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Human Resource Management-new (Каф.ін.яз).doc
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1. Read text 6 and think of the suitable title. Text 6

After HR planners have made forecasts of both future demand and supply, the next step is to compare the two forecasts. If they are similar, the planners may conclude that continuing current HRM programs will provide sufficient employees to meet the organization’s future demands. If there is a discrepancy between the two forecasts, then managers must redesign HRM programs either to reduce or increase the supply of employees to meet future demand. In the case of Jewels & Tools, the two forecasts will be different because of the growth that Hubert plans. Diana will, therefore, design the HRM programs of recruiting, selecting, training, and compensating to bring more individuals into the organization over the next six years and to develop their appropriate skills.

Many organizations in the real world have recently faced the opposite situation. Many have made strategic plans to reduce business costs and, therefore, their demand for employees is less than the supply. Depending on the size of the difference between supply and demand, they can employ various programs. If the difference is small, perhaps reducing recruitment and selection programs will suffice. Or the HR manager can design an early retirement program to increase the number of senior employees who will leave the organization voluntarily. If the difference between demand and supply is great, the company will be forced to develop systematic termination programs. Such programs frequently include outplacement activities in which the organization assists those employees who have been laid off in preparing for and carrying out job searches.

To work well, HRM programs must be appropriately designed and implemented.

  1. Comprehension check.

Here are some answers about planning programs. Write the questions.

a) What _________________________________________________________?

That existing HRM programs will provide adequate workforce to meet the business’s future demands.

b) In what case ___________________________________________________?

In case there is a discrepancy between the two forecasts.

c) Why_________________________________________________________?

Because Hubert is going to expand.

d) What ________________________________________________________?

Those of recruiting, selecting, training, and compensating employees.

e) Why _________________________________________________________?

Because they have made strategic plans to reduce business costs.

f) In what case ___________________________________________________?

If the difference between supply and demand is small.

g) What ______________________________________________________for?

For increasing the number of older employees who will leave the company voluntarily.

h) What ________________________________________________________?

It will have to develop systematic termination programs.

i) What _________________________________________________________?

They mean that the company helps those employees who have been made redundant to arrange and implement job searches.


Work in pairs.

Using the key vocabulary from the Pre-reading task, discuss what you have learned about planning programs. Which program would you design and implement if it turned out that:

  • demand for employees in your company could grow in future?

  • demand for employees in your company could decrease insignificantly in future?

  • demand for employees in your company could fall considerably in future?

  • no discrepancy between demand for and the supply of employees in your company was going to take place in future?

Writing a summary (an abstract)1 of a text, a book, an academic paper etc.

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