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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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Into the marble troughs that stretched from its base outward and all the way to the four corners of the

gardens. Nera had explained that the fountain carried water to all of the rose beds. Mikki had never imagined

such a beautiful irrigation system.

“The work proceeds well. Many of the women were smiling and laughing today,” Gii said.

“That’s just because rumor has it that I’m going to cast a spell to invite men into the realm.” But Mikki smiled

back at the Earth Elemental. The women had worked hard and done so with good attitudes, especially today.

She was keenly aware of it, because she had been struggling all morning with a decidedly surly attitude, which

she had gone to great pains to hide.

Damnit! Asterius had shown not one hoof or horn or hair all morning. True, she hadn’t called him. There

hadn’t been any reason for her to. Most of the heavy work had been finished the day before. Today the

women were focusing on deadheading and clearing out weak canes. Neither task required his brawn. But he

could have shown up to say good morning or check in or something—anything!

Logically, she understood that he believed she had thoroughly rejected him after he’d hurt and frightened her.

But the sad truth was that love and lust were not logical. She’d wanted to see him—expected to see him. And

she didn’t want to have to force him to come to her or even ask him to come to her. She wanted him to come

because he couldn’t stay away.

“Empousa, shall I dismiss the women, or would you rather they stayed while you cast the sacred circle and

Invoked the spells?” Gii said.

“Oh, sorry. Yes, dismiss the women. I don’t want an audience yet.” Mikki pulled her thoughts into line. “And

tell the other handmaidens that I want to do the magick work first. We can eat afterward.”

“Yes, Empousa.” The Earth Elemental hurried away.

Mikki frowned and chewed her lip. Instead of obsessing about Asterius, she should have been deciding

exactly what she was going to do for the garden spell. She sighed. The man-drawing spell was easier to figure

out—or at least she hoped she’d figured it out. For the other, she still had only half-formed ideas and

confused musings. Crap.

Much too soon the four Elementals were waving and calling to her from their places around the ever-burning

flame within Hecate’s Temple. Mikki hooked her hair back behind her ears and brushed at a smudge of dirt

on her violet-colored chiton. She’d been leery that morning when Gii had brought her the piece of beautiful

material, thinking it would be damn awkward to work until noon with one boob exposed, but Gii had laughed

and said that exposing her breast was only the ritual dress for rites during the dark of the moon. Otherwise, it

was enough that she simply wore the color of the SpiritmenБЂ† Elemental for spell casting. Well, that had

been a relief. Or at least it should have been a relief, but part of her mind whispered that she would love to

see Asterius’s reaction to her wearing the more seductive garb—that is, if he had bothered to come to see her

that morning.

Mikki climbed the steps and entered the goddess’s temple. Its beauty soothed her nerves. She straightened her

spine and walked with her chin up. She was High Priestess here, granted power by a great goddess. It was not

appropriate that she moon over a guy (or a beast) when she should be focusing on the work of an Empousa.

Mikki took her place in the center of the circle. She closed her eyes and cleared her mind, breathing deeply

and centering herself. Then she envisioned the threads of light she had seen the last time she’d cast the sacred

circle and how they had formed a boundary of magick and power, linking the four elements together. When

she felt ready, Mikki turned to the east and approached Aeras.

“Hello, Aeras.”

“Empousa.” The Wind Elemental fell into a deep, graceful curtsey.


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Calling the elements to the circle was easier this time, and Mikki worked her way deosil through Air, Fire,

Water, and Earth quickly and with much more confidence than she’d shown the first time. When she called

upon Spirit, the protective threads that encompassed the circle’s boundary were shining and clearly visible,

even in the bright midday light. Then Mikki drew another deep breath and took a moment to listen carefully

to her internal voice before she began the ritual.

“Hecate, Great Goddess of the Ebony Moon, I ask that you grant me the power and knowledge to call health

and protection to the Realm of the Rose.”

The spirit flame in front of her leaped in response, and she felt a sudden rush of energy within her body.

Following her instinct, she turned first to Floga.

“Floga, you are Flame, and I command that your element protect the realm. Each night when the sun sets I

want torches to blaze all along the rose wall, sending light into the darkness and causing that which would

hide in the shadows to look elsewhere for camouflage.”

Dancing flame licked the handmaiden’s body as she ritualistically replied, “This you ask of me; therefore, so

mote it be.”

Next, Mikki approached the Water Elemental. “Nera, you are Water. Your part in today’s spell will be health

and not protection. Every fourth sunrise I want soft rainwater to wash the gardens in a brief, refreshing

shower. It isn’t enough that the realm is irrigated; the roses need the touch of your element on their leaves to

keep them healthy.”

Nera’s pale blue chiton rippled around her body like waves lapping a shore. “This you ask of me; therefore,

so mote it be.”

Then Mikki stood between Gii and Aeras. She looked from one to the other as she addressed the personified

elements. “Gii, you are Earth. Aeras, you are Wind. I command that you join to nurture the health of the

roses. Gii, I want you to summon ladybugs from the forest.” Mikki paused, picturing the kind little red-andblack-

spotted insects in her mind. “And Aeras, I want you to call the wit="БЂ†nd to carry them into the

realm so they can find a new home here”—she smiled at the pretty Wind Elemental—“just like I have.”

Together, Gii and Aeras intoned, “This you ask of me; therefore, so mote it be.”

Then she returned to the place of Spirit and said, “I thank you, Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth—powers of the

elements—divine spirits of nature. With Hecate’s blessing, I asked that you always be present in this realm of

dreams and magick and beauty. So I ask of thee, and so mote it be.”

As she finished the spell she had a sense of completion, as if she had just cleared a rose bed of particularly

nasty weeds. One spell down, one to go . . .

This time she started with the Wind Elemental, just as she’d begun casting the sacred circle there. She’d

already thought about what she would ask of the elements, already planned out the words and practiced them

in her head that morning, so as she spoke her mind wandered . . .

“Aeras, I command that men be allowed within the realm again, but only by a woman’s invitation. If she

speaks the invitation aloud, carry the words on the wind to her lover and then let him come to her.”

Asterius . . . that’s the name I would call and the lover I would have the wind invite to me . . .

Mikki moved to the Fire Elemental. “Floga, your affinity is with flame. Use the heat of your element to ignite

the passion of any man who is desired by a woman of the Realm of the Rose. Let their passion burn as bright

and hot as fire.”

I know he wants me. He proved that last night. I wish Asterius would burn for me so much that he couldn’t

stay away—couldn’t let our differences separate us.

She stood before Nera. “Let your element ready our bodies for the sweet intrusion of accepting a lover. Hot

and wet and ready—that’s what I wish for each woman who desires a man in her bed, so each will experience

the physical thrill of the consummation of love.”

I want him in my bed. I want his body joined with mine, and I don’t want to be afraid of my desire for him


Almost without knowing how she got there, she found herself in front of Gii. “Earth is rich and wild, fertile

and lush. Let your element fill the senses of the lovers. Let them know the fullness of love that is as deep as

an ancient forest and as ripe as the sweetest fruit.”

Help me not to fear loving him so Asterius can finally know a love like this with me.


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Back at the Spirit flame, Mikki’s body felt flushed. Her nipples prickled against the soft fabric of her chiton,

aroused and ready.

“Hecate, I ask that through your power and the powers of the elements that this realm be a place of passion

and love, as well as peace and enchantment. So I ask of thee, and so mote it be.”

Mikki closed her eyes against the rush of liquid desire that slid through her body, and she had to bite her lip to

keep from moaning his nam a БЂ†e aloud.

Asterius . . .

She shouldn’t have been surprised at the speed with which the handmaidens made their excuses and drifted

off to their separate rooms. By this time Mikki knew that the women of the realm lived in the west wing of

the enormous palace, so far from her own room she could have gone ages without knowing they were there

had Gii not told her. Mikki smiled to herself as she walked dreamily up her balcony stair. She could definitely

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