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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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It was not enough! The beast within him roared.

But it must be enough. Even if by some miracle she could love me, it wouldn’t change anything. Her destiny

must remain the same.

Asterius’s mind and heart were at war, and he remained silent, fighting internal battles and savoring the soft

brush of her arm against his.

Mikki tried not to think at all. Every so often she would steal a sideway glance at his strong profile—the

square jaw, wide forehead, pointed onyx horns . . . A chill shivered through her—part trepidation, part

fascination. She wasn’t going to think. She was going to follow her instincts.

Both of them were preoccupied enough that together they were surprised when the stairway to Mikki’s

balcony was suddenly in front of them.

“I will take the threads to the Dream Weavers,” he said gruffly.

“That’s a good idea. They’re waiting for you.” She made a motion as if she wanted to touch the pile of

gleaming thread but seemed to think better of it and dropped her hand to her side. She looked from the

threads into his eyes and said, “The dream that we were in—will the women see it and weave it into a

tapestry, too?”

He looked thoroughly surprised by her question. “I do not know. I have no personal experience with dreams

coming true.”

Mikki tilted her head back so she could look up into his face more easily. “You don’t have dreams?”

“I do, but they do not come true. Since I swore an oath to be in Hecate’s service, I have been watching the

dreams of others come true without being granted any of my own.” He continued to look into her eyes. “You

already know I am the son of a Titan and I have lived for countless centuries, with more centuries stretching

endlessly before me. I also want you to know I will remember today for as long as my heart beats.”

“You sound like today is over.”

He smiled, flashing sharp, white teeth, but his eyes remained sad. “It was a pleasing day, but as with all

things, it, too, must end.”

Mikki didn’t want it to end, not yet. She wanted . . . she wanted him to . . . Her mind fumbled through

possibilities. What did she really want him to do? Standing so close to him she was, once again, struck by his

size and the powerful melding of man and animal—the cloven hooves and furred legs—the muscular chest

and powerful shoulders—the face that looked like it should belong to an ancient warrior god and not a

creature who was part beast. In her dream she had been pursued by him and then had ended up in his arms. It

had been erotic and exciting, but it had been a dream. Reality was much different. For one thing, he was

definitely not pursuing her. For another, she had to remember what he’d said about the beast within him. She

was no fairy-tale Beauty, and he was not going to turn into a foppish prince if she agreed to marry him. Hell,

he hadn’t even asked her. Who knew what his intentions were—half the time his expression was so masked

that she couldn’t even guess at what he was thinking.

But what were her intentions? She’d admitted to him that she might be falling in love with him. What did that

mean? Just how hard and far was she willing to fall?

“If there is nothing else you require of me, then I bid you good night, Mikado.”

When he finally spoke, she realized she’d been standing there staring stupidly, speechlessly at him. She

blinked her eyes, feeling a little like she was coming out of a trance.

“There is one more thing you can do for me.”

Mikki climbed quickly up three of the balcony steps. He started to follow her, but she turned so he had to stop


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abruptly. She was almost at eye level with him, and for a moment he just stood there, enjoying the exquisite

sensation of being so physically close to a woman who did not shrink from him or treat him as if he was an

errant hound. Then she put her hands on his shoulders.

“What may I do for you, Mikado?” Despite the instant pain that began to radiate through his skin at her

touch, he tried to speak as softly as possible, mentally cursing his inhumanly powerful chest and the voice that

boomed from it, afraid that he would frighten her again. Afraid that she would stop touching him . . . or that

she would not.

“This,” she whispered.

She leaned forward and touched her lips to his. He could not move. It was as if her kiss had turned him back

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