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Exercise 3

Translate the following sentences paying attention to the verbs in bold types. Point out their different meaning.

  1. He continued to ask about my affairs from where we left off on the night of the examination.

  2. She said she would better ask Major Brutt to dinner with us.

  3. Katherine answered questions before I had asked them, as she saw my eyes looking curiously round the room.

  4. Her hair, simply done, was of a sandy brown.

  5. He looked as though for many years he had done himself too well.

  6. From all the reading I had done… I knew you didn’t do anything if you stayed in a rut.

  7. I’ll go and see them in the morning and get the details.

  8. I might have got a job when I got to London.

  9. Tom got us sitting in the armchairs on opposite sides of the fire, ordered drinks, dumped himself on the sofa between us.

  10. He took the mugs down to the bank and washed them in the river.

  11. “I expect I can take it that your father is right,” said Philip.

  12. Her face took a tender look.

  13. But I don’t intend to take advantage of you, my dear Eliot.

  14. He argued that man has come to have skill in handling animals.

  15. “Well, you have come a way,” he said. “I do feel so flattered, darling.” “I came in a taxi.”

  16. The work didn’t break me, it was the only thing which made me stronger in many ways…

  17. The noise broke into him, sunk him down to reality like cold water entering a ship.

  18. Cheer up, we all have our little troubles, I’m sure you didn’t mean to break that thermometer.

  19. “It could turn to pneumonia” the doctor said. “But fortunately you followed all my directions and recovered.”

  20. I turned and recognized the first obstacle in my professional path.

Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms exercise 1

Translate the following sentences and point out homonyms.

  1. She complained to Thomas that Eddie tried her more than she could bear.

  2. They put at the last minute a white rug by the bed, for the girl’s bare feet.

  3. Beside the criss-cross diagonal iron bridge, three poplars stood up like frozen brooms.

  4. He played golf, tennis, bridge, ran the Boy Scouts and sat on several committees.

  5. Go right ahead. But leave me my fair share or else all is over between us.

  6. The tips of Anna’s long fair hair brushed on the page.

  7. If that was the only untruth, the accused would not now be in the dock.

  8. We had only talked to one another a few times, when we happened to be eating dinners at the Inn on the same night.

  9. Look here, would it be a bore for you if we had tea somewhere?

  10. The picture of those early nights, which remained in my memory bore no reference to the dinners and shows much as I gloated in them.

  11. Her eyes had the wild stare seen only in animals which turn at bay, and nervously exhausted women.

  12. She was a dark bay, with long tail and mane.

  13. Vasco da Gama, on one of his voyages, put in at the island between the North Arm and the leg, at a point which was now called Vasco da Gama’s Bay.

  14. In my opinion it will be a very long tennis match. Many well-known players will participate in it.

  15. Nick struck a match and I stuck my key to the door lock without efforts.

  16. Remember this is the last shot you’ve got, if you don’t mind me speaking frankly.

  17. He felt pretty flat in London and always shot home again.