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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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Its shadows to him and attempt to cloak himself from prying eyes. There he would rest and perhaps drink

some of the wine the servant would offer him. Of course he was hungry, but he would not eat. He could not

stand their stares. It was as if they expected him to fall to his haunches and tear at the food with his teeth.

Perhaps he should! That would cause quite a stir amongst them. No . . . he stifled a weary sigh. It would cause

nothing more than a reinforcement of their belief that he was, indeed, a mindless, heartless beast.

“There you are!” Mikado hurried up to him, a little out of breath. “Good thing you’re so tall or I would never

have found you out here.”

He stopped and looked down at her. She was carrying a large basket. Her hands and face were wet, as if she

had just washed, and as she smiled up at him she used a fold in her dirt-speckled chiton to wipe a trickle of

water from her cheek.

“I completed readying the bed of Masquerade. What is it you would have me do next?”

“I’d have you eat!” She grinned, nodding at the well-laden basket. “I made sure this one had enough for both

of us.”

He wondered if she could hear the blood rushing in his veins, pumping shock and disbelief through his body.

He drew a deep breath. When he spoke, he struggled to keep his voice low and for her ears alone.

“You should eat with the women, Mikado.”

“No. They’ve already formed their little cliques. If I butted into one, it would just be awkward, kinda like

eating with the boss who crashed a workers-only party. And as many orders as I’ve given them today, I’m

sure they need a break from me. Plus, I’d rather eat with you,” she finished simply.

“But it has never—”

“Stop!” she interrupted, causing several of the women’s heads to turn their way. In a more sedate, but no less

firm voice, Mikado continued. “I’m tired of hearing what hasn’t been done before. I’m Empousa now and

things are going to be different, and not just with the roses.”

“As you wish, Empousa,” he said, using comfortable formality to cover his turbulent emotions.

“Good. Let’s go eat under that tree you disappeared beneath yesterday. I want to take another look at the

gate anyway.”

“As you say, Empousa.” He began to walk toward the ancient tree that shaded the area near the rose gate,

careful to shorten his stride so she didn’t have to struggle to keep up with him.

When they got to the tree, he felt a rush of relief when he saw that no group of women had chosen to eat

nearby. With a long sigh, Mikado sat and leaned her back against the wide trunk of the oak and gazed at the

rose gate.

“It doesn’t look any better than it did yesterday,” she said.

“It also does not look any worse.”

“I suppose that’s something. You know, I don’t sense anything horrible coming from the forest. If you hadn’t

told me about the danger there, I wouldn’t have thought the forest was anything more than an old, dark


“Dream Stealers choose their time carefully to appear. Remember to be on your guard always when you are

near the gate or in the forest itself.”

“But you’ll be with me, won’t you? I mean, I can’t open the gate.”

He raised a brow at her. “Of course you can, Empousa.”

Her eyes widened as she looked from him to the gate and back to him again. “I’ll be careful,” she said. Then

she turned her attention to the basket of food. “Let’s worry about the forest later. Now, let’s eat.”

Hesitating only a moment, he sat and made an almost imperceptible gesture that caused the shadows around

them to thicken. He wanted to be able to watch her without schooling his expression, and that was not

something he would do if the other women could easily see them.

“You look tired,” he said.


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“So do you,” she countered as she pulled e="сЂghta wineskin from the basket and then took a long drink.

“Your face is pale, Mikado.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.” She tossed him the wineskin and then began taking cheese and bread from the

basket. Mikado glanced up at him. “Drink,” she ordered.

He drank, thinking that he could taste the essence left by her lips, and that lingering touch was more

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