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Exercise 5

Give synonyms to the words in bold type and translate the sentences.

  1. He tried to make his legs go quicker that they could.

  2. I have been abroad for some years on account of ill health.

  3. It was astonishing how amusing life could be if you exercised a little ingenuity.

  4. He leaned forward on the high desk, one elbow supporting his forehead.

  5. They had always been very alike, he and Pamela. A strong family resemblance.

  6. This was better than the boring conferences of his political life.

  7. The expression of his face was definitely gloomy.

  8. You’re not angry with me, Mor?

  9. Mor saw a very short youthful-looking girl with boyishly cut dark hair and darkly rosy cheeks.

  10. Mor ran after her and closed the door behind him.

  11. I want to be quite frank with you.

  12. He returned to his lodging, where Piero was waiting for him.

  13. There were dinosaurs. These creatures were so stupid that if you kicked them in the tail they wouldn’t feet it until next Thursday.

  14. He proposed to Monna Caterina that he should install her and her daughter on a handsome allowance in one of his villas outside India.

  15. He’s been sweet to his father.

  16. She must in her youth have been very handsome.

  17. Once her plan had become clear she started at once to put it into execution.

  18. I asked him how he was getting on with the piano. He seemed to be satisfied with his progress and I begged him to play to me.

  19. He’ll cast you aside like an old shoe.

  20. The building consisted of four tall redbrick blocks.

Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks with the right words and explain your choice:

flash, glitter, twinkle, flicker

1.There were a lot of skaters on the … ice of the bank. 2. The lightning … and

the candle. 4. There was no moon, the stars were … . 5. She was dressed in her tweed overcoat, upon which snow … here and there. 6. The spires of the city … a little in the light as if faintly visible stars had alighted upon them. 7. He struck a match and held it up; his head trembled and the … light went out. 8. He sped past a shrubbery, a lighted window … somewhere. .

dim, vague, obscure

1. I can’t say I know the play well, I have rather a … idea about it. 2. In the … light of an oil-lamp the contours of the things seemed … . 3. “His verses lack clarity.” – “Yes, they are quite … .” 4. It happened such a long time ago, my recollections of the events are rather … . 5. Muriel felt a … uneasiness, but she had seen her father in such moods before. 6. Pattie was born in an … and nice town in the centre of South-East England on the North sea coast.

Eye, stare, gaze, glare, glance

1. Soames fixed his … on Bossiney’s tie, which was far from being in the perpendicular. 2. If Cleopatra herself in full regalia had been standing there, Mr. Smeeth could not have … at her in greater astonishment. 3. One … was enough to understand the situation. 4. … at him, she was reminding of the heroes of old. 5. The child … the stranger with suspicion and fear. 6. “I don’t care a damn what he said,” cried Goath aggressively, … round at them all. 7. All the women sat up and … at him with adoration. 8. “Any more of that impudence from you,” Mr. Smeeth shouted at her, … . 9. After a brief … he ignored the stranger or pretended to.


Translate the following sentences and pick out antonyms.

  1. “Is he fair or dark?” – “Neither.” “Is he tall or short?” – “Average, I should say.” “Are you trying to irritate me?” “No, he’s just ordinary. He is neither plain nor good-looking.”

  2. I’m telling you the truth. Why should I tell you a lie?

  3. Fact is, I can’t quite believe it’s all true till I see it in black and white.

  4. He’d wander up and down the canals with the pale rushes on each side of him and only the blue sky above.

  5. Young man who objects to hard work and who would like an easy life would be glad to undertake a job that would suit him.

  6. But we are not mad. We are sane.

  7. Following the fashion of the day her hair naturally dark, was dyed very fair.

  8. He was a tall stooping man of about fifty, with a thin lined face and a thick grey moustache.

  9. She’d never take drugs herself – she’s strong. But drugs destroy weak people more easily and naturally than anything else.

  10. Her soul which was black as night, is now pure and white like the new-fallen snow.

  11. To her, men were good or bad.

  12. He opened his mouth again, closed it, turned away into the wood.

  13. Nan’s face was bright and dark by turns as she roamed to and fro.

  14. She felt calm and steady, not excited any more.

  15. Even on the calmest day the sea was never still around the lighthouse; it was rough.

  16. “It wasn’t an awful party,” said Maria. “It was a wonderful party.”

  17. “Heavens, it’s hot,” she said. “I simply must have a swim to get cool.”

  18. She was always cool when other people were hot, wearing a long chiffon scarf round her shoulders.

  19. “So much love is bad,” said Truda. “It’s bad one way as too little is the other.”

  20. You’re giving her too much responsibility. You’re trying to put an old head on young shoulders.