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Human Resource Management-new (Каф.ін.яз).doc
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Trait appraisal

A subjective evaluation of an employee’s personal characteristics such as attitude, motivation, co-operation, and dependability.


The reassignment of a current employee to another job at the same level as the original job.

Навчальне видання

Кучина Наталя Михайлівна англійська мова для майбутніх управілінців людськими ресурсами

Навчальний посібник

К 95

Кучина Н.М

Англійська мова для майбутніх управілінців людськими ресурсами: навчальний посібник.Дніпропетровськ: ДДФА, 2010.- 196 c.

English for future HR managers – це курс англійської мови, призначений студентам-економістам, які навчаються за напрямом «Управління персоналом і економіка праці». Навчальний посібник містить 13 розділів (units) для аудиторної роботи та тексти для самостійної роботи. Наприкінці посібника надано графічний варіант аудіоматеріалів та глосарій ключових термінів.

УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2

Видано в авторській редакції

Коректор: Л.І. Малигіна

Технічний редактор: Л.В. Кебал

Дизайн обкладинки: Т.Г. Пунтус

Підписано до друку _______Формат 80 х 108 1/32 Папір крейдяний

Умов. друк. арк. 10,3_Обл.- від. арк. 14,2 Тираж 100 Замовлення ____

Р ВВ ДДФА Дільниця оперативного друку. Св. Держкомітету інформ. політики, телебачення та радіомовлення сер. ДК 2126 від 17.03.2005 р.

Видавець і виготівник: Дніпропетровська державна фінансова академія, вул. Аржанова, 12, м. Дніпропетровськ, 49083

1 All the materials are based on austhentic texts from: Management: Comprehenshion, Analysis, and Aplication by Gatewood R.D., Taylor R.R., Ferrell O.C. (Austen Press, 1995).

1 Tasks marked with letter “T” should be done using audio aids.

1 round-robin - a competition in which each person or team plays against every other person or team.

1 Summary is a short account of something that gives only the most important information and not all the details. A summary should generally be no more than one-fifth the length of the original. A summary of a report, speech, or academic paper is also called an abstract.

1 An entry-level job is at the lowest level in a company or organization.

1 unionized - unionized workers are members of trade unions.

1 There are differences between British and American holiday:

In the UK, a holiday, often called your holidays, is a period of time during which you do not go to school or work, and usually you go to a place away from home to relax:

- Where are you going for your holiday?

American speakers call this period a vacation. In the UK, a vacation is a period of time when a university is closed (summer/Christmas/Easter vacation):

- I'm planning to visit my parents during the Christmas vacation.

In the US, holiday refers to a single day fixed by law when people do not have to go to school or work:

- I forgot that Monday's a holiday.

In the UK, this is usually called a bank holiday. Both American and English speakers also call this a public holiday.

When American speakers say the holidays or the holiday season, they are referring to the period of time that includes Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's Day:

- Have you got any special plans for the holidays?

1 retirement plan (American) - a system by which you save money from your pay for your retirement.

2 Medicare - a system in the US in which the government pays part of the cost of medical treatment for people who are over 65 years old.

1 labor - the American spelling of labour.

1 endeavor - the American spelling of endeavour (спроба, зусилля).

2 behavior - the American spelling of behaviour (поведінка).

1 niche / ni:∫ / - a job or activity that you are good at and that is very suitable for you.

2 to boil down to something - to be the main reason for something or the most basic part of something.

3 dependent - the American spelling of dependant (утриманець)

1 flexitime - a system in which workers choose the hours each day that they work, as long as the hours add up to the same fixed number of hours every week or month.

2 brainstorming - a way of developing new ideas, through a discussion in which several people make lots of suggestions and the best ones are chosen.

3 lead time - the time between planning something and starting to do it.

1 Flowchart – a drawing that represents a complicated process by using a series of lines to show the different ways in which the process can happen and the different choices you can make.


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