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X. Compare the compound conjunctions and adverbs by their form and meaning. Define the similarities and differences between them.

1. As long as this link is in place, the cell has a value of. 2. In order for the alternate reality to be effective, people must feel immersed in it, not merely as if they are viewing it on a screen. 3. As to the question of how a node detects a failure, there are a couple of different answers. 4. By the early 21st century, sending text messages was almost as popular as voice connections. 5. Applications programmers write commercial programs to be used by businesses and other organizations as well as in the home.6. This phenomenon was the result of several other factors as well. 7. The Checksum field is used in exactly the same way as for UDP. 8. As soon as the difference becomes too large, a new reference symbol is selected.

XI. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. Meanwhile, mobile communications became the growth driver in telecommunications as millions of people took up the use of portable phones.2. As more users sought broadband interconnections to enable shifting audio and video files, Internet service providers (ISPs) came under pressure to limit network access and transmission speeds so as to help keep communications moving. 3. Because ROM is actually a combination of hardware (microchips) and software (programs), it is often referred to as firmware. 4. The Internet flourished in the late 1980s as most universities and many businesses around the world came online. 5. Changes in a data transmission system often require costly upgrades to expand capacity as well as redesigned equipment. 6. As computers become an increasingly integral part of modern society, computer scientists strive to solve new problems and invent better methods of solving current problems.

Признаки распознавания функций и значений before

1 подчинительный coюз

before + придаточное предложение (C+CК) = до того, как; прежде, чем

Many experiments had been made before the scientist succeeded in getting the desired result.

2 предлог

before + существительное /местоимение/ герундий = до, перед

Each node waits a random time before sending again.

Before the advent of the browser the Internet was used mostly for e-mail exchange.

3 наречие

before . (конец предложения) = раньше, прежде

Wireless technology provided communication links that had never been possible before.

XII. Define the functions and meanings of the multifunctional word before. Name its features as a subordinating conjunction. Model these sentences.

1. Before the x the x xed as the x after the x.

2. Before the x xed the x at the x the x xed the x after the x.

3. They xed the x before the x.

4. That x of the x xed the x before it xed the x for the x.

XIII. Define the functions and the meanings of the multifunctional word before. Name its features as a subordinating conjunction of the complex sentence.

1. Before Tziolkovsky no one had ever considered interplanetary navigation to be within the compass of modern technical means. 2. More efficient laboratory techniques need to be developed, however, before DNA computing becomes practical. 3. Pirate radio stations had to use expensive equipment before on-line broadcasting was introduced. 4. In the field of medicine electronic diagnostic instruments have given physicians a much clearer view of the human body than ever before. 5. The increasing speed and power of mainframe computers enabled computer scientists and engineers to tackle problems that were never attempted before using computers. 6. People using Web browsers can access information that was never before available. 7. Before starting the new design, test the old design to identify the good parts that you should keep or emphasize and the bad parts that give users trouble. 8. With the small and effective transistor at their hands, electrical engineers of the 50s saw the possibilities of constructing far more advanced circuits than before.