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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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Voluptuous. Her body was lush; the blue silk lapped around her like translucent waves. Petite Aeras wore

butter-yellow robes that seemed to move gracefully around her in time to a secret breeze of their own. Her

long, straight hair was the golden color of summer sunlight.

“Nera is Water, and Aeras is Wind.”

The handmaidens clapped their hands happily, making Mikki feel inordinately proud of herself.

“You see, Empousa,” Gii said. “You did recognize your handmaidens.”

“With your help I did. Now with your help maybe I can figure out how to cast a circle, too.”

“You have everything here you need to cast the sacred circle, Empousa,” Gii said. “You have the spirits of


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the four elements, and you have your own affinity.”

“My own affinity? But there are only four elements. What could I represent?”

“You represent the heart of the circle—its spirit,” Gii said. “That is why you wear sacred purple. It is the

color of Spirit. And that is why your position will be in the center of the circle.”

“We will show you, Empousa,” Aeras said, skipping up the stairs into the temple. “We each have our


Mikki squared her shoulders and moved with the handmaidens into the temple. Aeras walked purposefully to

a place a few feet away from the ever-burning flame which was in the center of the temple. She turned to

face Mikki. “Wind is always positioned in the east.”

Floga moved around an invisible circle to Aeras’s left. “Flame is allied with the south.”

“Water prefers the west,” Nera said, taking the position directly across from Aeras.

“Earth’s place is always in the north,” Gii said, completing the circle. “And your place—Spirit’s position—is

In the center of the circle near the heart of the goddess’s flame.”

Not giving herself time to hesitate, Mikki moved into the center of the circle made by the elements

personified and stood beside Hecate’s flame. Then, feeling a little lost and a lot foolish, she moved her

shoulders restlessly. “I don’t know what to do next.” She whispered the words, but her voice carried eerily in

the stillness of the temple.

“It is a simple thing, really,” Gii said gently.

“A natural thing,” Nera added.

“A wondrous thing,” Floga said, with barely suppresseide±ly suppred excitement.

“You always begin with me,” Aeras said, smiling brightly. “Greet me and call Wind to you, welcoming my

element. Then move deosil around the circle and call the other elements to you.”


“This way,” Floga said, moving her hand in a clockwise motion.

Mikki nodded. “Okay, I’ve got that.”

“As you call each element, think of the energy you beckon forth to protect and support you, Empousa,” Gii


“Will a circle really appear?” Mikki asked tentatively.

“That depends on you, Empousa,” Gii said.

Mikki’s stomach fluttered with nervousness. Just do it! she told herself. Mikado Empousai lifted her chin and

approached Aeras.


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“HELLO, Aeras.” “Empousa.”

The handmaiden sank to the marble floor in a graceful curtsey, and Mikki’s mind frantically searched for

something, anything, to say. She was supposed to focus on the elemental power as she called it. She drew

another breath to calm herself. She drew a breath . . . air . . . which was really wind . . .

“I call to the circle the element Wind,” she said, mentally crossing her fingers that she wasn’t totally messing

up. “It is what we breathe in when we are born. Without it we would all die.” As Mikki had begun speaking,

Aeras had risen from her deep curtsey. The handmaiden lifted her slender arms, closed her eyes, and tilted her

head back. Mikki swallowed around the nervous dryness in her throat and continued. “When I think of Wind

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