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Переведите на английский язык:

1. Иванов и Петров — студенты. Это их книги. Каждый день они берут их па свой английский урок. Тексты книг длинные. Студенты не переводят их с английского языка на русский. Они их только читают.

2. — Как вы поживаете, Петр? Рад вас видеть. — Спасибо. Хорошо. — А как поживает ваша жена? Я ее не вижу сейчас в министерстве. — Она сейчас дома. Она не совсем хорошо себя чувствует.

'3. — Ваши инженеры каждый день отвечают на письма и телексы? —Да. — Они переводят их на русский язык? — Нет. Мы знаем английский язык и обычно не переводим письма и телексы с английского на русский язык.

4. Мой друг часто приходит ко мне в воскресенье, и мы говорим о на­шей работе.

12. Прослушайте и перескажите тексты:

My friends and I are students now. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday we go to our English lessons. At 8 o'clock in the morning we are already in our class­room and the lesson begins. The teacher usually asks us questions. We usually know the words of our lessons and answer the teacher's questions well. At our English lessons we speak only English. After the lesson we go to our office. We begin our work at 10 o'clock. At the office we read and write letters, telexes and telegrams. After 5 we go home or to the club to see a film. When the day is nice, we go to the park.

a class-room классная комната

a telegram телеграмма

a club клуб

a film [ фильм

My wife's name is Helen. She is an economist. She works at our Ministry. Every morning we go to the Ministry together. We usually come to our office at 9 o'clock and begin to work.

My wife knows German well. She often gets letters from Germany. She reads them and answers them. Now my wife learns French. She goes to her French lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday after work.

I also know French. We often speak French at home. My wife tells me about her lessons and her teacher and I tell her about my friends and work.

Sometimes we read French books and magazines together.

together вместе

to get получать

a magazine журнал

13. Темы для беседы:

1. My work. 2. Our English lesson. 3. My family. 4. My friend.

to be

I. Напишите следующие предложения во всех лицах и прочитайте их:

  1. I was at the lesson yesterday. 2. I was not at the office at 10 o'clock. 3. I wasn't well yesterday. 4. Where were you last Saturday? 5. Were you a student in 19...?

  2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель­ную форму:

1. My son was a pupil last year. 2.1 was in Omsk two weeks ago. 3. His friends were at our factory yesterday. 4. My daughter was at the nursery-school last Tuesday. 5. Wednesday was his day off last week. 6. Our engineers were in Volgograd last week. 7. We were happy to see them yesterday.

III. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be в прошед­шем времени:

1. Our engineers (was, were) at the factory yesterday. 2. When (was, were) you a student? 3. Our children (was, were) not at school yesterday. It (was, were) Sunday. 4. Who (was, were) your English teacher at school? — Mr. Sedov (was, were). 5. My friends (was, were) in Omsk three years ago. 6. Where (was, were) Mr. Petrov at 9 o'clock yesterday? 7. My friend (was, were) not at his office last week. He (was, were) not well. 8. Who (was, were) at the lesson yesterday? They (was, were).