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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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Ink, and she’d drawn her own considerably less-attractive lines to quarter the blueprint. “As I said before,

each of you will take the area that corresponds to the direction of your element. Nera, you’ll be west; Aeras,

east. Gii and Floga will, of course, be north and south. You’ll each have your own group of women. Start by

fertilizing the beds, like I showed you yesterday. I’ll make my way through each area, checking to see if the

roses need any other special attention. Do you have any questions about your areas?” Mikki asked the four

Elementals. As she’d done the night before, she’d pushed the dishes aside and spread Asterius’s map out on

the dining table. The handmaidens were gazing at it raptly.

“This is a lovely map, Empousa,” Gii said, touching the delicate sketch that represented the realm’s central


“And accurate, too,” Aeras said. “I think every one of the paths have been duplicated here.”

“Your baths are even drawn in,” Nera said, obviously delighted with the squiggly water lines that represented

her element.

“Who did this for you, Empousa?” Floga asked.

Mikki lifted her eyes from her own contemplation of the map to meet the Fire Elemental’s sharp gaze.

“The Guardian drew it for me,” Mikki said, careful to keep her voice casual, her expression placid.

“The Guardian!” Gii exclaimed. “But how could he have—”

“She commanded it,” Floga interrupted the Earth Elemental. “He would do whatever she commanded.”

Unruffled by her odd tone, Mikki said, “Actually, I didn’t command him. I just asked.” She lifted a shoulder.

“That’s all. Apparently it wasn’t that big of a deal. H>

She only had time to wonder if he minded that she called him by the name his mother had given him, before

the pressure of the air on the balcony changed. It felt heavier and thick against her skin. Then she heard his

hooves pound forcefully on marble as he climbed the balcony stairs. Though his stride was powerful, that

unmistakable mixture of animal and man with which he moved, Mikki thought he looked tired and was almost

as annoyed as she was disappointed when he bowed and spoke formally to her without meeting her eyes.

“You commanded that I come to you, Empousa?”

“Yes. I was hoping you’d had a chance this morning to inspect the rest of the rose wall.”

“I have, Empousa.”


“I see no area that appears particularly weak except that which surrounds the gate.”

“So you agree that we can focus on the roses within the garden?”

Finally, he met her eyes. “Yes, I am in agreement with you.”

“Good,” she said briskly, ignoring the fluttering he caused deep in her stomach. She turned to the

handmaidens. “So each of you collect your group of women and set up your own line of fertilizer baskets.

Prepare the beds just like we did the area around the roots of the multiflora roses. I’ll visit each area, and

we’ll go from there.”

“Yes, Empousa,” the Elementals chorused. They curtseyed and began to leave the balcony, along with the


“Floga, Guardian—I need to see the two of you,” Mikki said.

Mikki thought that though the Fire Elemental had carefully arranged her face into a blank expression, her

eyes gave away her uneasiness at being singled out. She doesn’t trust me.

“Floga, your area of the garden is the section that is most southerly. This happens to include the rose gate. I

know it would be quicker for your women to go to the forest and use the loam for fertilizer as we did

yesterday, but I’m concerned about having the gate open again today.”

Floga looked surprised, and Mikki couldn’t really blame her. Just yesterday she’d insisted, in front of


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everybody, that Asterius keep the gate open, danger be damned. Mikki looked at him. “What do you advise?”

“I believe you are wise to be concerned about reopening the gate so soon,” he said.

width="1em">“So we are agreed that maybe in a day or two Floga can allow the women to collect more

loam, but right now it’s not a good idea?”

“Yes, Empousa. We are in agreement.”

“Good.” She knew the smile she gave him was obvious in its warmth, and she could feel the handmaiden’s

eyes watching her every expression, but she didn’t care. Let them all know she valued the Guardian’s

judgment. She would not treat him like an animal when he was not one, and neither would they. Not while she

was Empousa. There was a new boss in the realm, and they’d better get used to it. Still smiling, she turned to

Floga. “Do you understand what I need you to do?”

“Yes, Empousa.”

“Good. Then you’re free to get started. The Guardian and I will be along shortly.”

Floga’s eyes widened, but she said nothing as she curtseyed and then hurried from the balcony, leaving the

priestess and the beast alone.

“Good morning, Asterius,” Mikki said softly.

And that was it. The sound of his true name on her lips undid him. He could not fight his desire for her and his

need to be in her presence. Despite the spell Hecate had placed upon him and the pain it would cause him,

come spring or come the very gates of the Underworld, for as long as they had together he had to hear the

sweet sound of her voice and, if fate granted it, feel the touch of her hand again.

“Forgive me, Mikado.”

“For what?”

“For the way the night ended. I have no practice in . . .” He paused, struggling for words he’d never before


“There’s nothing to forgive,” she said. “It’s hard to know the right thing to say or do, especially when you’re

faced with a completely new situation. Sometimes it’s easier to run away.”

“That makes me sound like a coward.”

She smiled. “No, it makes you sound human.”

He looked shocked, and then, slowly, his lips turned up into a smile that eventually reached his eyes. “You

are an extraordinary woman, Mikado.”

“Well, let’s see if you still think so at the end of the day.”

He raised a questioning brow.

“I’m going to put all those muscles of yours to work. Tonight you’ll be too tired not to sleep.”

His dark eyes caught hers. “You knew I didn’t sleep last night?”

“Don’t be too impressed by my powers of observation. It doesn’t take a goddess to figure it out. You look

pretty rough this morning.”

“And I am usually so handsome,” he said dryly.

She gasped. “Do thбЂiv not tell me that you just made a joke!” Mikki’s laughter floated musically on the

breeze as the two of them made their way from the balcony. Neither noticed the women who peered

wide-eyed from the palace windows, watching them go.


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MIKADO hadn’t been exaggerating when she’d said she was going to put his muscles to work. Asterius had

never lifted so many baskets or dug so many holes in all the long centuries of his immortal life.

And he’d never been so happy.

He’d been working beside Mikado all day. She actively supervised, which meant she did not shy from even

the dirtiest of jobs. He could tell that the women of the realm were not pleased with the messy, tiring tasks she

had given them, but they were visibly pleased that their Empousa was right in the middle of the mess with

them. She worked twice as hard as they did; she seemed to be everywhere at once. And perhaps most

surprisingly, she was cheerful about the work. The High Priestess appeared to actually enjoy getting her hands

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