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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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I have to finish up here and then take a bath or something because I am definitely a mess and—”

He held up one powerful hand to cut off her words.

“Would you rather I just called for you when I’m ready?” she asked sweetly.

“Call and I will come to you.”

Then he turned and stalked back to the gate.

“I think that went well,” she told the Felicite Parmentier shrub.

“I would give just about anything for a long, hot soak in a whirlpool bath,” Mikki said to no one in particular

as the four tired handmaidens walked slowly back to the palace with her.

“Empousa, can you describe what you mean by ‘whirlpool bath’?” Nera asked.

“Absolutely—and you’ll like this because it definitely has to do with water.” She grinned at the Water

Elemental, who giggled in response. “A whirlpool bath is a large tub of warm water that bubbles around you

and almost magically soothes dirty, tired muscles,” Mikki sighed wistfully. “It’s possible through technology,

which is my old world’s version of magick.”

“I believe your new world can do better.” Gii smiled knowingly at the other handmaidens.

Nera added, “We can certainly provide more for our Empousa than a tub of bubbling water.”

“It’s true,” said Aeras.


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“And if you would like it hotter than merely warm, I can arrange that,” the Fire Elemental said mischievously.

Gii took one of her hands and Nera the other. With renewed energy, the handmaidens hurried Mikki around

the side of the palace that held her chamber and the curving balcony. They walked on a path that led between

two rows of ornamental shrubs that had been trimmed into cones. The path turned and almost immediately

fell away to reveal a wide staircase that spiraled gently to the right. Before they had reached the bottom,

Mikki felt the temperature of the air get warmer and she smelled something that was vaguely familiar . . .

The stairs emptied on a white marble landing. Mikki stepped out onto it and gasped in pleasure. “It’s a hot

spring!” But it was like no hot spring Mies ±Ђighkki had ever seen. It was two levels. The first held the

smallest pools—five of them, Mikki quickly counted. Each was roughly double the size of a modern whirlpool

bathtub, and it was like each one had been hollowed out of the lumpy white rock by a giant ice-cream scoop.

They were filled with lazily bubbling water so blue it was turquoise. From the lip of the tier, steaming water

cascaded down to a larger pool. Mikki walked over to the edge and peeked down. The pool was deep and

ringed by more of the white rock, and she could easily see through the clear water to the white sand of the

pool’s bottom.

“The upper baths are hotter than the large pool below,” Nera said. “They should be perfect for soaking away

your aches.”

“Amazing . . .” She breathed the word on a sigh. “The only thing that would make it more perfect would be

soap, clean clothes and lots of wine.”

The words had no more left her mouth than the patter of feet were heard on the stairs behind them.

Wordlessly, Mikki watched several young women hurry onto the landing. Some of them were carrying trays

of goblets and pitchers of wine. Others’ arms were filled with clean lengths of fine linen, and still others had

baskets packed with delicate glass bottles, soft sponges and brushes.

Gii laughed at Mikki’s expression. “Empousa, if you wish for a thing, it will appear. These women are palace

servants whose sole responsibility is to be certain that Hecate’s Empousa is well cared for.”

“Like magick,” Mikki whispered.

“Not like magick. It is magick. Your magick,” Gii said, gently unpinning the brooches that held her dirty

chiton precariously at her shoulders.

“So my wishes are actually commands?” Mikki asked, feeling numb with shock as the servants placed their

treasures on the landing, curtseyed and disappeared back up the stairs.

“They are,” Gii said.

“Good lord, what if I wish for something inappropriate?”

Gii looked searchingly into her eyes. “I believe you are too wise for that, Empousa.”

She certainly hoped so. Good thing she’d be busy with hard physical labor for some time to come. Wishing

for triple fudge cake late at night might not be classified as dangerously inappropriate, but without exercise, it

would definitely be unwise.

Lost in thought, Mikki let the Earth Elemental unwind her from her chiton and, with a moan of pleasure, she

slipped, naked, into one of the bubbling pools. Nera, Aeras and Floga had already poured five goblets to the

rim with white wine the color of sunlight and dragged baskets filled with bottles and sponges over to within

reach of each of the pools. Gii passed Mikki a goblet before she began to take off her own clothes.

“I’m so glad you chose this cold white instead of a red!” Floga said from the pool on Mikki’s left. “I was

dreaming of this very wine all afternoon.”

“But I didn’t . . .” Mikki began and then closed her mouth as she realized that, yes, she had been picturing in

her mind a cold, ref3">±Ђm">reshing white wine when she’d spoken. Unbelievable . . .

The icy wine was a wonderful contrast to the hot, bubbly water, and Mikki shivered in pleasure. She rested

back against the smooth side of the pool and gazed at the beauty that spread before her. The springs were

situated on the rear of the cliff on which the palace had been built. The view was spectacular. Mikki looked

out across an area of the gardens filled with what appeared to be all the same type of rose. They had been

planted in beds that each formed a spiraling circle, and even though Mikki knew that they, too, had to be sick,

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