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2 курс ФК, ЕП, УП Денне / ІІ курс денне Англійська мова / Англійська мова ІІ курс денне ФК Токун І.І. 2011.doc
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Домашнє завдання:

  1. Текст “SourcesofFederalrevenue” (с. 153) для самостійного опрацювання.

ПРАКТИЧНЕ Заняття №13

Тема 13. Усне монологічне і діалогічне мовлення професійно-спрямованого характеру: гроші і платежі

Мета заняття:удосконалювати навички аудіювання монологічного повідомлення професійно-спрямованого характеру; удосконалювати вміння письмового анотування прочитаного тексту.

Обладнання: навчальний посібник [1], магнітофон з аудіокасетою.

План заняття:

    1. Прослуховування монологічного повідомлення.

    2. Робота над текстом “What do you need to qualify for a student loan?”

    3. Складання анотації тексту “What do you need to qualify for a student loan?”

Методичні рекомендації до практичного заняття

1.1. Прослухайте текст Т3, намагаючись зрозуміти його якомога повніше і точніше. Придумайте доречний заголовок прослуханого повідомлення.

1.2. У поданих нижче реченнях виберіть завершення, які відповідають змісту прослуханого.

1. When preparing youself for a loan interview, you must _____.

a) charge fee for your services

b) open an individual lending business

c) have a nice and professional looking office space

d) have a good current relationshop with the bank

2. When preparing for a loan interview, you must ______.

a) be feeling anxoius and scared

b) earn profit on the interest rate

c) be ready to submit relevant papers and answer ceratin questions

d) focus on small market that offers money via check cashing

3. If applying for the business loan, it is desirable ______.

a) to take the risk

b) to affiliate with big projected companies or stable organization

c) to present a projected cash flow statements

d) to obtain proper licenses from the government

4. Being prepared for a loan interview means _______.

a) adding security for the lender

b) having social security card, a driver’s license and a proof of citizenship

c) knowing the proper documentation, having an idea of questions and having a good history with bank

d) having high rental income and planning to open an individual lending business.

1.3. Працюючи в парах, перевірте відповіді попереднього завдання.

2.1. Користуючись словником у разі необхідності, уважно прочитайте текст “Whatdoyouneedtoqualifyforastudentloan?”

What Do You Need to Qualify For a Student Loan?

With the rising costs of education always on the rise, it is very important for some students to have to take out student loans in order to get their education. There are things that the student must do in order to be able to qualify for student loans. Keep reading to gather some important information on how to do just that.

Federal student loans and grants require each student to fill out something called a FAFSA (A Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Colleges and universities everywhere require this to be filled out and submitted each year. It will give the financial aid offices their information to gather what they to determine what kinds of loans and grants you can get. You are going to have to make sure that you are attending at least half time to get the loans and the grants. You should make sure that check in on something called a Pell grant. It never has to be repaid, but is based on the amount of your income as to what you receive. It is kind of what is referred to as a need based loan. It comes in different amounts and can help you pay for your education along with the loans and other grants that you can receive.

The federal government is going to be determining whether or not any student is eligible for a grant. You will submit info on your income, savings, and other things as well. The amount of aid is going to be determined on the student and the family's incomes. If you cannot get any kind of loans through the government, you can apply for loans through private institutions such as credit unions and other banks.

You may also be able to qualify for a scholarship to go to school, which is some that never has to be repaid. Be sure to speak with your financial aid counselor to determine if you are eligible for any kind of loans through the government and if they can recommend any other places to get loans for your education.

2.2. Працюючи в парах, перекладіть текст “What do you need to qualify for a student loan?”на рідну мову.

3. Напишіть анотацію тексту “Whatdoyouneedtoqualifyforastudentloan?” (перевіряється викладачем у позааудиторний час)