade correction, the operator SCnorm enhances the contrast of structures in the image depending on their size. In order to privilege small vessels and microaneurysms more than larger hemorrhages and large vessels, an adapted size of the window used in SCnorm can be chosen. A small gaussian filter attenuates the noise, but enhances microaneurysms; it can be seen as a matched filter [20]. With G a gaussian filter, we obtain the prefiltered image by (see also Fig. 7.26):

p = G SCnorm( fg)



Walter and Klein

(a) A detail of a fundus

(b) Detail of the prefiltered

image containing microa-




Figure 7.26: Prefiltering step.

The detection of dark isolated details by means of the diameter closing: The next step is to find the “candidates,” i.e., all features that may possibly correspond to microaneurysms. Microaneurysms are characterized by their diameter; in the green channel of a color image, they correspond to dark details—“holes”—with a maximal diameter of λ (with λ depending on the image resolution).

As in the top-hat transformation used for vessel detection in section 7.5.1, the main idea is to first construct a closing φ that removes the details from the image and then calculate the difference to the original image. However, a morphological closing cannot be used in our case because it fills not only the holes but also the ditches (vessels). One possibility to fill only the holes without filling the ditches is to determine the infimum of openings with linear structuring elements in different directions, because they do fit into the vessels in at least one direction. However, this is only an approximative solution of the problem; a tortuous line for example will be closed as well. We will now present the diameter closing φλwhich removes all dark details of a diameter smaller than λ.

First, we define the diameter α of a connected set X as its maximal extension, i.e. the maximal distance between two points of the set:


α (X) =

d(x, y)


x,y X

with d(x, y) the distance between two points x and y. For simplicity, we use the block distance: If x = (x1, x2), y = (y1, y2) Z2 are two points and x1, x2 and y1, y2 their coordinates, respectively, the block distance can be written as d(x, y) = |x1 y1| |x2 y2|.

Analysis of Color Fundus Photos and Its Application to Diabetic Retinopathy


(a) A binary image

(b) The result of a diameter opening

Figure 7.27: The diameter opening of a binary image: all connected components with a diameter inferior to 15 pixels are removed.

With this definition of the diameter of a set, we can define a trivial opening.

Let X be an arbitrary binary image and Xi its connected components, i.e. X =


Xi and Xi X j for i = j. The diameter opening is the union of all connected components Xi with a diameter greater or equal to λ (see Fig. 7.27):


















X )




As the applied criterion α(Xi) ≥ λ is increasing, i.e., X Y implies that if X fulfills the criterion, Y also does, the operation γλ(X) is an opening.

It can be shown that the diameter opening is the supremum of all open-

ings with structuring elements with a

diameter greater than

or equal to

λ [8]:








γ B(X)


















It is, therefore, a generalization of the approximative method proposed in [16] used by the majority of authors, where only linear structuring elements fulfilling the criterion are used.

The diameter closing removes all holes Xic (connected components of the background Xc) with a diameter inferior λ. Furthermore, it can be written as the infimum of all morphological closings with structuring elements whose diameter


Walter and Klein





flooding level s















Figure 7.28: The flooding of an image f at level s.

is equal or superior to λ:


φλ(X) (x) = X















X )

















We have now defined the diameter opening and closing for the binary case. In order to pass from binary to gray-level images, we can apply the binary operator to all level sets (the results of threshold operations for all gray levels t T ). Let

Cx(X) be the connected opening, i.e., the connected component of X containing x if x X and the empty set if x / X. Furthermore, let Xt+( f ) be the section of f at level t, i.e., the set of all pixels for which f (x) ≥ t and Xt( f ) the section of the background (the “lakes,” see Fig. 7.28):

X+( f )




( f )

= {





f (x)





[t,tmax ]








X( f )



( f )

= {





f (x)





[tmin ,t]









Then, the gray scale diameter opening and closing can be defined respectively:






















( f )




f (x)







( f )





















( f )



f (x)



















α C





( f )



Of course, Eq. (7.36) cannot be used for implementation of this algorithm because it would be highly inefficient. Instead of calculating the diameter opening

Analysis of Color Fundus Photos and Its Application to Diabetic Retinopathy


for each threshold, we use hierarchical queues in order to simulate a flooding of the image. We explain this technique for the diameter closing.

The flooding starts with the lowest local minima in the image (i.e. with the global minima). We determine the diameter of all the lakes with gray level s. If the diameter of a lake exceeds λ, the output image takes the value s for all the points belonging to this lake (“the flooding stops for this lake”). Then s is incremented, the new local minima at this level are added, and the existing lakes are extended until there is no more pixel x in the image with f (x) ≤ s not belonging to a lake. If two lakes meet, they fuse and it is considered as one lake from now on. Then, when the flooding has been finished for this level, the diameter of all lakes are calculated. If the diameter of a lake exceeds λ, but has not exceeded λ for the previous level, the output image is set to s for all the pixels of this lake. In this way, we flood the whole image until there is no more lake with a diameter inferior to λ.

This algorithm can be implemented very efficiently with hierarchical queues. See [8] for details.

In Fig. 7.29, we show the application of the diameter closing to the detection of microaneurysms. The prefiltered image is shown in Fig. 7.29(a); its closing by diameter in Fig. 7.29(b). We note that the distinction of holes and ditches (microaneurysms and vessels) works very well: The microaneurysms are completely filled whereas the vessels are not touched. The associated top-hat φλf f is shown in Fig. 7.29(c). The small details visible in this image and not corresponding to microaneurysms are “parasite holes” and are due to irregularities and noise in the image. From this image, it is easy to get the candidates by a threshold. The applied threshold technique is shown in the next paragraph.

(a) The prfiltered and


The diameter clos-

(c) The associated top-

shade corrected image



hat transformation

Figure 7.29: Detection of dark details by means of the diameter closing.