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XI. Give extensive answers:

  1. What is ethnography as a discipline?

  2. What does ethnography present?

  3. What traditions employ ethnographic research as a crucial research method?

  4. What were cultural anthropology and social anthropology developed around?

  5. What do cultural anthropologists study?

  6. What other related fields also produce ethnography?

  7. What techniques are used by ethnographers?

  8. What ethical assumptions are rooted in positivist and post-positivist epistemologies?

  9. What kind of study is ethnohistory?

  10. What does ethnohistory use as its foundation?

  11. How does ethnohistory differ from other historically-related methodologies?

  12. How do ethnohistorians try to understand culture? How did they describe ethnohistory?

XII. Give the summary of the text.

XIII. Render the text close to its original variant.

XIV. Make a written translation of the text. Retell it. Put all types of questions covering the plot of the text.

Ethnology (from the Greek ethnos – 'family', lineage – 'people') is the branch of anthropology that compares and analyses the origins, distribution, technology, religion, language, and social structure of the ethnic, racial, and/or national divisions of humanity. Compared to ethnography, the study of single groups through direct contact with the culture, ethnology takes the research that ethnographers have compiled and then compares and contrasts different cultures. The term ethnology is credited to Adam Franz Kollár who used and defined it in his work in 1783. Kollár's interest in linguistic and cultural diversity was aroused by the situation in his native multi-lingual Kingdom of Hungary and his roots among its Slovaks, and by the shifts that began to emerge after the gradual retreat of the Ottoman Empire in the more distant Balkans.

Among the goals of ethnology have been the reconstruction of human history, and the formulation of cultural invariants, such as the alleged incest taboo and culture change, and the formulation of generalizations about "human nature", a concept which has been criticized since the 19th century by various philosophers (Hegel, Marx, structuralism, etc.). In some parts of the world, it is also referred to as cultural or social anthropology. The view of ethnology as a constituent part of cultural anthropology is not universal, though. Ethnology has been considered an academic field since the late 18th century especially in Europe and is sometimes conceived of as any comparative study of human groups.

XV. Give a brief presentation of ethnography, ethnohistory and ethnology and explain difference among them. Unit XIX

I. Look through the words and expressions and learn them:

  • the forms of artistic creation – форми художнього вираження;

  • to direct one’s attention towards (to) – спрямовувати свою увагу на;

  • the reshaping of oral traditions – пристосування усних традицій;

  • describable and transmissible entity – об’єкт, який описується і передається;

  • to tie into one narrative package – зв’язати в один тематичний комплекс;

  • to conflate with – з’єднувати;

  • catch-all terms – однорідні терміни;

  • the overall context – загальне оточення;

  • operative definition – ключове визначення;

  • to escape from societal consequences – втекти від суспільного оточення

  • to validate a culture – надавати законної сили культурі;

  • to formalize – надавати офіційного статусу