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Вариант № 14

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Higher Education in Russia

The new academic year has begun. Entrance examinations are over in the 894 higher schools of this country. More than a million new students were enroled into universities and institutes.

About 60 per cent of them entered technological institutes. In the last several years the number of students in technological institutes has risen by more than one million bringing the total enrolment to almost three million. This means that young people are interested in the specialities connected with new branches of science and technology. At present engineers and technical specialists constitute 40 per cent of graduates from institutes of higher learning while humanities, the natural sciences and pedagogy account for 45 per cent.

The present academic year is marked by expansion of new forms of technical specialization. Specialization plays a major part in planning the curricula. Usually specialization begins in the third year. The first- and second-year students study general engineering subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, strength of materials, elements of machines, drawing as well as computer engineering, a foreign language and a number of others.

The main feature of the educational system in this country is that it is accessible and free of charge for all. But education is free of charge only for the students but not for the state. The state spends large sums on higher education. About 75 per cent of the students receive state grants and 10 per cent get allowances from enterprises which sponsored their applications.

Most higher schools have their own students' hostels and some of them have large and excellent sports centers.

Education plays an important part in the life of any country as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for its further development and progress. Top priority is given to improving the standards of higher education - especially in science and technology. At the same time institutes of technology will develop into universities of technology and devote many more hours to the humanities.

The higher school today considers education not only as a collection of useful facts and theories but also as the process which trains a person to analise and interrelate various ideas as well as make decisions.

Today's young people will be the specialists of tomorrow in the society with new technology. Their qualification will determine the scientific and technological progress of the country. Besides, specialists in all fields should have a general education to supplement their specialized knowledge and thereby enable them to use it most effectively.


Cambridge is one of the two main universities of England located at the Cam River. It was founded at the beginning of the 12-th century. The University consists of 24 different colleges including 4 colleges for women. Each college is self-governing

The head of the University is the chancellor who is elected for life. The teachers are commonly called "dons" and "tutors". Part of the teaching is by means of lectures organized by the University. Besides lectures teaching is carried out by tutorial system for which the Cambridge University is famous all over the world. This is a system of individual tuition organized by the colleges.

Each student has a tutor who practically guides him through the whole course of studies. The tutor plans the student's work and once a week the student goes to his tutor to discuss his work with him. The training course lasts 4 years. The academic year is divided into 3 terms. The students study natural and technical sciences, law, history, languages, geography and many other subjects.

After three years of study a student may proceed to a Bachelor's degree and later to the degrees of Master and Doctor. Students are required to wear gowns at lectures in the University library in the street in the evening, for dinners in the colleges and for official visits. All the students must pay for their education, examinations, books, laboratories, university hostel, the use of libraries, etc. Very few students get grants. Not many children from the working class families are able to get higher education, as the cost is high. The cost of education depends on the college and speciality.

A number of great men, well-known scientists and writers studied at Cambridge. Among them are: Erasmus, the great Dutch scholar, Bacon, the philosopher, Milton and Byron, the poets, Cromwell, the soldier, Newton and Darwin, the scientists.

Higher Education in the USA

There is no national system of higher education in the United States. Higher education is given in colleges and universities. There are over 2100 various higher educational institutions, including colleges, technological institutes and universities. The average college course of study is 4 years. The academic year is usually 9 months or 2 terms (semesters) of four and a half months each. Classes usually begin in September and end in June. The first-year students are called freshmen.

Students choose a major subject and take many courses in this subject. After four years, they get a traditional Bachelor's degree. Then the students may go on to graduate school and with a year or two of further study get a Master's degree.

After another year or two of study and research, they may get a still higher degree as Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.). The student's progress is evaluated by means of tests, term works and final examinations in each course. The student's work is given a mark, usually on a five point scale. Letters indicate the level of achievement." A." is the highest mark. "F" denotes a failure.

Most American colleges and universities charge for tuition. The methods of instruction in the universities are lectures, discussions, laboratory and course works or seminars.

Most cities have colleges or universities that hold classes at night as well as in daytime. In this way people may work for a degree or just take a course in the subject that interests them.

II.Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1) were enrolled into universities

2) free of charge

3) the number of students

4) once a week

5) the total enrolment

6) proceed to a Bachelor's degree

7) second-year students

8) the average college course

9) tutorial system

10) level of achievement

III.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1) учебный год

2) новые отрасли науки и техники

3) вступительные экзамены

4) начало 12 века

5) главная роль

6) глава университета

7) студенческие общежития

8) национальная система высшего образования

9)высококвалифицированные специалисты


ная шкала

IV.Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:

High, enroll, special, human, access, allow, enter, develop, use, fresh.

V.Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов: общий, альтернативный, разделительный, два специальных: а)к подлежащему, б)к любому члену предложения.

VI.Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: формы глаголов to be, to have; оборот there is/are; степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий; множественное число существительных; Present, Past, Future Simple Active/Passive; модальные глаголы.

1. Entrance examinations are over in the 894 higher schools of this country.

2. More than a million new students were enroled into universities and institutes.

3. This means that young people are interested in the specialities.

4. The tutor plans the student's work and once a week the student goes to his tutor to discuss his work with him.

5. The new academic year has begun.

6. In this way people may work for a degree.

7. Letters indicate the level of achievement." A." is the highest mark.