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Goddess Summoning 4 - Goddess of the Rose.doc
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In the shadows, Hecate smiled and patted one of her great beasts on his dark head.


174 of 181 1/14/2009 9:43 PM




Goddess of Love



175 of 181 1/14/2009 9:43 PM

PEA felt a wash of relief, which was quickly followed by embarrassment when she heard the fire siren getting

closer. Crap crap crap! What a way to start Saturday morning.

“They’re almost here, Chlo-chlo-ba-bo!” she yelled up at the tree.

The pitiful whine that replied from the middle of the winter-bare branches squeezed at her heart, but Pea

shook her head sternly at the dog, refusing to give in to Chloe’s manipulation.

“Okay, look! How many times do I have to tell you? You. Are. Not. A. Cat.”

A black nose appeared from a top branch of the tree. Behind it Pea could see the glint of bright, intelligent

eyes staring down at her.

“Hrumph!” Chloe barked the strange, deep growl t aСЂ†sound she made when she was highly annoyed.

“Whatever! You can love cats. You cannot be one.”

Chloe had just hrumphed indignantly at her again when the fire engine glided to a smooth stop at the curb.

Pea sighed and gave Chloe one more glare. Then she started to walk toward the men who were climbing out

of the traditional shiny red fire truck. Instantly Chloe erupted in a pathetic chorus of whines and yaps.

Forgetting all about embarrassment and doggie manipulations, Pea rushed back to the tree.

“Chlo-chlo! It’s okay, baby girl. I’m right here.”

“Bring the ladder over here, Steve.” A deep male voice called from close behind her. “This is the tree.”

“Hurry!” Pea yelled without taking her eyes from the frightened dog. “She’s really scared, and if she falls

she’s definitely going to break something.”

“Ma’am, cats rarely hurt themselves when they jump from trees. The whole land-on-their-feet myth actually

has quite a bit of truth to it,” the voice over her shoulder said.

Chloe whined again.

“Hey, that’s not a cat.”

Pea turned to the fireman, an annoyed frown on her face. “I clearly told the dispatcher that my dog—” she

began, putting her fists on her waist and letting the worry she felt for Chloe shift over to irritation, but one

look at the man had her anger fizzling and her tongue stammering. She felt her cheeks flame with heat.

Quadruple crap! It was him. Griffin DeAngelo. The most gorgeous man she had ever seen. Ever. Even on TV.

He was also the guy she’d been crushing on for the entire past year—ever since she’d walked Chloe by his

house (which was just down the street from hers) and seen him mowing his yard. Without a shirt on. And here

he was. Standing in her front yard like he’d walked right out of one of her very graphic dreams.

Naturally he wasn’t looking at her standing there in her baggy sweat-pants and sweatshirted glory, and he

hadn’t noticed her sudden pathetic inability to speak. He was peering up at Chloe with a quizzical smile tilting

his delicious-looking lips.

“How in the hell did he get up in that tree?”

“She’s not a he, she’s a she. And she climbed,” Pea said.

“Oh, pardon my language, ma’am; I forgot you were there. I’m Griffin DeAngelo, captain of the Midtown

Station.” He tapped his helmet in an archaic and adorable gesture of a gentleman greeting a lady.

“I know!”

“You know?” He raised an eyebrow as if to punctuate his question.

“Yeah, you live down there.” Pea pointed down the block directly at his house. Like a stalker. “Remember,

we met at the fourth of July block party last fourth of July, and also at the summer weenie roast and again at

the pre-Christmas light hanging neighborhood meeting,” she babbled, sounding exactly like a stalker.

His beautiful forehead wrinkled in confusion. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I don’t remember.”

Of course he didn’t. No one remembered meeting her. “No problem, I’m um . . .” She paused as she stared up

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