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Сказуемое с глаголом be

Признаки распознавания функций и значений глагола be

VI. Compare points 3 and 4 of the table. Define their similarities and differences.

VII. Give the meaning of the following predicates. Use the verb «делать» in the appropriate form instead of «х».

Is; are; was xing; were; is are xed; were xing; areis xing; wasis xed; being is to x; are to x; was to x; was xed; was; were being xed; wereis; is xed; iswas; being was xed; was to x; are xing; is beingis xing; are to x; were to x; are xing; was to x; was xing; is xed; are beingare xed; were xing; wereare; were xed; arewere; is xing; is to x; was to x; was.

VIII. Give the Russian equivalents of the predicates below.

Is asked; was to ask; was asked; is to ask; is asking; are asking; are being asked; were asking; were to ask; are to ask; are asking; are being asked; were asked; were asking; were to ask; was asking; was to ask; was being asked; are to ask; are asked; are asking; is asked; is to ask; was asked; was asking; was to ask; is asking; is being asked; was to ask; are asked; were asking; were to ask; are asking; are to ask; were asking; were being asked.

IX. Define the function and meaning of the verb be.

1. Mathematics is of great importance for engineers. 2. Automation is being introduced on a wide scale in all branches of industry and agriculture as well as in medicine and everyday life. 3. In close cooperation with industrial workers our scientists and engineers are developing a lot of new types of electronic and cybernetic devices. 4. They are to become the basis for the solution of a great number of economic and scientific problems. 5. Various techniques are used to model data structure. 6. The results of the last experiment were very important for our further work. 7. The results of the last experiment were used to improve the reliability of the device.

X. Give the Russian equivalents of the sentences below.

1. Our task is to raise temperature. 2. A preliminary test of the system aided by a preloaded map was run last month. 3. This method, previously mentioned as affording good results, is being widely used. 4. The purpose of this catalyst is to accelerate the process of chemical reaction. 5. Thanks to computers we are processing information millions times quicker now. 6. The accuracy capabilities of these automatic machines are very high. 7. The experts are to take into account the results of the test. 8. Mankind was entering an age of high speeds, pressures and temperatures at the beginning of last century. 9. Metallurgists were to study a new class of alloys used in rocket engineering. 10. These particles are too small to be seen but experiments show that they do exist.

Сказуемое с глаголом do

Признаки распознавания функций и значений глагола do

XI. Compare points 2 and 3 of the table. Define their similarities and differences.

XII. Give the meaning of the following predicates. Use the verb «делать» in the appropriate form instead of «х».

Do; does; did; do x; does x; didn’t x; don’t x; doesn’t x; did x; do…x?; does…x?; did…x?; x…do; x…does; x…did; doesn’t x; do x; did…x?; didn’t x; x…did; don’t x; did x; do; do…x?; x…do; does…x?; did; does x; does; x…does; did…x?; x…did; doesn’t x; do x; does; don’t x; x…does; did x; do; did; do…x?; x…do; does…x?; does x; didn’t x.

XIII. Define the meaning of the predicates below.

Do; did; does; don’t ask; do ask; does ask; doesn’t ask; did ask; didn’t ask; do…ask?; does…ask?; did…ask?; ask…do; ask …did; ask…does; ask…does; do; did; do ask; does ask; didn’t ask; ask …did; did…ask?; doesn’t ask; did ask; do…ask?; does…ask?; does; don’t ask; ask…do; did…ask?; didn’t ask; does ask; ask …did; do ask; did ask; ask…does; ask…do; ; did; do…ask?; do; doesn’t ask; does…ask?; don’t ask.

XIV. Define the function and meaning of the verb do.

1. These systems do result in new materials having properties not previously available. 2. The electric motor does mechanical work. 3. Do you know how a four cycle diesel works? 4. There is a second approach to the problem that does provide a slight time saving. 5. The amount of the accomplished work does not depend on the time spent on lifting the weight. 6. What kind of methods did they suggest? 7. The ion does have a definite mobility that does not change with time.