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III. Find English equivalents for the following:

використання спеціальних методик

філософськi дослідження природи

бути тісно

пов’язаним, але відрізнятися від

основувати теорії

на встановлених фактах

дізнаватися про інші галузі знання

досвід пов’язаний з наукою

IV. Give synonyms to the underlined words:

  • a global community of researchers;

  • practical concerns;

  • to guide the evaluation of knowledge;

  • to define science sufficiently broadly;

  • an external tools;

  • to be tied to important philosophical and practical questions;

  • to examine the entire spectrum of human experience;

  • the cultural, economic, and political impacts of science and technology

V. Interpret the following in English:

  • the observation and explanation of real phenomena;

  • to draw on the historical methods;

  • practicing scientists;

  • allied disciplines;

  • progressing towards truth

VI. Study the given below lexical units and provide their Ukrainian variant:

  • a body of empirical and theoretical knowledge;

  • to define science sufficiently broadly;

  • the creative process of designing;

  • the field as a whole;

  • disciplinary and institutional history;

  • the impact of society on scientific practice

VII. Look through the text and write out the key historical terms.

VIII. Say whether these statements correspond to the information of the text:

  1. Contributions to the development of the scientific method have been made since Middle Ages.

  2. Science is relatively ancient word.

  3. The modern scientific method was not fully developed until the Scientific Revolution.

  4. The Scientific revolution was initiated by the Scholastic universities of the 13th century Europe.

  5. The historiography of science is the historical study of the science.

  6. Since the mid-18th century, ideas about the history of science and technology have been tied to important philosophical and practical questions.

  7. Historiography of science is much more recent discipline then history of science.

IX. Fill in the blanks using the information from the text:

  • Science is a body of _______________________ and ___________________ knowledge, produced by a global community of ________________ .

  • Scientists make use of ____________ techniques for the __________________ and __________________ of real phenomena.

  • The history of science draws on the _________________ _____________ of both ____________________ and _______________ history.

  • The origin of the modern _________________ method is also a _______________ subject that is ________________ .

  • For centuries ____________ _____________________ did the work which may now be called _______________ ___________.

  • Mathematics is closely _______________, but __________________ science.

  • Both the ______________ and _________________ sciences attempt to base their theories on _____________________ facts.

  • The historiography of science is a _______________________ analysis of the history of science itself.