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III. Match the words with their definitions:


to accept smth without thinking about it very much and without considering what its real meaning or purpose might be;

to assert

is smth that has a great influence in a particular field (=important);


which relies on practical experience rather then theories;


to make smb want to do smth by giving new ideas and enthusiasm to carry them out;

to take at face value

a person who has very great natural ability and talent, especially for art, literature, music, or in scientific research;an outstanding quality or character which makes smth distinct from everything else;

to inspire

to state some fact, belief or opinion firmly and forcefully;


the activity of fighting a war; a violent struggle or conflict;


very ordinary, and not especially interesting or unusual

IV. Find English equivalents for the following:

  • мати великий вплив;

  • виклик поняттю;

  • прямий зв'язок між економікою та наукою;

  • уникати поняття;

  • підкреслити стандарти сучасної науки;

  • вплив зовнішніх факторів на науку

V. Study the given bellow lexical units and provide their Ukrainian variant:

  • to come into the picture;

  • the history of individual genius in action;

  • to take smb. paper at face value;

  • the disembodiment of the scientific mind from its context;

  • to explain the growth of science;

  • to develop empirical, quantitative approaches;

  • the internal history of the science in question

VI. Interpret the following in English:

    • to view with keen interest;

    • mundane aspects of practical life;

    • within the scientific world;

    • to paint a wholly complete picture;

    • refinement of Hessen’s argument;

    • to split crude category into smaller subcategories;

    • to delineate along disciplinary boundaries

VII. Look through the text and write out the key historical terms.

VIII. Select the endings for the given statements to develop the idea:

  • The 1930s were a seminal decade for the …

  • In this period many influential historians …

  • Hessen’s work was a challenge to the notion that …

  • Externalism – is the method of doing history of science that …

  • Internalism – is the method of doing history of science that …

  • The line between internalism and externalism can be …

  • An entire host of philosophical questions are …

  • Puritanism was introduced by …

IX. Answer the following questions:

  1. When was the philosophic battle known as “the Science Wars” set?

  2. Who invigorated the history of science in that period?

  3. Why did Hessen’s thesis have a wide effect in Western history of science?

  4. What are main methods of doing history of science? Define them.

  5. Can the line between internalism and externalism be fuzzy?

  6. What are the basic questions of the nature of science?

  7. Who sought to introduce an additional category in history of science? Characterize it.

X. Make up a plan of the text in the form of statements.

XI. Give the summary of the text.

XII. Render the text close to its original variant.

XIII. Could you explain why ancient, medieval and modern historians were so greatly interested in scientific knowledge? Write an essay on this theme.