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      1. Внедорожники

What does “SUV” stand for? SUV stands for “Sport Utility Vehicle,” and this is one of the American dreams is to own an SUV. Now, we can categorize the modern SUV into two different points of views, first we can talk about the benefits of the SUVs and second, in contrast, we have to mention the negative sides of the them too.

SUVs are very safe to drive around cities and especially on the highways, and they are less liable to single vehicle accidents. In addition, having the power to go off the road, where regular vehicles aren’t able to go, is one of the unshared and unique options for SUVs.

However, we have to consider the fact that SUVs have their problems. For example, SUVs are hurting global warming and polluting the air because of their increased use fossil fuels and the big gas tanks they all have. By making more SUVs we are adding more carbon dioxide to the environment that includes thousands and thousands of living species like animals, and humans.

One day, not having enough fresh air to breath, we will face with different cancers or diseases we may not survive. Do we really need these cars?

      1. Внедорожники (перевод)

Для чего используется термин АПП? АПП означает автомобиль повышенной проходимости, и это является американской мечтой – иметь АПП. Сейчас мы можем охарактеризовать АПП с двух различных точек зрения: сначала мы поговорим о преимуществах АПП, а затем, наоборот, нам придётся упомянуть его негативные стороны в том числе.

АПП – очень безопасная машина для вождения по городу и, особенно, на шоссе, они реже попадают в дорожные происшествия, не подразумевающие других участников движения. К тому же возможность ездить по бездорожью, где обычные машины не проходят, это отсутствующая у других типов автомобилей, уникальная опция для АПП.

Однако мы должны признать тот факт, что АПП имеет свои недостатки. Например, АПП вносят вклад глобальное потепление и загрязняют воздух из-за их повышенного количества сжигаемого топлива и большого бензобака, который они все имеют. Создавая больше АПП, мы выбрасываем больше диоксида углерода в природу, включающую тысячи и тысячи видов живых существ, таких как животные и человек.

Когда-нибудь, не имея достаточно свежего воздуха, чтобы дышать, мы столкнёмся с различными заболеваниями, с которыми не сможем справиться. Действительно ли нам нужны эти машины?

      1. Преступление и наказание

In the past, people have invariably felt that if they had been wronged in some way, it was his or her right to take vengeance on the person that had wronged them. This mentality still exists, even today, but in a lesser form because the law has now outlined person's rights and developed punishments that conform to those rights, yet allow for the retribution for their crime. However, some feel that those laws and punishments are too lax and criminals of today take advantage of them, i.e. organized crime, knowing very well that the punishments for their crime, whether it be murder, theft, or any other number of criminal activities, will be so negligible that it may be well worth their risk.

In the past, the number of crimes that were subjected to capital punishment defined simply as the death penalty for a crime, were outrageous. Amendments were made to reflect the changes in the society's views on the morality of capital punishment. That resulted in the narrowing down of the list of one hundred crimes to twelve, punishable by the death penalty in 1833, and in 1869 it was cut down yet again to just three: treason, rape, and murder because of violent nature of these crimes. These crimes, even today, are still viewed as violent and should be punished with the highest degree of discipline available to achieve justice.

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