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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ»

Волгодонский инженерно-технический институт – филиал НИЯУ МИФИ


Учебно-методическое пособие

по английскому языку

Волгодонск 2010 г.

УДК 802.0(076.5)

Рецензент – канд. пед. наук Ю.А. Лупиногина

Составитель: Захарова Л.В.

Индивидуальные домашние задания №1, 2 для студентов I курса по специальности О и ТСП: учеб.-метод. пособие по английскому языку / Волгодонский инженерно-технический институт (ф) НИЯУ МИФИ.

Пособие включает тексты, заимствованные из оригинальной страноведческой и технической литературы, и упражнения, включающие грамматический материал первого и второго семестров. Цель пособия – сформировать у студентов навыки самостоятельной работы чтения и перевода научно-технической литературы.

Предназначено для студентов 1-го курса технических специальностей. Может быть также использовано студентами колледжей и для самостоятельного обучения.


© Захарова Л.В., 2010

титульный лист ИДЗ

Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ»

Волгодонский инженерно-технический институт – филиал НИЯУ МИФИ



Индивидуальное домашнее задание № 1

по дисциплине иностранный (английский) язык

Вариант №

Выполнил студент……………………………………………

курс, группа, фамилия, имя, отчество


должность, звание, фамилия, имя, отчество

Волгодонск, 2012г.

Вариант I

I.Прочитайте и переведите текст


Primary and secondary education. At the age of six children in Russia enter a primary school where they study four years. Intermediate education begins with grade five and continues through grade nine. There are thousands of schools of different types in Russia. There are state schools of general education, where pupils study Russian (or a native language), Literature, Mathematics, History, Biology, Geography, Music, Arts and foreign languages. There are also a number of specialised schools, where pupils can get deep knowledge of certain subjects — foreign languages, Mathematics, Physics etc. Besides state schools (where education is free of charge) there appeared lately many private schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and special courses where tuition is paid by the parents. After 9 years of schooling children can study for three years more and receive a secondary school certificate or enter vocational-technical schools.

Special secondary education. Russia's system of special secondary education is well developed. There are more than two thousand special secondary schools in Russia. They train skilled and semi-professional workers such as technicians, nurses, primary school teachers, and other specialists. The specialized secondary school programme lasts up to four years, and graduates receive the equivalent of a general secondary education as well as specialized technical training. Vocational-technical schools offer one- to three-year programmes of training.

Higher education. There are more than five hundred establishments of higher education with more than two million students in Russia. A large percentage of students take correspondence courses or attend classes on a part-time basis. Tuition is free and students receive a monthly stipend, but some universities now charge students for tuition. Undergraduate training in higher educational institutions usually involves a four- or five-year course of study, after which students can enrol for graduate training for a one- to three-year term. Graduate students who successfully complete their courses of study, comprehensive examinations, and the defence of their dissertations receive degrees «Candidate of Sciences». A higher degree, «Doctor of Sciences» is awarded to scholars who have made outstanding contributions to their disciplines.

The country's most well-known universities include Moscow M. V. Lomonosov State University founded in 1755, St Petersburg State University founded in 1819, Kazan' State University founded in 1804, and Novosibirsk State University founded in 1959. Other important universities are located in Rostov-na-Donu, Nizhny Novgorod, Tomsk, Vladivostok, and Voronezh.


The system of education in any country is aimed at developing a personality for the good of the individual and society as a whole. There are three main types of educational institutions in England: primary schools, secondary schools and universities.

Pre-school education in England begins at the age of 3 or 4. Around half of the children at this age attend nursery schools. Children of this age need care as well as education. That's why kids play a lot, learn to listen attentively and to behave.

Primary education begins at the age of five in England, Wales and Scotland and at four in Northern Ireland. The education is compulsory and schooling is free of charge. Children start their school career in an infant school. Lessons start at 9 a. m. and are over at 4 p.m. Children are taught «3 R's»: reading, writing and arithmetic. Pupils have a lot of fun at school, drawing, reading, dancing or singing. When they are 7 pupils move to a junior school, which lasts four years till they are 11. They study a lot of subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography along with Technology, Music, Art and Physical education.

Most of children go to state schools where education is free. Only a small proportion of them attend private (Public) or independent schools. Parents have to pay for the education at these schools. The fees are high and only some families can afford it. The most notable Public schools are Eton, Harrow, Winchester and Rugby.

Secondary education begins at the age of 11. The majority of secondary schools are Comprehensive schools where boys and girls study together. Besides, parents can take their sons and daughters to Grammar schools or Secondary Modem Schools.

Grammar schools provide an academic course from 11 to 18. They prepare pupils for Colleges and Universities.

Many children of working class families go to Modern schools. They give a very limited education. Pupils get instruction in woodwork, metalwork, sewing, shorthand, typing and cooking. After finishing such a school a pupil becomes an unskilled worker.

The Comprehensive Schools have their own «Grammar school» classes and «Modern school» classes.

Every pupil has to choose a set of subjects to learn. If he takes up Art he will study English Literature, Music, Art, Drama and foreign languages. If he is good at exact and natural sciences, he will learn Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry. Biology, Geography, Economics and Technical Drawing.

Higher education. Education after 16 is voluntary in the United Kingdom. Students must take at the age of 16 the examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). After these exams students of Universities for further education.

British universities are self-governing and are guaranteed academic independence. Many of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge universities were founded in the 12th and 13th centuries. All other universities in Britain were founded in the 19th and 20th centuries.