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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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It was true, but she squelched the thought, pulling her mind from the beast to the mystery that surrounded the

realm he guarded. Hecate couldn’t honestly expect her to live here and not want to find out what had

happened that caused the sequence of events that led to her becoming the goddess’s Empousa. Maybe the


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truth was that Hecate didn’t want her to hear about it secondhand, like common gossip, and that was why she

had forbidden the handmaidens to talk about it. Gii hadn’t specifically said that the Guardian had been

forbidden, too; she’d just freaked out and said not to ask him about the past. Well, it was obvious that the

handmaidens, as well as the other women in the realm, tip-toed around the Guardian, vacillating between

treating him like a rabid dog and a god.

She didn’t think of him as either.

Mikki uncapped the cork from the bottle Gii had said was shampoo and poured a generous amount of it into

her hair. As the night cooled, steam from the pools lifted in thiour±Ђ">

“It is the anointing scent of the Empousa. None other may ever wear it.”

As each woman sipped wine and bathed herself, the pools had grown still, and Floga’s voice startled her.

Mikki peered at her through the steam and noted that the Fire Elemental’s expression was odd—it was almost

as if she looked angry.

“Do you wish you could wear it, Floga?” Mikki asked pointedly, lowering her voice so her words were for

Floga alone.

The handmaiden instantly looked chagrined. “No, Empousa! Of course not,” she whispered.

But as the handmaiden turned away, avoiding her eyes, Mikki wondered . . .


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“NO, thank you, Gii. I’ll be fine. I’m going to eat a quick dinner and go straight to bed. I’m totally exhausted,

and tomorrow will be another busy day.” Mikki smiled brightly, telling herself she wasn’t really lying to Gii.

She was just failing to tell her everything.

“But, Empousa, are you quite sure you wouldn’t like me to help you into your nightdress?”

“No need.” Mikki glanced down at the simple yet elegant butter-colored dress. “I think I’m finally getting the

hang of the way these chitons wrap.”

Gii smiled, “Did it serve as proper work attire for you today?”

“Actually, it did.” And Mikki meant it. After some initial awkwardness at getting used to tucking in the

trailing skirts, she found that the outfit was comfortable and easy to work in, even if it had required some help

from the Guardian to stay on straight. Actually, maybe it was because it had required his help that she liked it

so much . . .

“So you like it better than the . . . jens?”

“Jeans.” Mikki laughed, forced her thoughts back to the girl beside her and gave Gii an impulsive hug. “You

know, I think I do like chitons better than jeans.”

Gii returned the hug with an affectionate squeeze. “Then rest well, Empousa.”

“You, too, Gii. Why don’t I call you and the other handmaidens as soon as I wake up, and we’ll all have

breakfast together? I have some new ideas I want to discuss with you.”

“As you wish, Empousa.” Gii curtseyed, and then skipped lightly to the balcony steps and away into the


Alone at last, Mikki had time to be nervous about the next part of the evening. As it had been last night, the

little table was placed just outside the glass doors to her bedroom. It was, again, laden with meats and

cheeses, bread and wine. >“Afont timOnly one place had been set, but tonight there were two chairs instead

of one.

Mikki frowned. He wasn’t going to get away with this. She’d invited him to dinner, and dinner it would be.

She closed her eyes and thought about the servants who had magickally appeared when she’d wished for wine

and soap and clean clothes. “I need another place setting. Please,” she said.

In less time than she could count to ten, she heard two sharp knocks on her bedroom door. She stuck her head

inside her room and called for them to come in, and one of the women she recognized from the hot spring

hurried in, carrying a tray on which was another complete place setting. Mikki met her halfway across the


“I appreciate you coming so quickly.” Mikki held out her hands for the tray.

“I apologize, Empousa. Had I known you were not dining alone, I would have made certain the table was

already set for two.”

“Don’t worry about it. Actually, these are last-minute plans,” Mikki said quickly, hoping the servants could

just tell when she wanted something and not when she was lying. “I’ll take it from here.”

The woman looked confused, but she nodded. “Of course, Empousa. Shall we bring you more food and


“No. There’s plenty. No need to bother.”

“It is never a bother to serve you, Empousa.”

Mikki reminded herself not to sigh. It might not be a bother for them to serve her, but she could already tell

that such diligent service could very easily become bothersome.

Changing tactics, Mikki asked her, “What is your name?”

The servant blinked in surprise. “Daphne.”

“Daphne—that’s pretty.”

The servant blushed.

“Daphne, I’ll be fine carrying this to the table myself.” She took the tray from the disconcerted Daphne. “But

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