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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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Inviting suddenly beat against them in a frenzy of scent and sound. They were caught in a vortex of

confusion. The ground seemed to open to swallow them. It trembled . . . shifted . . . rocked. The world around

them faded and then disappeared altogether, and the shimmering air was rent by a tremendous roar.

Like a snake slithering into its hole, darkness and the beast retreated, carrying Mikado Empousai with it.


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Part Two


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SOFTNESS ... she was surrounded by softness. Curled on her side, her face rested against a pillow. Mikki

rubbed her cheek against its sleek surface. Silk. It had to be silk. She snuggled more deeply into the thick

comforter, breathing in the rich scent of expensive, down-filled bedding.

While she lay there, someone combed through her hair with a wide, soft-bristled brush. Mikki sighed happily

and rolled over on her stomach so the someone could have better access to more of her hair. Dreaming . . .

she had to be dreaming.

And, she told her sleeping self, her dreams had certainly been wonderful lately. She should just relax and


The person hummed a wordless tune while she brushed Mikki’s hair. Her voice was a gentle waterfall of notes

that blended with the soft strokes of the brush lulling Mikki into an almost hypnotically relaxed state.

Mikki sighed with perfect contentedness.

Somewhere in the lullaby-like humming, the whispered words Welcome, Priestess echoed in her sleep-heavy


Mikki breathed another dreamy sigh; she was definitely going to have to do more sleeping.

Another pair of hands touched her. These new hands focused on rubbing her feet. With the confidence of a

master masseuse, the hands drew firm, soothing circles across her insteps.

Mikki felt like she was liquefying. Well, she certainly deserved an excellent dream, especially after the night

she’d had. Her mind traveled languidly back. The crappy blind date . . . humiliating herself by screwing up the

lines of that play . . . then being stalked by some terrible imaginary beast through the rose gardens . . . cutting

her fingers on the broken perfume bottle . . . the deafening roar and the horrible sense of suffocation . . .

Memory tried to break through the dam of contentment her dream had built. She had to be dreaming, but how

had she gotten home? Just what exactly happened before the weird dizzy spell that had overwhelmed her in

Woodward Park? A sliver of unease skittered spiderlike through her body. She needed to wake up.

Mikki opened her eyes.

A flutter of activity sounded behind her. Mikki spun around. Two women stood next to her bed.

No—it wasn’t her bed.

Mikki snapped her eyes shut.

No. No. No. This wasn’t right. It was the bed from her dreams. The huge canopy bed in the enormous

bedroom, to be precise. Mikki pressed the palms of her hands against her closed eyes. Then she rubbed her

face vigorously. She could feel her body, too damn well. The feeling was distinct, not like the sweet, erotic

fog that filled her dreams. With her eyes still closed, she slapped her own cheek. Hard.

“Ow, shit.” Mikki flinched. It definitely hurt. She was certain she was awake now.

She opened her eyes.

Sticky tendrils of fear laced their way through her stomach. Nothing had changed. The bed was still there, as

was the bedroom and the two women. They were wearing long shimmering robes that wrapped toga-like

around their bodies and brushed the lushly carpeted floor. They were young and beautiful, especially

silhouetted against the wall of mullioned windows behind them.

“Shit on a shingle!” Mikki automatically used her favorite curse as her breath left her body and her heart

slammed against her chest. “Who the hell are you?” she squeaked. Fear clenched her. Hai> ‘ched her.d she

been attacked in the park and killed? “Am I dead? Are you ghosts?” she blurted.

The women’s eyes widened, and the brunette held out a delicate hand in a gesture that was probably meant to

have been reassuring, but the fact that she was there at all, and that she could respond to Mikki’s question,

was definitely not comforting. Mikki immediately shot backward, crablike, over the bed until she was pressed

firmly against the headboard.

“My Lady! We are of the living. You have nothing to fear.” Her voice was soft and melodic, and Mikki

recognized it instantly as the one that had recently been humming the lullaby to her. “We are here to

welcome and to serve you, Priestess.”

The other woman, the one with the lion’s mane of wheat-colored hair, nodded in agreement. “Yes, Priestess.

We are all very much alive.”


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Clutching the comforter to her chest, Mikki tried to control the shaking in her voice. “Wh-where am I?”

“You are home, Priestess!” The brunette smiled magnanimously.

“And just exactly where is ‘home’?” Mikki asked, feeling numb around her mouth, like she’d eaten a Popsicle

too fast and was having a hard time making her lips work.

“You are in the Realm of the Rose,” the blonde assured her.

“I have finally done it,” Mikki moaned. “I have finally gone stark raving, totally fucking crazy.” She buried

her face in her hands.

Instantly, the two women rushed to her, patting her shoulders and stroking her hair. Mikki jerked back from


“Don’t touch me!” she yelled. “You’re only making it worse. I can damn sure feel you when you touch me,

even though I should be sleeping and this should all be a dream, and . . .” She broke off her babble. Breathing

hard, she just shook her head at the women. “No. Stay back. You’re just giving me more proof of how kooky

I am!”

The women took nervous little half-steps away from her.

Obviously the leader, the brunette spoke quickly. “Let me assure you, Priestess, you are of your right mind.

We are not imaginings, nor are we deranged fantasies.” Her smile was hesitant but sweet. “I know this must

seem very odd to you”—she glanced at her partner, who mirrored her smile—“but you truly are in the Realm

of the Rose, and we are your handmaidens.”

The blonde nodded her head, the waves of her hair bouncing in perky agreement.

Mikki felt her right eye begin to twitch.

“Maybe I’m drunk,” she muttered, trying to remember how much she’d had to drink before she’d dumped her

date. Three, or had it been four glasses of that fabulous chianti? Oh, Lord . . .

“We would be happy to bring you wine, Priestess,” the blonde chirped.

“Oh, be quiet and let me think,” Mikki snapped. “And stop calling me priestess. It’s not my name, nor is it my

job tible‘it my jobtle.” Then she rolled her eyes at herself. What a totally moronic thing to say. Not her job

title? Being a kook was bad enough. Being a stupid kook would be completely humiliating.

But the handmaidens seemed oblivious to her idiocy. They were busy exchanging startled glances.

“But,” the brunette began hesitantly, “you must be our priestess. You awoke the Guardian.”

Mikki made an exasperated sound in her throat. “The only thing I must be right now is crazy.”

The women went on talking to each other as if she had not spoken.

“She is beautiful,” the blonde said. Studying her carefully, she sniffed in Mikki’s direction. “And she has been

properly anointed.”

The brunette squinted at Mikki. “But she is not as young as the other priestesses who were Chosen.”

Her partner nodded silently, her brow wrinkling in concern. “Perhaps that is for the best.” Her voice dropped

to a whisper, and Mikki had to strain to catch her words. “You know how badly the last one turned out.”

“Silence!” the brunette snapped.

The blonde paled and clamped her lips together.

“You are a maiden, are you not?” the brunette asked Mikki matter-of-factly.

“That’s it!” Mikki swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up so abruptly that the two women each

took a startled step back. “It’s bad enough that I’m having some kind of psychotic break with reality, but I

really have to draw the line when my delusions begin talking about my age and questioning my sexual

history.” Mikki made little shooing motions at them. “Go on. I prefer to sink into psychosis by myself.”

“We did not mean to offend, Priestess,” the brunette said, instantly contrite.

The blonde nodded again—vigorously.

“You didn’t offend me. My mind, or more accurately, my lack of it, offended me.” The women blinked at her

like Kewpie dolls. “Oh, just leave me alone for a while. I have a lot of thinking to do.”

“You have only to call for us if there is anything you desire,” said the brunette. “Of course, Priestess, we will

return when the sun has set to prepare you for the goddess’s evening ritual. We all hope that once again—”

Mikki’s raised hand cut off her gushing words. “No! Nothing else right now. To quote an idiot accountant I

once had the misfortune to date, ‘My bucket is too damn full right now to deal with anything else.’ Just

leave.” At their hurt looks she added, “Please.” They were fabrications of her mind, but (as she was sure her


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mother would have reminded her) there was really no reason to hurt their feelings and be impolite. They

couldn’t help her kookiness.

Reluctantly, they walked gracefully across the room. Mikki expected them to pass through the wall like

proper figments of imaginations, but the blonde opehei‘e blonde ned the large, ornately carved door, which

clicked closed softly behind them. Even her hallucinations didn’t behave properly.

“Insane,” Mikki said firmly. “You are completely insane.”

Her legs felt weak, and abruptly Mikki sat back down on the bed. The thick down comforters billowed around

her like clouds of hand-spun gold. Unable to help herself, she ran her hand over the rich, silk surface of the


“Unbelievable,” she muttered. The bedding was sumptuous and incredibly beautiful, richer than even the

linens from The Blue Dolphin, the expensive boutique she liked to browse through at Utica Square. And

browse was the key word—she could never have afforded to buy her bedding there. Now she was surrounded

by material that made The Blue Dolphin look like K-Mart.

At least she was having an expensive delusion.

Actually, expensive didn’t begin to describe the room. It was more like obscenely RICH. Definitely spelled

with capital letters.

The stuff of fairy tales, her mind prodded.

Mikki ignored her mind, which had already proven totally untrustworthy, and looked around. She knew the

room. Her fantastic dreams always began in this very room, but the images her sleeping mind had retained

had been fleeting. Typically, when Mikki awoke she could only remember that she had been in “the room”

again and that the room had given her a sense of comfort, setting a pleasurable stage for the rest of her dream


What was it the brunette had said? You are home, Priestess!

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