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XVII. Answer the questions below:

    1. What was the very first calculating device?

    2. What is the abacus?

    3. What is the modern slide rule?

    4. How did Newton and Leibnitz contribute to the problem of calculation?

    5. When did the first calculating machine appear?

    6. Whose ideas were the basis for building today's computers?

XVIII. Translate passage 2 into Russian.

XIX. Read the text. Define its subject. Computers Then and Now

1. The world first electronic computer was built at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946, although computer-like machine was built in the 19th century. Computers were sold commercially for the first time in the 1950s, and a lot of progress has been made since then. Computers are now much smaller and more powerful, and they can be bought much more cheaply.

2. Computers are used in many fields – in education, medicine, science, for example. They can be used to forecast the weather or to control robots which make cars. A lot of difficult calculations can be done very quickly on a computer.

3. A computer can’t think – it must be told exactly what to do. And they don’t make mistakes. Stories are heard sometimes about computers paying people much money or sending them bills for things they don’t buy. These mistakes are made by the programmers. Some years ago, a computer-controlled rocket belonging to the USA went out of control and had to be destroyed. The accident was caused by a small mistake in one line of the programme. This mistake cost the USA $ 18 million.

4. Progress is being made all the time. Today people know more about computers then they used to. And many believe we can look forward to the day when even our household jobs like cleaning will be done by computer-controlled robots.

XX. Say which of the statements below are true.

  1. Computers haven’t been changed since the mid of the 19th century.

  2. Different complicated tasks are solved by computers rapidly.

  3. In several years students will be taught by computer-controlled robots.

XXI. Translate passage 1 into Russian.

Predicates with modal verbs

Сказуемое с модальными1 глаголами

Значения модальных глаголов


мочь что-л. сделать

иметь возможность, уметь


иметь допускаемую возможность в силу объективных обстоятельств


быть должным что-л. сделать

в силу внутреннего убеждения


согласно правилам

1Модальные глаголы указывают на отношение к действию, поэтому обычно употребляются с другим глаголом, который обозначает действие и стоит в форме инфинитив.

I. Compare the modal verbs below. Explain their differences.

Can-may; can-could; can-might; may-might; may-could; must-may; should-can; must-should; could-should;can-must; might-could; should-may; must-might.

Сказуемое с модальными глаголами

II. Define the meaning of the predicates with modal verbs.

Can x; can be xed; could x; could be may x; may be xed; might x; might bemust x; must be xed; should x; can x; should becan bemay x; could be xed; may becould x; must bemight x; should be xed; must x; can be xed; could x; may bemust bemust x; might be xed; should x; may x; must be xed; can be xed; should be may be could be should x; might be xed; can be should be xed; can x; must be could be xed; might x; should be

III. Define the meaning of the predicates with modal verbs.

Can solve; could solve; can be solved; could be solved; may obtain; might obtain; may be obtained; might be obtained; must find; must be found; should take; should be taken; can hold; could hold; can be held; could be held; may build; may be built; must heat; must be heated; should improve; should be improved.

IV. In each pair of sentences below compare the predicates by form and meaning. Define their similarities and differences.

    1. 1. I can do research on semiconductors now. 2. Electrons can be removed by the application of a very high electric field.

    2. 1. You may use carbon steel in the construction of this building. 2. Electrons may be released from a gas in several different ways.

    3. 1. They could do research on copper alloys last term. 2. Electronics could be defined as the study of the motion of electrons in, or the interaction of electrons with, a field of force.

    4. 1. Alex must perform all the experiments according to the instructions. 2. Students must not be late for their classes.

    5. 1. First we should consider the arrangement of atoms in metals. 2. It should be kept in mind that the initial electrons may be supplied by any of the methods discussed above.