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Базовый курс 2.doc
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4. Match the halves of the sentences:

1. There are six faculties and more than 40 departments

a) to the amount of 700-800 thousands euro.

2. The history of Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov

b) is called machine code.

3. The university teachers and students make annual scientific investigations

c) which appeared in the structure of Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov

4. A desktop is not designed

d) is a problem oriented programming language.

5. The only language computers can understand directly

e) which are called pixels.

6. A higher-level language

f) goes back to July, 1930.

7. The picture and the characters we see on the screen are made up of picture elements

g) to be portable.

5. Find an English equivalent to the Russian word:

  1. факультет

a) factor

b) faculty

c) factory

  1. выпускник

a) graduate

b) graduation

c) gradient

  1. общежитие

a) hotel

b) hostel

c) hospital

  1. эффективный

a) efficient

b) efficiency

c) efficiently

  1. устройство

a) derive

b) device

c) demand

6) переносной

a) parable

b) portable

c) potential

7) современный

a) upgrade

b) up-to-date

c) upfront

8) образование

a) edition;

b) edification;

c) education

  1. Choose one variant to answer:

  1. Who is the head of university?

    1. dean;

    2. rector;

    3. director;

    4. manager.

  1. How many terms are in the academic year?

    1. one;

    2. two;

    3. three;

    4. four.

  1. What anniversary did the MSUPA celebrate in 2010?

    1. the 50th;

    2. the 60th;

    3. the 70th;

    4. the 80th.

  1. Find the definition of a distance education system:

    1. It is a special type of stencil printing;

    2. It is a computer system of learning helps working professionals to continue their education while remaining at their jobs;

    3. It is the process of printing where the printing elements of the plate are raised above the nonprinting elements;

    4. It is the system of primary education.

5) What is a computer mouse?

  1. a type of small animal that has long front teeth;

  2. an input device;

  3. traditional system;

  4. printing element.

6) What is the Internet?

a) complicated method of printing;

b) a magnificent global network with millions of people and computers connected together;

c) new, efficient ways of producing printed media;

d) expensive printing technology.

7) What is pixel?

  1. The smallest unit of an image on a computer screen;

  2. The technology that prints with the printing plate;

  3. An output computer device;

  4. A computer programme.

8) Who founded the first university in Russia?

a) Peter the Great;

b) Ivan Fedorov;

c) Michael Lomonosov;

d) Ivan the Terrible.