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I. Give the English equivalents to:

Естественная монополия, средние издержки, предельные издержки (краткосрочного/долгосрочного периода), монопсония, олигопсония, производственная технология, экономия от масштаба, совершенная конкуренция, однородные/неоднородные товары, научно-технический прогресс, дуополия, барьеры входа.

II. Match the terms with their definitions:

1. Barriers to entry

A. a market with a single buyer who has some influence over the price of his output

2. Franchise

B. factors which prevent the entry of new firms into an industry

3. Economies of scale

C. a situation when a single firm can serve a particular market at lower cost than any combination of two or more firms

4. Monopsony

D. a situation when the average costs per unit of output decrease with an increase in the size of the output produced by a firm

5. Natural monopoly

E. a market consisting of two sellers

6. Duopoly

F. a market with a few buyers

7. Oligopsony

G. privileges

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a monopoly?

2. What is the difference between a monopoly and perfect competition?

3. Who sets prices in a monopolistic market?

4. What are the results of monopolistic behavior in a market?

5. Under what conditions does a monopoly continue to exist?

6. What are the main types of monopolies?

7. What are the distinctive features of a natural monopoly?

IV. Do the following tasks:

1. Describe a monopoly from the standpoint of conventional economic analysis.

2. Compare a monopolistic market to a normal competitive environment.

3. List all the arguments against monopolies and counter arguments in favor of monopolies.

4. Describe the conditions under which monopolies continue to exist.

5. List all kinds of monopolies and describe in what way they differ from each other.

V. Render the text in English:

Монополия характеризуется наличием одного-единственного продавца конкретного товара на рынке. Продавец обладает монопольной властью, если он может повышать цену на свою продукцию путем ограничения своего собственного объема выпуска. Монополистической конкуренции свойственны черты как монополии, так и совершенной конкуренции. Монополистическая конкуренция – это совершенная конкуренция плюс дифференциация продукции. В условиях монополистической конкуренции, как и в условиях совершенной конкуренции, не существует барьеров для входа на рынок новых фирм. Открыть новый ресторан, бензоколонку или аптеку в большинстве крупных городов не составляет труда. Но поскольку барьеры входа отсутствуют, фирмы в монополистически конкурентных отраслях не рассчитывают на получение значительной прибыли в долгосрочном периоде.


People practising specialized production must exchange their outputs of goods and services with one another. Until a full money system has been developed, such an exchange is usually carried on by barter. This is the exchange of goods directly for other goods and services. Barter, however, has certain disadvantages. The chief of these are the need for a coincidence of wants, the difficulty of equating values, and the indivisibility of large items.

Money is a solution to the problems of barter, because each commodity or service can be exchanged for money, which can then be used by the new owner to purchase a balanced supply of utilities. Money is any medium of exchange which is generally acceptable.

Types of money.

a) Token coins. These are coins made from metals whose real value is less than the face value of the coin.

b) Paper money. Printed money is more convenient than coins, being lighter to carry and easier to handle in large quantities. One more advantage of paper money is ease in guarding against forgery. The denominations of notes can be arranged to suit price levels in common use.

c) Bank deposits. Amounts placed to the credit of customers’ accounts at banks are the same as money. These deposits can then be transferred from one person to another by means of cheques. So cheques are not money, but only orders to pay money.

Any means of payment which people are forced by law to accept in settlement of a debt is legal tender. Money need not be legal tender and in fact bank deposits, which are money, are not legal tender. If legal tender is not generally acceptable, then it will cease to be money. In Germany at the end of the Second World War, marks, which were legal tender, were often not accepted in payment whereas cigarettes often were.

Money functions as a medium of exchange, a measure of value and store of value.

a) Medium of exchange. This is the chief function of money. It overcomes the need for a coincidence of wants, since everyone “wants” money, which represents a claim against any goods or services which will yield satisfaction.

b) Measure of value. The value of goods and services is measured in terms of money. It is then known as price.

c) Store of value. Wealth can be kept in the form of money. The use of money as a store of value only applies when individuals are storing it; a whole nation could not do so.

The value of money, like the value of anything else, is whatever it can be exchanged for. It is, in effect, its purchasing power. A rise in prices means that the value of money has fallen; a fall in prices, that it has risen. The value of money changes inversely with changes in the price level. It is highly desirable that the value of money should remain stable over the years, otherwise its functions cannot be fulfilled properly.


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