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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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If he would be the only one to pay the price, he would gladly do so. He knew it for truth, even though the

thought shamed him. It meant he was willing to betray his goddess again. But no matter how desperately he

longed for Mikado, he would not allow his own desires to cause the destruction of the Realm of the Rose.

His growl deepened, and he had to fight against the urge to rend and tear. The man within him held the beast

at bay, but only just. The ache and yearning for the impossible that caused his emotions to be in turmoil also

roused the monster within. She might believe in the man, but he was joined with the beast—they were one in

the same. If she stirred the man, the beast roused. He had to remember that no matter how sweetly she may

speak his true name, or how sweetly she might touch him and let him touch her, she would be imagining the

man. What would happen when she realized that she was seducing the beast, too?

She would reject him. Anything else was only a dream. And he, of all creatures, knew how insubstantial

dreams really were. He must forget the dream and deal in reality, which was what he did best.

And none of this mattered. He could not love her—he could barely touch her without feeling the raging pain

of Hecate’s spell.

Asterius’s head suddenly lifted and his eyes widened. That was it! He didn’t have to hold the beast at bay.

The goddess had tethered the monster for him. He could stay as close to Mikado as she would allow; the

goddess’s spell would ensure that he never went too far . . . all he need do would be to bear some pain. When

it became too much, too unendurable . . . he remembered the feel of her skin against his lips and her small

hand within his. Yes, he could endure a taste of the goddess’s punishment for the miracle that was the touch

of Mikado’s skin.

If she allowed him near her again. He resumed his frustrated pacing. After the way he’d left her last night it

would be understandable if she avoided his company completely.

But perhaps she would not always avoid him. She was so different, so unlike any of the other women. She had

thaбЂnt>asked him if he would seal the gate! No other Empousa would ever have asked such a thing. Of

course, she didn’t know her fate. Didn’t know that her only escape from it was through the rose gate and back

to the world of the mundane that lay beyond the forest. Part of his mind whispered that even if she knew, she

might still choose to stay for the roses . . . for him . . .

He went to the mouth of his lair. The sun was calling the sky awake with young tendrils of light. He could feel

Mikado’s thoughts slide away from him as she left the baths and then he could no longer feel her at all. He

Imagined that she was preparing to summon the Elementals and begin her day. He, too, must begin his. She

had asked him to inspect the rose wall, and her request had been a wise one. He left his lonely lair and began

his solitary trek along the boundary between worlds.

Choosing to remain invisible, Hecate watched her Guardian. His powerful stride was weary, and she clearly


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saw the strain of conflicted emotions in his dark, expressive eyes. The goddess smiled and let her hand

absently caress the head of one of her great hounds.

“It goes well . . .” she whispered.

“See how I’ve divided the gardens into fourths?” Mikki had hated to tamper at all with Asterius’s map, but it

was necessary that everything be clear for the Elementals, so she’d had Daphne bring her a quill and some

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