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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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It is the goddess you must beseech in the future.” Without another word, the Titan disappeared from the


Asterius looked down at Mikado. His father had granted him the ability to save her, but how? He had to give

her a piece of his immortality—a piece of his spirit. And then he knew. Slowly, he bent forward and touched

his lips to hers. As he kissed her, he willed her to live—to share what he offered her and to accept him all

over again.

Mikado stirred and sighed softly against his mouth and then she opened her lips and their kiss deepened.

When Asterius finally pulled away, her eyes were open and she was smiling up at him.

“She lives!” Gii cried.

And then the handmaidens were laughing and crying together as they closed the circle and rushed to their

Empousa’s side. Mikki sat up and blinked in confusion, not sure where she was or why Asterius knelt beside

her and was holding her hand right in front of the Elementals. She looked around. They were in Hecate’s

Temple? That wasn’t right. She wasn’t supposed to be here, she was supposed to be checking the rose wall to


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make sure that—

And it all came rushing back to her.

“The Dream Stealers!” she gasped, trying to get to her feet but finding that she was so light-headed that any

abrupt movement made the temple pitch and roll sickeningly around her.

“Shhh,” Asterius reassured her. “All is well. The Dream Stealers have been banished from the realm.”

“I’m so sorry.” She looked frantically from Asterius to the handmaidens.

“Empousa, you need not apologize. Dream Stealers are masters of manipulation. We should have prepared

you better,” Gii said, crouching to take her other hand.

“Yes!” Nera nodded her head a little frantically, as if that could convince her Empousa. “How were you to

know the cunning games they play?”

“But I let them in. They told me that—oh, God! The things they made me think and feel! It was horrible.”

Aeras smiled through the tears that washed her cheeks and touched Mikki’s hair reverently. “You were very

brave, Empousa. You took the blow Hatred planned for me.”

Mikki had forgotten all about that. She frantically looked down at herself. She was covered with=" Ђ†h

blood. How could anyone lose so much blood and live? She remembered the pain in her shoulder, but when

she looked, she saw nothing but bloody skin. And there had been something else . . . something much worse . .


Her eyes widened, and she felt a wave of dizziness. He’d slit her throat. She had been dying. But now she was

Very much alive. Slowly, she lifted her eyes to meet her lover’s.

“It’s over now,” Asterius said.

“I was dying,” she whispered.

“No. I could not let that happen,” he said.

“He saved you,” Gii said with a little sobbing hiccup.

“He saved all of us,” Aeras said, wiping her face.

“We will never forget it,” Floga said.

“Never,” said Nera.

Mikki smiled at the Elementals. “He did what any honorable man would do to protect his home and those he

loves.” Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered into his ear, “Take me home.”


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A STERIUS carried her through the garden. Mikki wouldn’t normally like being carried around as if she was a

child, but she wasn’t sure she could walk on her own. Her insides felt weak and sick. And she needed to be in

his arms. She needed to feel his heartbeat against her own to reassure herself that she really was alive.

“Hatred tricked me,” she said faintly, her head resting against his shoulder.

His arms tightened around her. “That’s what Dream Stealers do. They infect mortals until their poison

actually twists thoughts so that dreams sicken, and eventually, die. Do not punish yourself for falling prey to

that which has been destroying mortal dreams for uncounted ages.”

“I thought awful things. I was filled with . . .” She shivered convulsively, not able to continue.

“You were poisoned by hatred, envy, fear, and selfishness. They weren’t your thoughts, Mikado, they were

sick shadows of your infected imagination. You must not punish yourself for their evil, for that is a type of a

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