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III. Give synonyms to the underlined words:

  • to categorize or divide time;

  • useful handle;

  • stable characteristics;

  • particular object;

  • to define the meaning;

  • to aid critical analysis;

  • temporal and geographical boundaries;

  • to defend the concept;

  • inevitably overlap;

  • specific cultural connotations;

  • purely descriptive;

  • meaningful phases;

  • to retain and divest

IV. Find English equivalents for the following:

  • класифікувати або ділити час на окремі частини

  • сприяти критичному аналізу;

  • бути більш чи менш випадковим;

  • відстоювати концепцію;

  • неминуче частково співпадати;

  • технічно придатний;

  • визначати значення періоду;

  • випадковий/неістотний факт;

  • широке використання;

  • охоплюючи період;

  • розповсюджуватися в академічній термінології;

  • цілковито описовий;

  • бути поширеним у значенні

V. Study the given below lexical units (provide the Ukrainian variant):

  • sciences that engage the history;

  • helpful to utilize a system of periodization;

  • only valuable to the extent;

  • in order to make sense of the past;

  • apply under specific conditions;

  • outside of Europe and European-influenced cultures;

  • connotations usefully describe the politics, culture and economic conditions;

  • a time of rebirth after a dark intermediate period;

  • determined by religions or ideologies

VI. Explain the expressions in other words:

  • to divide time into discrete named blocks;

  • to engage the history of some particular object;

  • temporal and geographical boundaries;

  • talismanic individuals;

  • periodizing labels;

  • to reconcile chronology with meaningful cultural and social phases;

  • descriptive terms;

  • defined by decimal numbering systems;

  • technically applicable to anywhere in the world

VII. Look through the text and write out the key historical terms.

VIII. – Match the historical terms listed up in column a with the definitions provided in column b.



Victorian Era

the reign of Emperor Mutsuhito (1867-1912), during which Japan began a rapid process of Westernization, industrialization, and expansion in foreign affairs;

Edwardian Era

relating to a Frankish dynasty founded by Clovis I, which ruled Gaul and Germany from about 500 to 751 A.D;

Napoleonic Era

relating to or characteristic of Napoleon I (1769-1821), Emperor of the French (1804-15), or his era;

Merovingian Period

relating to a person surnamed Jackson, esp. Andrew Jackson, the US president, general, and lawyer (1767-1845);

Jacksonian Era

relating to or characteristic of Victoria (1819-1901), queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) and empress of India (1876-1901), or the period of her reign;

Meiji Era

denoting, relating to, or having the style of life, architecture, dress, etc., current in Britain during the reign (1901-10) of Edward VII (1841-1910)

– Exemplify the use of the lexis listed up in column A and make the sentences of your own.