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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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If he was afraid of crushing it.

“To our new Empousa,” he said.

When she lifted the glass to her lips, she saw the perfect white rose blossom floating in the sea of wine. It

hadn’t been there before; he’d made it appear—for her. Mikki closed her eyes and drank, inhaling the sweet

perfume that was the perfect accompaniment to the crispness of the liquid.

Later, she would remember it as the moment she began to fall in love with the beast.


99 of 181 1/14/2009 9:43 PM


SHE’D wanted dinner to be easy and casual, but in truth, there were several awkward moments. The

Guardian was silent and clearly self-conscious and uncomfortable. Which made total sense. He always ate

alone. The entire realm considered him an animal, an outsider. How was he supposed to know anything about

polite dinner conversation?

She was careful not to stare at him, because whenever she looked his way, he quit eating. Trying to make him

more comfortable, she dispensed with the niceties of using knife and fork and picked up the meat and cheese

with her fingers, purposefully chewing more noisily than was her norm. Still, he sat stiff and silent, eating little

and drinking only when her attention was elsewhere.

Mikki glanced across the table and awkwardly met his eyes, then looked away quickly, for what seemed like

the thousandth time. Too bad they didn’t have a TV they could sit in front of or, at the very least, other diners

they could eavesdrop on. He needed something to get his mind off the fact that he was sitting at dinner with

herect D‡. And then she had it!

“The map of the gardens,” she said. “While we’re eating, you could sketch one for me.” Her mind was racing.

“I’ll bet those little servants who bring dinner and such could scare up some paper and a pencil.” She’d stand

by the door and not let them come in her room. They wouldn’t even know he was here.

“I created it while I awaited your call.” He held out one massive hand and spoke a word that sounded like a

growl mixed with vowels, and a rolled-up parchment burst into being in his hand. He offered it to Mikki, and

she took it from him gingerly, half afraid it would disappear at her touch.

“You know, it’s amazing the way you can make things appear like that.” She cleared her throat and, only half

kidding, added, “Could you teach me to do it?” It didn’t seem possible, but in this world, who knew?

“I’m afraid you must be born the child of a Titan to have the ability to conjure inanimate objects.”

“That’s too bad. It’d come in handy to be able to conjure up a hoe or pruning shears whenever I needed them

instead of lugging them around.”

His lips tilted up in the hint of a smile. “But I do not have the ability to call the Elements to me, or to cast

Hecate’s sacred circle.”

She smiled. “There are definitely good things about being Empousa.”

“Agreed.” He lifted his wineglass to her again, and this time seemed more at ease holding the crystal goblet.

Mikki pushed some of the dishes to the edge of the table, making room for the wide parchment paper. She

unrolled the Guardian’s map and placed four of the smaller plates at each of its corners so she could study it.

It was all done in what looked like quill and ink. He’d drawn a thick, wide, spherically shaped circle, which

clearly represented the rose wall boundary. Within the boundary, created with amazing attention to detail,

was the garden’s blueprint. The palace was placed in the north. He’d even sketched in the southern-facing

balcony on which they sat, as well as the cliff behind the palace where the springs were located and the

unique beds of roses it looked out on, which were Mikki’s private gardens.

Hecate’s Temple was drawn in as a domed shape, with the enormous fountain beside it, which Mikki could

see was, indeed, situated in the geographical center of the gardens. Spiraling out, like spokes on a wheel, he’d

drawn bed after bed of roses nestling within a labyrinthine series of interwoven pathways.

She had expected the crude map equivalent of a stick-figure drawing, but he’d created something filled with

detail and rich with beauty. Completely caught off-guard, she looked from the map to the creature who had

drawn it with such obvious care and unexpected talent.

“Guardian, this map is wonderful! Not only does it have everything on it, so I can easily divide it into fourths

and show the handmaidens exactly which area of the gardens I want each of them to be responsible for, but

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