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VI. Give the Russian equivalents of the following parts of sentences with Participle II.

Indirectly heated cathode; specifically targeted files; the data used is consistent; images drawn dates back to; is a collection of stored operational data; data used by all the application systems, files are replaced by organized collection; as seen , these engines; when heated, the polymer.

VII. Find the similarities and differences in the parts of sentences in bold. Give the Russian equivalents of the sentences.

1. The performed work showed good results. 2. Heated glass is plastic. 3. The received message said that the experiment had been completed. 4. They saw the broken tubes in the laboratory. 5. They saw overturned tables and chairs and pieces of broken glass all over the room. 6. An eavesdropper trying to intercept the key would be found out. 7. Most QKD systems are currently restricted to tightly controlled lab conditions. 8. The discovery mentioned remained unknown to the world for a long time. 9. The results received changed with material used. 10. When carried, the television channels transmitted better pictures.

Сравнение функций причастия I и герундия

Participle I






is/are xing


has been xing/have been xing

Часть простого сказуемого.

не употребляется

не употребляется

is/are xing

…есть делание

именная часть составного сказуемого

не употребляется

begins1 xing

(начинает) делать

часть составного глагольного сказуемого

The xing x

делающий (какой)

the x xing



а) of (about, for, in, at, xing)


б) the xing x

(для чего?) делания


а) после существительного

б) перед существительным

(When) xing

(While) xing



For xing

…for xing.

делания, придаточное предложение

Обстоятельство (всегда с предлогом)

не употребляется

xing is

Делание, делать


не употребляется

а) xing


б) of xing

о делании


а) без предлога

б) с предлогом

1После глаголов, выражающих начало, продолжительность или конец действия: начало, продолжительность или конец действия: ,continue, cease, start, etc.

Герундий может иметь перед собой

– предлог, e.g.: with

– притяжательное местоимение my (our, your, his, her, its, their) xing

– существительное в притяжательном падеже Toms xing

I. State the Gerund in the active/passive forms.

1ing, being 2ing, having 3ing, have 4ed, has been 5ing, having been 6ed, of 7ing, to have been 8ing, 9ing, having been 10ed, to 11, to 12ing, 13ed, have 14ing, having been 15ed.

II. Give the Russian equivalents of the following parts of sentences. Pay attention to the form of the Gerund in the active/passive forms.

1) to avoid making mistakes, 2) to deny not having done the work, 3) excuse my coming here so late, 4) to forgive his interfering, 5) to go on making a presentation, 6) to keep insisting on her continuing the project, 7) to stop conducting the research, 8) not to mind consulting an expert, 9) could not help trying again, 10) can not put off doing these calculations.