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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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In warmth and security, as if her mother’s arms were once again around her. With a catch in her voice, Mikki

said, “Welcome, Earth!”

“And now, Empousa, you must greet your own element,” Gii said, pointing to the place at the center of the

circle beside the sacred flame.


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Mikki moved to the center of the circle. She closed her eyes and raised her arms, mimicking the other women.

“I call to the circle the element Spirit.”

Then the handmaidens’ voices flooded her thoughts and senses until Mikki couldn’t tell if they were actually

speaking or if they were only voices within her soul.

“Spirit is present everywhere,” Aeras said in her sweet, clear voice.

“It is the great alchemist.” Floga’s voice was filled with passion.

“Spirit is the element that unites all others.” Nera spoke with the sound of a cascading stream.

“It has the power to shape the very nature of all things,” said Gii, in a loving mother’s voice.

“Welcome, Spirit!” Mikki cried. There was a crackling snap, and the air within the temple sizzled with

energy. Mikki opened her eyes to see that she stood in the middle of a circle ringed by four women who were

bound together by dazzling gossamer threads of silver woven to create a boundary that pulsed with light and

power. The flame burning beside her had taken on a lovely violet tint.

“Wow! It worked!”

The handmaidens laughed, filling the temple with sounds of feminine happiness. Their laughter was like

music, and Mikki wanted to twirl and dance.

Dance, Empousa . . .

The silent words settled into Mikki’s mind like a remembered dream. She didn’t stop to question her next

Impulse or hesitate until she could second guess herself. Mikki danced. Within the circle she twirled and

swayed. The handmaidens took up the tempo of her movements and began humming a seductive melody. She

felt beautiful and powerful and utterly joyous. And she knew what her decision for the rest of her life would

be. She would choose this world—this magickal life—and not because she was afraid of snapping out of it

and finding out she was crazy. She chose this life because it had awakened a joy deep within her that she had

never before experienced. Reality be damned! This was real enough for her.

Speak the words that will bind you to me, Empousa, commanded the voice within her head.

Automatically, Mikki answered the goddess. As she spoke, her own voice grew stronger and more confident.

“Hecate, Goddess of Crossroads, Beasts, and the Ebony Moon, I have cast your sacred circle and been given

a chance at a new life—a new destiny. I stand on the threshold between my old life and my new . . .” Mikki

hesitated, but only long enough for her to turn to face the violet-tinged flame. “My decision is that I am

willing to become your Empousa.”

“What two perfect words do you offer your goddess to bind you to me?” Hecate’s somber voice hung heavy

In the midst of the sacred circle.

Mikki stared into the spirit flame. She had no idea what words to speak. What could bind her to Hecate?

What did her instincts tell her? She wasn’t sure, but she knew what her heart was telling her. There were only

two words that should ever bind one person to another . . .

“Love and trust,” Mikki said.

“Then it shall be, Empousa. You are bound to me through blood and by love and trust!”

The violet flame leaped, shooting almost to the ceiling of the temple’s dome.

“Blessed be your feet that have brought you on this path,” Aeras said.

The Wind spirit held her hands out to her Empousa. Mikki grasped them, feeling a surge of energy swirl into


“Blessed be your setatБd be yourx, source of love and power,” Floga cried.

Mikki retraced her path inside the circle to the spirit of Flame. When she took Floga’s hands, power filled her

with a rush of heat.

Nera’s voice called her farther around the circle. “Blessed be your breasts, and the heart that beats within.”

The Water spirit’s hands were a wash of cool energy that reminded Mikki of a deep, clear well.

Gii’s blessing had her moving to the head of the circle. “Blessed be your lips that will speak the rituals of the

goddess.” Mikki clasped hands with the Earth spirit and felt the strength of ancient trees and ripe meadows

enter her body.

Then, without needing to be prompted by anything except an innate feeling of rightness, Mikki returned to her

place beside the spirit flame and whispered, “Blessed be my eyes that will see clearly the new path before



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“The Empousa is mine, and I am hers—body, mind and spirit.” Hecate’s powerful voice filled the temple.

“The ritual is complete; so mote it be!”

Suddenly Mikki was aware of a multitude of voices cheering in celebration. She looked beyond the circle to

see what must be hundreds of women, young and old. They crowded the gardens around the temple and were

all clapping and waving her way.

The watching crowd began to hum a wordless melody, and soon the seductive beat of drums joined the

voices. Then the gathering of women danced, barefoot and exuberant, in the torch-lit garden of the goddess.

Intrigued, Mikki watched them frolic. In the shadowy gardens, they looked like beautiful night flowers waving

in the breeze. Briefly, she wondered at why there were no men present, but the thought was fleeting and Gii’s

voice chased it completely from her mind.

“Close the sacred circle, Empousa, and we will join the people’s celebration!” Gii said.

Before she had to ask, Aeras’s soft voice lifted above the noise of the crowd like a warm summer breeze.

“Walk in reverse order around the circle. Touch each of us in turn, and visualize the web of light fading


Smiling her appreciation, Mikki retraced her steps, lightly brushing her hand over each woman’s head as she

sank into a curtsey at the approach of the Empousa. She watched the woven thread of light unravel, and

eventually, as she returned to her place in the center of the circle, it disappeared completely, leaving only the

goddess’s flame to burn a bright, but ordinary yellow.

Then Gii took one of her hands and Aeras another, and flanked by Earth and Wind, the newly christened

Empousa was led to her people and the celebration that awaited its priestess.

The Guardian watched from beneath an ancient oak. The lighting of Hecate’s temple had drawn him. When it

blazed again in the heart of the realm, he had been pulled to it unerringly, even though his body was wracked

with the pain of newly awakened muscle and sinew. He had wanted to kneel beside the flame—to again beg

the goddess’s forgiveness and to ask that he be allowed to resume all the duties that had been his usaБad

been hbefore he had broken faith with Hecate. But before he could move, the night breeze shifted and

brought her scent to him. His nostrils had flared and his bronze skin quivered.

The priestess approached.

He knew it was she by her scent—spices and roses distilled by the heat of her soft skin. He recognized it

because he drank the fragrance of her in his dreams, and, waking, he had touched that skin when he held her

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