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Вища освіта за кордоном

Вища освіта в закордонному вищому закладі відкриває масу перспектив для студентів: отримання диплома міжнародного рівня, що високо цінується роботодавцями різних країн, вивчення декількох мов, новий виток кар’єри, опанування сучасних навичок і методик.

Наразі чимало українських студентів розглядають можливість поглиблення фахових знань, отриманих на батьківщині, після отримання освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня “бакалавр”. Провідні університети світу відкриті для молодих амбітних українців, які прагнуть отримати освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень “магістр”під керівництвом всесвітньо визнаних науковців .

Необхідно надати диплом бакалавра українського вищого навчального закладу; результати міжнародного іспиту, що підтверджують рівень володіння відповідною іноземною мовою (IELTS, TOEFL, TestDaf, etc. ); мотиваційний лист іноземною мовою про абітурієнта, його плани на майбутнє та причини, що спонукали його обрати певну спеціальність, університет; листи-рекомендації від викладачів та роботодавців; документ, що засвідчує досвід роботи.

Task 5. Study the following motivation letter and get ready to write your own one to apply for a master’s degree to a foreign university:

As far as I can remember I have always wanted to master the profession of a lawyer. Especially, as it has become my family tradition. But the closer was the end of school and university choices, respectively, the more I thought about the issue if I like the law so much. The answer was obvious - yes, but I knew that it would be too tight in the framework of the national legislation. That's why my choice was the faculty of international law. After 4 years of study I realized that it was not a mistake.

None of the countries of the world exist in a confined space, including Ukraine. Nowadays a huge number of contacts between different countries happens within a day. Not always, these contacts are friendly.

Sometimes, small misunderstandings between representatives of different countries may escalate in time into a political conflict or, to make things still worse, to military actions.

For the society, international law has become the same necessity as air. Precisely international law has tools that allow to reach agreement on controversial issues, to find mutual understanding, to prevent the looming conflict or to solve the arising conflict situation.

The more important it becomes for professionals wishing not only to rely on the experience of their countries, but also learn from the experience of foreign countries.

That is why at the end of my study I decided to deepen my knowledge in another country. I hope that studying at Queen Mary, University of London, will give me not only the opportunity to find myself among students from different countries, to learn about the traditions and customs of the peoples of these countries first hand, understand the specifics of their national legislations, but also allow me to grow up professionally.

I am often asked why I have chosen this field of study. A clear laconic answer does not exist. For me, this is an interesting profession, which I have dreamed of since childhood. For me, it's a dream that I want to achieve. But first of all, this is an opportunity, though indirectly, to help my country to create a positive image among countries of the world. Ukraine is quite a young country, and is still in the process of forming not just any democratic and legal institutions, but also in cultivating its professionals in such important sectors as international law.

Looking around at my choice of specialization, I often caught myself thinking that the most interesting for me is Public International Law and Human Rights.

Nowadays, as more and more cases against Ukraine are considered by the European Court of Human Rights, it becomes clear that in this area a great job must be done by Ukraine not only to improve the image of the country, but also to improve the human rights protection mechanisms and refusing violation. But for such global changes Ukraine needs professionals who understand not only national legislation but also matters relating to international law and human rights, professionals who are also well aware of the specifics of international law application, as well as national legislation, people who know and understand the basics of the theory of conflict resolution and negotiations, who know how to use the tools and new technologies to resolve conflicts.

During the four years of study at the university I had a number of subjects which gave the key concepts in the field of public international law, humanitarian law, human rights protection. However, the knowledge and skills I have obtained strengthened my desire to progress in this direction. I have always felt some lack in textbooks that we examined.

I tried to find books and materials not covered by our university program. More and more often I viewed the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights against Ukraine, trying to trace the trends of human rights violations, followed the news of the world hotspots and the international organisations.

But it was not enough for systematic knowledge in this field. I've always been confident that the difficulties only harden our character, making us better.

I hope I will have the opportunity to become better exactly at Queen Mary, University of London.

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