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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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I began to hope that perhaps Hecate had allowed me to live for so longt o±ђ† for another reason.” Sevillana’s

blue eyes returned to Mikki. “I hoped the Great Goddess had meant for me to give you the anointing oil so

you could awaken the Guardian and return to the realm—and fulfill the destiny I left undone.” Sadness filled

the old woman’s beautiful eyes. “Why did you make the same mistake I made? I did not mean for you to run


“But I didn’t!” Mikki cried. Then she lowered her voice when several heads turned in their direction. “You

know about the blood, don’t you? Somehow you understand.”

“Yes, your blood nurtures the roses. How could I not know it? We carry the same blood in our veins,

Mikado.” Sevillana touched her hand lightly in a caress that reminded Mikki so much of her mother that it

made her breath catch. “At the hospital that day I told you my name was Sevillana Kalyca, and it is. But that

Is only part of my name. I rarely use my family name—it is too difficult for me to hear it and to know that I

forsook it, even though the deed was committed long ago. My true name is Sevillana Kalyca Empousai. I was

the first Empousa to flee from the Realm of the Rose. I had hoped when I met you and felt the strength of the

blood within you that I was also the last.”

“I didn’t run away,” Mikki said numbly, staring at the woman who was her ancestress. “I died.”

“Time runs differently there, but still it could not yet have been Beltane in the realm.”

“It was just starting to be winter.” Confused, Mikki frowned. “But the weather didn’t have anything to do

with it. Dream Stealers got into the realm.”

Sevillana’s hand flew to her heart in a gesture that oddly mimicked Mikki’s earlier one. “Oh, Goddess, no!”

“It was me. They fooled me. I let them in. Asterius killed them—or, I supposed they can’t actually be killed,

so that’s not the right word, but he got rid of them, sent them back into the forest.”


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Mikki studied Sevillana, her mind beginning to catch up with her racing emotions. This woman was the one

they’d all been forbidden to talk about. She was part of why Hecate had bespelled the realm and Asterius.

Well, Mikki was no longer in the Realm of the Rose, and she damn sure wanted to know, once and for all,

what had happened.

“Asterius is the name given to the Guardian by his mother.” Watching carefully, Mikki saw the flash of

surprise and unease that passed through Sevillana’s eyes. “I want to know what happened between the two of

you. All of it.”

Sevillana stared out the window as she spoke, and her voice took on a faraway sing-song cadence, as if she

was retelling a story that had been passed down from generation to generation. “I was young and worse than

foolish. I was selfish. I loved the power of Empousa, so much so that I was not willing to relinquish it. As the

days drew closer and closer to Beltane, I convinced myself that it was only right that I escape the destiny

planned for me. That I was different. But I knew I could not cross through the forest without protection. I

convinced the Guardian to betray his duty and escort me through the forest to the entrance to the mundane


“You seduced him?” Mikki felte="±Ђ† very cold.

“Only with words. I would not bed a beast, but I made him believe I would. It was not a difficult thing to do.

He had little experience with women. It was odd, though, that he allowed me to escape even after I rejected

him.” Sevillana shook her head. “I have long wondered about that. He should have turned on me and, at the

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