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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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I’ll definitely need you in the morning. I’m going to have breakfast with the four Elementals. Could you be

sure to bring enough for all of us?”

“Yes, Empousa.”


97 of 181 1/14/2009 9:43 PM

“Wonderful! Now, you and, um, the rest of the women can relax tonight. I won’t need anything else.”

Daphne opened her mouth for what Mikki felt sure would be a protest, so she added firmly, “Good night,

Daphne. I’ll see you in the morning when I call for breakfast.”

Reluctantly, Daphne curtseyed and left the room.

“A pain in the ass . . .” Mikki muttered to herself as she set the table. “All this ‘Yes, Empousa, what can I do

for you, Empousa?’ might sound like a good idea in theory. In practice it is a pain in the ass.” Of course it

probably wouldn’t be if I wasn’t sneaking around like a teenager meeting a thug boyfriend against her

parents’ rules. “I’m not a teenager,” she told her reflection as she brushed through her drying hair. “And

he is not my boyfriend. This is no different from a business dinner.” She pressed a hand against her

fluttering stomach. “So stop being so damn nervous!”

The table was ready. She was ready—or as ready as she was going to be. Mikki walked to the balcony and sat

down. She put her hands in her lap, closed her eyes, and thought about the Guardian . . .

. . . The way he had kept such careful watch over the women today . . . his laugh . . . the heat of his body

when he was near her . . . his touch . . . and how alone he’d looked disappearing into the shadow of the tree

Instead of being included in one of their groups at lunch . . .

“Empousa, you look sad. Is anything amiss?”

She opened her eyes. He was standing, just outside the pool of light cast by the candelabrum that sat on the


“I’m not sad. I was just concentrating. I’m not used to calling someone by just thinking about him.”

“It is a gift given to each Empousa by Hecate.”

“Oh, I appreciate it—it’ll just take some getting used to.” She motioned to the chair at the other end of the

table. “Please, join me. I don’t think I realized how hungry I was until just now when I smelled this food.”

He stepped from the shadows slowly, as if giving her time to readjust to the sight of him. Mikki realized that

she shouldn’t stare—that she was being rude. But he was such an incredible being she couldn’t just smile and

make polite conversation and pretend like each new sight of him didn’t send shockwaves through her mind. In

the silence, his hooves rang against the marble, pulling her gaze down. He was wearing another short,

military-looking outfit, which left much of his muscular legs bare. She noted that except for the fact that they

were covered with a coat of slick fur, his legs were fashioned more like a human man than an animal. The

leather breastplate molded to his chest and abdomen so it clearly outlined the definition of his muscles, which

were completely manlike. No, Mikki mentally corrected herself, no normal man could have a chest like that.

He’s not stone anymore, but he looks like he could have been carved from marble.

She realized he’d reached the table and stopped and was just standing there, letting her study him. Mikki felt

her face heat with an embarrassed blush.

“What is that called?” she blurted, trying to cover for her rude staring.

“Empousa?” His wide brow wrinkled in confusion.

“That leather top you wear. I’m new to all of this.” She lifted an edge of her own clothing. “It was just this

morning that Gii taught me that this is called a chiton. So I was curious about what yours is called.” She didn’t

think she sounded too terribly moronic. Maybe.

He looked down at himself and then back at her. “It is a warrior’s cuirasse.”

“Cuirasse,” she repeated the word. “Is it over a chiton?”

“No, this is a short tunic. A warrior would not wear a chiton into battle.”

Because his expression seemed to tell her she was amusing him, she pointed to his bare legs. “I’d think you’d

need more covering for battle.”

His face hardened. “I would, were I a man. For protection, Greek men go into battle with leather enemides

strapped on their legs from ankle to knee.” He lifted one massive hoof and set it down with a heavy,

dangerous sound. “I do not require such protection.”

A little tremor that was fear mixed with fascination shivered over her skin. She looked into his dark eyes and

was immensely proud that her voice sounded perfectly normal. “Huh. Built-in protection like that must come

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