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VII. Look through the text and write out the key historical terms.

VIII. – Match the terms listed up in column a with the definitions provided in column b.




the process by which an organism detects and interprets information from the external world by means of the sensory receptors;


control or dominion or a position of control, dominion, or authority;


the state of having unique identifying characteristics held by no other person or thing;


a group of people of common ancestry, distinguished from others by physical characteristics, such as hair type, colour of eyes and skin, stature, etc. Principal races are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid;


a body of ideas that reflects the beliefs and interests of a nation, political system, etc. and underlies political action;


a group of persons sharing a similar social position and certain economic, political, and cultural characteristics;


the way a person views something or tends to behave towards it, often in an evaluative way;


the total of the inherited ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge, which constitute the shared bases of social action

Exemplify the use of the lexis listed up in column A and make the sentences of your own.

IX. Complete the following statements to develop the idea:

  • Cultural history often combines …

  • Cultural history involves …

  • Cultural history encompasses …

  • Cultural history records and interprets …

  • Cultural history studies and interprets …

  • Cultural history overlaps in …

  • Common theoretical touchstones have included …

  • An area where new-style cultural history is often pointed is …

  • Historians who might be grouped under this umbrella are …

  • Cultural studies is …

  • Cultural studies researchers often concentrate on …

X. Scan the gapped sentences and fill in the blanks using the knowledge of the text.

  • Cultural history involves the ___________ and _____________ of past__________ , ___________, and ____________ of a group of people.

  • Cultural history, as a____________, records and ___________past events involving ____________ through the___________, cultural, and ___________of or relating to the ___________ and ___________ that a group of favors.

  • Cultural history involves the ____________ of past______________ , such as___________ , class in___________ , and the ____________ with locales.

  • Cultural history ____________ and interprets the ___________ of _____________ by denoting the various _____________ of living built up by a group of ____________ under consideration.

  • Cultural ____________ is an academic ___________ popular among a ___________ of scholars.