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X. Questions to be answered:

  1. What kind of discipline is psychohistory?

  2. Where does psychohistory derive its insights?

  3. Who is considered to be the pioneer of psychohistory?

  4. How do psychohistorians differ from conventional historians?

  5. What areas of psychohistorical study are there? Define them.

  6. How did psychohistory emerge as a discipline?

  7. Do you agree that some historians argued that psychohistory is a separate field of scholarly inquiry with its own particular methods, objectives and theories?

  8. What is the difference between psychohistory and conventional study?

XI. Match the terms with their definitions:




a ritual killing of a person or animal with the intention of propitiating or pleasing a deity;


the act of giving birth to a child;

child abuse

the act of eating human flesh or the flesh of one's own kind;


the care and upbringing of a child;


physical, sexual, or emotional ill-treatment or neglect of a child, esp. by those responsible for its welfare;


the practice of killing newborn infants, still prevalent in some primitive tribes;


lack of due care or attention; negligence;


sexual intercourse between two persons commonly regarded as too closely related to marry

Exemplify the use of the lexis listed up in column A and make the sentences of your own.

XII. Give the summary of the text.

XIII. Render the text close to its original variant.

XIV*. Use the sources available to find some additional information on the issue. Present your reports in the class.


I. Look through the words and expressions and learn them:

  • to range – коливатися;

  • a melee – рукопашний бій/бійка;

  • to stress the lack of clear evidence – наголошувати на нестачі чітких доказів;

  • instilling an ability in commanders to perceive historical parallels – прищеплюючи у командирів вміння розуміти історичні паралелі;

  • to capitalize on – використовувати на свою користь;

  • conventional warfare – традиційна війна;

  • open and straightforward way – відкритий та прямий шлях;

  • raiding, guerrilla, insurgency, and terrorist tactics – вторгнення, партизанська війна, повстання, та терористична тактика;

  • сounterinsurgency – каральні акції, міри по придушенню повстання;

  • sturdy – міцний;

  • to boast of – вихвалятися/пишатися;

  • to be quite a spectacle – буди доволі видовищним;

  • fertile crescent – колиска; an area in the Middle East in the shape of a crescent (=a curved shape) from Israel to the Gulf, including the land around the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. Several important ancient civilizations had their homes there, such as the Assyrian and Sumerian civilizations.

  • development of the corvus – винайдення "КРУКу", абордажного пристрою;

  • encirclement – оточення;

  • internal strifes – внутрішні чвари/боротьба