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Exercise 8

Give antonyms to the bold words and translate the sentences.

  1. The stream was very shallow.

  2. Miss Carter seemed to be in good spirits.

  3. The diverse passengers in the plane were slow to obey.

  4. Things are going badly in this country.

  5. They have made life so difficult for us nowadays.

  6. It was a cold windy evening with occasional bursts of thin misty rain.

  7. The light was dim because the curtain were drawn to keep out the heat.

  8. He watched the strong, easy young figure, the fine eyebrows, the thick black hair.

  9. It was pleasant to discover that he was very glad to see me. He seemed in great spirits and extremely happy.

  10. Even the flowers looked dull in the kitchen.

  11. The nylon was dry, but the cotton dress was still damp and unpleasant.

  12. He was rich and good-natured.

  13. It was a hot afternoon, the first period after lunch, a time which Mor hated.

  14. My heart was beating light and fast and the mouth felt dry.

  15. The weather was dry and hot.

  16. He tried again and was more successful.

  17. There was a bodyguard here. Tall, fair-haired, handsome young men. They wore some kind of uniform.

  18. The room was full of the very bright and clear but shadowed light of a southern interior.

  19. She seemed unusually cheerful today.

  20. She was dressed as on the day before, in white frock and her shiny white boots with their high heels.

Neologisms exercise 1

Pick out neologisms from the given sentences, comment on the sphere of life they belong and translate the sentences.

  1. A splendid lay-by will be built in a year not far from our little village.

  2. Honestly speaking, it’s not very difficult for us to take care of our child but we want to have a baby-sitter.

  3. Is it possible for me to acquaint with this pin-up? I’m sure, I will be able to attract her attention.

  4. At last the necessary programme flashed on the computer’s screen and we could continue operating it.

  5. Nowadays many people like eating hamburgers and cheeseburgers but, as for me, I don’t think that they’re very good for our health.

  6. You can buy practically all kitchen utensils in the hardware shop which is situated not far from our house.

  7. The launch’s blast-off will take place at 10 o’clock in the morning sharp. It’ll be an exciting show.

  8. Sometimes my friend suffers from sea-sickness while travelling by ship but her last sea-trip was wonderful because ahe travelled by hovercraft.

  9. There are a lot of round-the-clock shops and markets in big cities.

  10. I don’t think that only lazy people adore setting up early and enjoying a lie-in.

Phraseology exercise 1

Translate the following sentences, pick out idioms, find Russian equivalents where possible.

  1. She was the life and soul of the party.

  2. Poor Norman knew no more about the stage than a babe unborn.

  3. When I heard Crawford talking about “trouble - makers”, that was the last straw.

  4. He’d be a fish out of water in England.

  5. After all, what’s eight thousand pounds? A drop in the ocean.

  6. As a rule I wasn’t touchy by nature, but Howard had a knack of getting under my skin.

  7. “In my young days”, said Brown, “our young ladies earned their living by winding wool, sewing and knitting.”

  8. You go and do good, I shan’t get in your way.

  9. They say you can’t keep a good man down, but it’s no use hanging a millstone round your neck.

  10. As soon as I did, I knew it was a false step.

  11. Don’t be a dog in the manger, Sheppey.

  12. I don’t want to be a laughing-stock in public. I suffer from Shyness and lack of communication.

  13. He wouldn’t lift a finger for any of us. I don’t know what you feel, but I shall be inclined to stick in my heels about him.

  14. “What about them? Why my father should want to merry again at his age” – “I can understand that,” said Philip. “After all, he had rather a raw deal in marriage.”

  15. He took me out to dinner the other night and I had a talk with him. We were speaking about books because reading is my cup of tea.

  16. Martin’s a dark horse. I should like to know what he wants for the college.

  17. “By the way, Staffy, who’s going to be your best man?”

  18. It was a miracle how he kept body and soul together.

  19. But, if I were you, I shouldn’t talk too much in public about your plans. People might think you were too ambitious.

  20. We keep in touch on the whole in most astonishing way.

  21. Well, to cut a long story short, Isabel asked her to come to the apartment one day at three so that they could go together for the final fitting.

  22. “Are you quite comfortable in that chair?” asked Larry. “As comfortable as I can be when my head’s giving me hell.” “Well, let yourself go quite slack. Take it easy.”

  23. You can’t let him play ducks and drakes with our money like that.

  24. Nothing that concerned me was at a stake.

  25. It was night still, but the stars were pale in the sky, and the day was at hand.

  26. “I’m sorry, but George isn’t able to come to lunch on Wednesday.” “What about Friday?” “Friday’s no good either. I thought it useless to beat about the bush. The fact is, his people aren’t keen on his lunching with you.”

  27. He said he’d give me board and lodgings.