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Человеческий капитал включает врожденные способности и талант, а также образование и приобретенную квалификацию. Человеческий капитал создается тогда, когда человек инвестирует в самого себя. Инвестиции в человеческий капитал со временем окупаются, давая отдачу в виде более высокой заработной платы или способности выполнять работу, приносящую большее удовлетворение. Студенты имеют возможность производить огромные инвестиции в образование, а наниматели могут платить образованным людям больше. Высшее образование не увеличивает производительность работника, однако оно свидетельствует о том, что работник обладает качествами, полезными для фирмы. Образование увеличивает доходы, и поэтому инвестиции, вложенные в образование, окупаются. Однако время, проведенное на работе, также приносит свои плоды. Опытный работник гораздо ценнее для своей фирмы, чем новичок. Работники, имеющие некоторый опыт, являются более производительными, чем неквалифицированные; соответственно с приобретаемым опытом растет и оплата.


Not everyone wants a job. Those people who do are called the labor force. The labor force comprises all those people holding a job or registered as being willing and available for work.

The participation rate is the percentage of the population of working age who declare themselves to be in the labor force. The postwar growth of the labor force has been caused less by an increase in the population of working age than by an increase in participation rates, most notably by married women. The unemployment rate is the percentage of the labor force without a job but registered as being willing and available for work.

Of course, some people without a job are really looking for work but have not bothered to register as unemployed. These people will not be included in the official statistics for the registered labor force, nor will they appear as registered unemployed. Yet from an economic viewpoint, such people are unemployed. This is an important phenomenon. Economists used to classify unemployment as frictional, structural, demand-deficient, or classical.

Frictional Unemployment. This is the irreducible minimum level of unemployment in a dynamic society. It includes people whose physical or mental handicaps make them almost unemployable, but it also includes the people spending short spells in unemployment as they move between jobs in an economy where both the labor force and the jobs on offer are continually changing.

Structural Unemployment. In the longer run the pattern of demand and production is always changing. In recent decades industries such as textiles and heavy engineering have been declining in the UK. Structural unemployment refers to unemployment arising because there is a mismatch between skills and job opportunities when the pattern of demand and production changes. For example, a skilled welder may have worked for 25 years in shipbuilding but is made redundant at 50 when the industry declines in the face of foreign competition. That worker may have to retrain in a new skill which is more in demand in today’s economy. But firms may be reluctant to take on and train older workers. Such workers become the victims of structural unemployment.

Demand-deficient Unemployment. This refers to Keynesian unemployment, when aggregate demand falls and wages and prices have not yet adjusted to restore full employment. Aggregate demand is deficient because it is lower than full-employment aggregate demand. Until wages and prices have adjusted to their new long-run equilibrium level, a fall in aggregate demand will lead to lower output and employment. Some workers will want to work at the going real wage rate but will be unable to find jobs. Only in the longer run will wages and prices fall enough to boost the real money supply and lower interest rates to the extent required to restore aggregate demand to its full-employment level, and only then will demand-deficient unemployment be eliminated.

Classical Unemployment. This describes the unemployment created when the wage is deliberately maintained above the level at which the labor supply and labor demand schedules intersect. It can be caused either by the exercise of trade union power or by minimum wage legislation which enforces a wage in excess of the equilibrium wage rate.

The modern analysis of unemployment takes the same types of unemployment but classifies them rather differently in order to highlight the behavioral implications and consequences for government policy. Modern analysis stresses the difference between voluntary and involuntary unemployment.

The natural rate of unemployment is the rate of unemployment when the labor market is in equilibrium. This unemployment is entirely voluntary. A worker is involuntarily unemployed if he or she would accept a job offer at the going wage rate. So, frictional, structural and classical types are voluntary unemployment and demand-deficient is involuntary unemployment.


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