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III. Match the words with their definitions:


a domain characterized by the use of electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify, and exchange data via network system;


a process of gradual and uninterrupted change that take place over many generations;


all human beings as you considered them as a group;


is the traditional stories, customs, habits, etc. of a particular community or nation;


is the study of primates, of the genus Homo, especially Homo sapiens;


is the ideas, customs, and art that are produced or shared by a particular society;


is the study of heredity and how qualities and characteristics are passed on from one generation to another;


is the collection of people or individuals of a particular species

IV. Look through these words and expressions and provide their Ukrainian equivalents:

the physical human being

forensic anthropology

patterns of consumption and exchange

gender relations

the diffusion of social practices

and cultural forms

variation in language across time

and space

a means of understanding

V. Give synonyms to the underlined words:

  • ongoing dispute;

  • dimensions of humanity;

  • the diffusion of social practices and cultural forms;

  • subtle elements;

  • the interaction of culture and biology;

  • a broad term;

  • to address matters;

  • policy implementation;

  • intensive case studies;

  • technological advancements

VI. Find English equivalents for the following:

  • людська еволюція та здатність пристосовуватися;

  • наголошувати на аналізі соціальної організації;

  • процеси людського спілкування;

  • підтвердити документально структуру, функцію та історію мови;

  • розуміння культурних цінностей;

  • взаємодія культури та біології;

  • ґрунтовне вивчення справи;

  • доповнювати підходами різних методів

VII. Look through the text and write out the key historical terms.

VIII. Select the endings for the given statements to develop the idea:

  • Anthropology is “holistic” in two senses: …

  • Biological anthropology seeks to understand …

  • Socio-cultural anthropology presents …

  • Linguistic anthropology studies …

  • Archaeology investigates …

  • Bio-cultural anthropology is …

  • Anthropology is …

  • Ethnography has had a central place in …

IX. Give extensive answers:

  1. Why is anthropology considered to be "holistic"?

  2. How many fields are there in approach to anthropology?

  3. What does physical anthropology seek to understand?

  4. What spheres are the main for socio-cultural anthropology?

  5. What does linguistic anthropology identify?

  6. Is archeology a subfield of anthropology or a separate field?

  7. Anthropology is a diverse discipline, isn’t it? Prove it.