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Affixation. Prefixation and suffixation exercise 1

Translate the following sentences, pick out prefixed words and comment on the meaning of prefixes.

  1. We agreed that there would have to be a pre-election meeting, but we saw no reason why there should be more than one.

  2. He had done a little unpacking last night.

  3. “My sister is right, one should always look for the good in their fellowmen.” “I am afraid I misjudged you in the past. I beg you pardon.”

  4. I had got used to his excessive apologies and his overcordial greetings.

  5. Michie was a moustached ex-service student who had commanded a tank troop at Anzio.

  6. In all big cities there are self-contained groups that exist without intercommunication.

  7. Elliot’s face bore a look of frigid disapproval.

  8. He was silent while he knocked the ashes out of his pipe and refilled it.

  9. If there was fog in London, he supposed they would reroute the plane to Prestwick.

  10. As she talked to Mama, describing the events of her journey, she displayed strong, discoloured teeth.

  11. He saw in this over-acting a kind of bluffing, which made him like Anna, who he liked much more.

  12. They might have been the same middle-aged women in mourning who sat on the free benches and gossiped with one another about the price of food and misdeeds of servants.

  13. Bon’s admiration for his friend was another thing which irritated Mor. It was so totally non-rational.

  14. Unfortunately I feel utter disrespect for this young lady because she is a very insolent person by nature. She has a great opinion of herself.

  15. The ex-presedent of the country was deprived of all his rights. He was exiled out of the country.

  16. My dear, your independence gets on our nerves. I’d like to stop demonstrating its in public.

  17. At last I put through two telephone calls: one to the kitchens, to say that I should not dine that evening; the other to my secretary , asking her to rewrite several documents.

  18. The red roofs of the houses stood out against the background of the white trees. It created the atmosphere of mystery and misunderstanding in winter evening.

  19. I recalled his high spirits, his vitality, his confidence in the future, and his interests.

  20. He muttered to himself and there can be little doubt that his mutterings were disrespectful.

Exercise 2

Translate the following sentences; pick out derivatives; comment on the meaning of the suffixes.

  1. He is the idealist, he’s the dreamer of a beautiful dream and even if the dream doesn’t come true, it’s rather to have dreamt it.

  2. He got up and went into the kitchenette.

  3. His manner was boyish.

  4. They liked his picturesque appearance, his good manners, and his quiet ironic humour.

  5. He treated Isabel with the same comradely affectionateness with which he had always treated her.

  6. Her large thin mouth broke into a dry smile and her eyes shone brightly.

  7. The house in fact was so well furnished in the middle of the XIX century that it stands unaltered to this day and is still quite presentable.

  8. In that merciless bright light, his face looks fattish and somewhat sadden.

  9. “How far exactly is the distance?” “Seventeen miles, sir, roughish road but not too bad.”

  10. Isabel was a talkative girl, with an ample fund of chit-chat.

  11. She is in a sense my protectress.

  12. She realized that it was profitless to scold Skeffington.

  13. “Have you heard that it’s a piece of unforgivable injustice.” “She demanded.”

  14. He was the last man to play about with servant girls. What a disgraceful thing to do!

  15. The waiter came and he ordered an orangeade.

  16. He was still unwilling to accept such painters as Picasso – “horrors, my dear fellow, horrors.”

  17. Someone sat down beside him on the plastic-covered artificial leather settle on which he was sitting.

  18. Of course, you are not irresponsible man.

  19. She gave me a sidelong glance and there was a rougish twinkle in her eyes.

  20. A dramatization of the work was made , which ran for a season in New York…